
Terms for subject China containing sources | all forms | exact matches only
alternative energy sources替代能源
conscientiously accept oversight by people's congresses and other sources自觉接受人大监督和各方面的监督
disused radioactive sources废旧放射源
drinking water source reserve饮用水水源保护区
evidence and the source thereof证据和证据来源
hazardous sources危险源
missing of radioactive sources放射源丢失
opinions from a wide range of sources were solicited广泛听取意见
reliable source of funds可靠资金来源
renewable energy sources可再生能源
source of evidence证据来源
source of funds经费来源
source of the assets资产来源
sources of secondary disasters次生灾害源
standards and sources标准和来源
substantial hazardous sources重大危险源
with the sources clearly indicated表明出处
withheld at source源泉扣缴