
Terms for subject Securities containing sources | all forms | exact matches only
analysis of source and application of fund资金来源和使用分析
analysis statement of source and application of fund资金来源与运用报表分析
biased sources偏见的来源
biased sources偏见的根源
circulation funds source流动资本来源
dividend with a source in China来源于中国的股利
enterprise fixed funds source企业固定资金来源
enterprise funds source企业资金来源
financial source财源
financial source资金来源
foreign source stock option profits外国股票期权利润
fund source account资金来源账户
fund source established through reviewing physical assets清产核资
funding source筹资渠道
funds secured from external sources从外筹借资金
information sources信息来源
international funding sources国际资金来源
international funding sources国际资本来源
key information from outside sources外部来源重要信息
liabilities and sources of funds债务及资金来源
new sources of economic growth新经济增长点
raising funds from targeted sources定向筹款
raising funds from targeted sources定向募集资金
reporting stockholder's equity by sources按来源报告股东的股权
revenue from own sources自身财源收人
source code源头指令码
source code原始指令码
source document原文件
source of additional revenue额外收人来源
source of finance融资来源
source of income收人来源
source of investor information投资者信息来源
source of strength doctrine财力之源论联邦储备银行政策之一,即必要时提供财政支持,以避免其控股银行的破产
sources and applications of fund statement资金报表的来源和使用
sources of hedge fund对冲基金的来源
tap new sources of economic growth培育新的经济增长点
withholding tax at the source从源头扣缴税