
Terms for subject Agriculture containing spraying | all forms | exact matches only
aerial spraying and dusting飞机喷雾粉
aerial spraying marker飞机喷雾信号员
aerial spraying marker飞机喷雾标志
aero spraying空中喷雾
aeroplane spraying飞机喷雾
air injection spraying气体喷雾
airless spraying无气喷雾
auto spraying car自动喷洒车
band spraying带式喷洒
band spraying带式喷雾
best possible spraying有效喷雾
brine spraying盐溶液喷雾
brine spraying盐水喷雾
broadcast spraying宽幅喷雾
broadcast spraying宽幅喷射
charring and spraying treatment炭化喷涂处理木材防腐
concentrated spraying浓溶液喷射
contact spraying触杀剂喷射
continuous blanket spraying连续喷雾
continuous blanket spraying全面喷射
crop spraying boom作物喷杆
dormant spraying休眠期喷药
double-sided spraying两面喷雾
effective spraying有效喷雾
fine droplet spraying弥雾
fine droplet spraying细滴喷雾
first spraying第一次喷药
fruit spraying果树喷射
grow-regulators spraying生长调节素 喷射
gun spraying喷枪喷射
high pressure spraying高压喷射
high-pressure spraying高压喷雾
high-speed spraying高速喷雾
high-volume spraying高容量喷药
high-volume spraying高容量喷射
irrigation by spraying喷灌
last spraying最后喷药
late-summer spraying夏末喷射
livestock house cooling by spraying and sprinkling畜舍喷淋降温
low gallonage spraying低容量喷雾
low volume spraying低容量喷雾
lower spraying低喷射
lower spraying低[距离]喷药
lowpressure spraying低压喷药
lowpressure spraying低压喷雾
mist spraying弥雾
mist spraying喷雾
mulch spraying覆盖喷射
mulch spraying覆盖喷雾
orange wax-spraying machine柑橘喷蜡机
overhead spraying顶部喷雾
pneumatic spraying machine气动式喷雾机
post-spraying defoliation喷药后落叶
post-emergence spraying出苗后喷雾
pre-emergence spraying出苗前喷药
preplanting spraying播前喷射
rough spraying粗放喷雾
single-sided spraying单面喷雾
small-drop spraying弥雾
small-drop spraying细滴喷雾
spraying after flowering花后喷药
spraying and dusting equipment病虫害防除机具
spraying and dusting equipment喷雾喷粉机具
spraying before flowering花前喷药
spraying boom喷杆
spraying equipment药械
spraying fluid喷射用药液
spraying fluid喷射液
spraying fungicide喷射用杀菌剂
spraying irrigation喷灌
spraying irrigation喷水灌溉
spraying nozzle喷雾喷头
spraying of chemicals喷药
spraying of chemicals药剂喷射
spraying of fertilizer叶面喷肥
spraying of fertilizer叶面施肥
spraying range喷射距离
spraying range喷射范围
spraying residue喷雾残留
spraying solution喷射溶液
spraying swath喷雾器喷幅
spraying to soil surface土面喷射指土壤处理
spraying width喷幅宽度
spring spraying春季喷药
time of spraying喷药期
ultralow volume spraying微量喷药
ultralow volume spraying超低容量喷药
ULV spraying超低容量喷药
underleaf spraying叶背喷雾
uniform spraying喷射均匀
water spraying水雾化
wheat spraying小麦喷药
winter spraying冬季喷药