
Terms for subject Plastics containing square | all forms | exact matches only
pound per square inch absolute绝对磅每平方英寸
pound per square inch gauge磅每平方英寸表压
pound per square inch psig磅每平方英寸表压
pound per square psi磅每平方英寸
pounds per square inch磅每平方英寸
pounds per square inch gauge磅每平方英寸表压
psi-pounds pet square inch磅/英寸²
root-mean-square strain均方根应变
root-mean-square stress均方根应力
square bottom bag方形底袋
square box mold正方箱式模具
square box mold方箱式模具
square box mould正方箱式模具
square box mould方箱式模具
square butt type of joint工型对接〈塑料焊接〉
square butt type of joint平头对接
square butt weld平头对接焊
square cm²平方厘米
square edge平面焊口
square gate正方断面浇口
square runner正方断面流道
square toothed scarf joint齿形嵌接
square toothed scarf joint榫槽多次胶接件
square-type expansion joint矩形补偿节
square-type expansion piece矩形补偿节
tee joint with square butt weld TT形平头对接焊