
Terms for subject Water resources containing sources | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural nonpoint source农业非点污染源
agricultural nonpoint source pollution农业非点源污染
agricultural nonpoint source pollution control农业非点源污染控制
agricultural nonpoint source pollution model农业非点源污染模型
agricultural nonpoint source pollution simulation农业非点源污染模拟
agricultural non-point source water quality model农业非点源水质模型
agricultural pollution source农业污染源
anthropogenic nonpoint pollution source of water body水体人为非点污染源
anthropogenic pollution source人为污染源
anthropogenic source of pollution人为污染源
anthropogenic sources人为污染源
area equipped for full control irrigation by other sources配备完全用其他水源控制灌溉的面积
area irrigated by mixed and other sources of water as % of area equipped for full control irrigation混合及其他水资源灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比
area source pollution characteristics面源污染特征
area source survey面污染源调查
areas of nonpoint source pollution control非点遐污染控制区
assessment model of water body pollution source水体污染源评价模型
better assessment science in integrating point and nonpoint sources USEPA综合点污染源和非点污染源最佳评价技术美国环境保护局
biological source of pollution生物污染源
chronic source持久性污染源
computing loading estimates from nonpoint sources非点污染源负荷估算
contaminant source release histories污染源排放史
contamination source污染源
continuous point source连续点污染源
continuous pollutant source连续污染源
control of point source点污染源控制
control of pollution source污染源控制
conventional point sources点污染源
conventional point sources常规
critical source临界污染源
critical source area临界污染源区
deterministic assessment of agricultural nonpoint source pollution确定性农业非点源污染评估
diffuse sources扩散污染源
diffused sources of pollution扩散污染源
diffusion source of water pollution扩散水污染源
discharge source排污源
discharge source of wastewater排污源
distributed sources of pollution分布污染源
domestic source of water pollution水污染生活源
domestic sources生活污染源
emission source sampling排污源采样
extracellular carbon source胞外碳源
generalization of pollution source污染源概括
groundwater contaminant source地下水污染源
identification of contaminant source location污染源位置识别
individual source control measures单个污染源控制措施
individual sources单个污染源
industrial source of water pollution水污染工业源
inorganic nitrogen source无机氮源
ionic sources离子源
land-based pollution sources陆源性污染源
loading source负荷污染源
local groundwater source区域地下水水源
location of point source discharger点污染源排污装置位置
low emission source低污染排放源
low temperature low turbidity source water低温低浊源水
main pollution sources主污染源
management measure of water body pollution source水体污染源管理措施
management of pollution source污染源管理
management of urban nonpoint source pollution model城市菲点源污染管理模型
management of water body pollution source水体污染源管理
man-made source人为污染源
man-made source of water pollution水污染人为源
micro-polluted source微污染水源
microwave-powered plasma light source微波动力等离子体光源
model of nonpoint source simulation非点污染源模拟模型
moving urban pollution source移动性城市污染源
multiple point source多点污染源
multiple source多点污染源
multiple source复合污染源
municipal drinking water sources城市饮用水源
natural source自然污染源
natural source of water pollution水污染自然源
natural source waters自然污染源水域
non-conventional sources of water非传统水资源
non-manmade pollution source非人为污染源
non-manmade source非人为污染源
nonpoint agriculture pollution source非点农业污染源
nonpoint source非点污染源
nonpoint source assessment点污染源评估
nonpoint source contamination非点源污染
nonpoint source control非点污染源控制
nonpoint source discharge非点污染源排放
nonpoint source groundwater contamination非点污染源地下水污染
nonpoint source inputs as conservative非点污染源恒定输入
nonpoint source inputs as nonconservative非点污染源非恒定输人
nonpoint source load非点污染源负荷
nonpoint source of pollution非点污染源
nonpoint source of urban pollution城市污染非点源
nonpoint source pollutant非点源污染物
nonpoint source pollutant output非点源污染物输出
nonpoint source pollutant residence time非点源污染物滞留时间
nonpoint source pollutant transport modeling非点源污染物输移模拟
nonpoint source pollution control非点源污染控制
nonpoint source pollution control strategy非点源污染控制对策
nonpoint source pollution model非点源污染模型
nonpoint source pollution model of water body水体非点源污染模型
nonpoint source pollution potential潜在非点源污染
nonpoint source pollution potential点源污染势
nonpoint source pollution risk assessment非点源污染风险评估
nonpoint source simulation model非点污染源模拟模型
nonpoint source survey非点污染源调查
nonpoint source water pollution非点污染源水污染
nonpoint source water quality and quantity modeling非点污染源水质水量模拟
non-urban pollution source非城市污染源
non-urban source非城市污染源
pathogen sources病原体污染源
pharmaceutic source药物污染源
point source outfalls点污染源排污口
point sources control点污染源控制
pollutant source criteria污染源基准
pollution load of non-point source非点源污染负荷
pollution source assessment model of river河流污染源评价模型
pollution source survey污染源调查
potential contaminant sources潜在污染源
potential pollutant sources潜在污染源
potential pollution sources潜在污染源
potential source潜在污染源
potential source of pollutant潜在污染源
potential sources of contamination潜在污染源
predicted nonpoint source risk预测非点污染源风险
quantity of flow of nonpoint source pollutant非点源污染流量
regional pollution source区域污染源
regional source quantification区域污染源量化
regional source quantification assessment区域污染源量化评价
release histories of contaminant source污染源排放史
safe drinking water source安全饮用水水源
safe sources安全水源
sanitary protection of water source水源环境卫生防护
sanitary source of pollution生活污染源
single source单点污染源
slightly polluted source water微污染水源汞
soil pollutant source土壤污染源
source assessment sampling system USEPA污染源评价抽样系统美国环境保护局
source of chemical contaminants化学污染物源
source of groundwater contamination地下水污染源
source of groundwater pollution地下水污染源
source of man-made pollutant人为污染源
source of nonpoint pollutant非点污染源
source of wastewater污水源
source of wastewater contaminants废水污染源
source of water pollutant水污染源
source of water quality水质水源
source release histories污染源排放史
source types污染源类型
sources of contaminants污染源
sources of fecal coliform粪大肠杆菌源
sources of fecal coliform bacteria粪大肠杆菌源
sources of ground-water pollution地下水污染源
sources of pollutant污染源
surface water source地表水水源
sustainable source of water supply可持续供水水源
thermal source of water body水体热源
urban area pollution source市区污染源
useable sources of drinking water可饮用水水源
waste sources污水源
water source protection zone水源保护区