
Terms for subject Agriculture containing small | all forms | exact matches only
close planting with small plant小株密植
cotton small leaf virus棉小叶狭化病毒
development of medium and small enterprises中小企业发展
diameter at small end梢端直径
diameter at small end小头直径
enhanced small device增强型小设备
individual small-scale farming个体小农业
keeping of small animals小家畜饲养
keeping of small animals小动物饲养
medium and small sized enterprises中小企业
Our product is the perfect solution for your multilocation and small excavation needs. The towable mini-excavator produces 6, 600 pounds of digging force我们的产品是您多地点、小面积挖掘需求的理想选择,可拖型小型挖掘机能产生6600磅挖掘力
planting beans in small holes in the soil点豆
planting beans in small holes in the soil点播豆子
small alteration小变更
small alteration小改变
small amount小量
small and medium agricultural enterprise中小型农业企业
small angle X-ray diffraction小角度 X 线衍射
small barrel sprayer小桶型喷雾器
small beak小喙 (rostellum)
small beak蕊喙
small beaker小烧杯
small berry小浆果
small bindweed野旋花
small bindweed养麦蔓
small biological cycle生物小循环 (cyclus biologicus minus)
small black sclerotial disease小黑菌核病
small blocked soil小块状土壤
small brown sclerotial disease褐色小粒菌核病
small bulb小鳞茎
small butte小孤峰
small calorie小卡热量单位
small carpenter芦蜂
small channel微管 (canaliculus)
small channel油道
small cleft细裂缝 (rimula)
small clod小土块
small clod土坷垃
small cloth bag小布袋育种用
small cloudiness薄阴
small cloudiness小阴
small coloured kidney bean小花菜豆
small combed具小鸡冠状突起的 (cristatellus)
small crawler trencher小型履带式开沟机开沟器
small crested具小鸡冠状突起的 (cristatellus)
small cup杯状总苞 (scyphulus, cyathus)
small cytoplasmic RNA小胞质RNA (scRNA)
small dose小剂量
small-drop spraying弥雾
small-drop spraying细滴喷雾
small drum feeder轧花机小圆筒式清棉喂送器
small drupe小核果 (drupeola)
small-eared具小穗的 (microstachyus)
small egg小形卵{蚕}
small-end diameter梢头直径
small farmer小农场主
small flower小花 (flos minus)
small fraction小粒级{土壤}
small fragmentary vacuole小碎屑状液泡
small frequency小频率
small fringe缘毛 (fimbrilla)
small fringe小睫毛
small fruit浆果
small-fruit culture浆果果树栽培
small-fruit culture小果[果树]栽培
small-fruited小果的 (microcarpus)
small fruits浆果类果树
small garden自留地
small grain小颗粒
small grain小子粒
small grain breeding小[粒]谷类作物育种
small grain cereals小谷物
small grain cereals小粒谷类作物
small grain crops小[粒] 谷类作物
small grain crops小[粒]谷类作物
small grain growing小[粒]谷类作物栽培
small grain nursery planter小[粒]谷类作物育种圃播种机
small grain variety小粒品种
small grain variety小[粒]谷类作物品种
small grains小谷物
small grains小[粒] 谷类作物
small grains小粒谷类作物
small greenery小温室
small hatchet手斧
small hawk moth葡萄绿褐天蛾天蛾科
small hook倒刺毛 (glochis, hamulus)
small hook小牵引钩
small hook钩毛
small hop clover小忽布三叶草
small hop foil小忽布三叶草
small hydro - power station小型水电站
small hydro-power generation小水电
small incubator小型孵卵器
small integer小整数
small interrow tractor drill小型行间拖拉机机引条播机
small island屿
small island岛状[孤立]地带
small island小岛状物
small island小岛
small kernel variety小粒品种
small keyboard小键盘
small knot小节
small lamina小叶片
small leaved小叶的 (microphyllus, parvifolius)
small livestock farmer小规模畜牧生产者
small livestock farmer小规模牲畜饲养者
small lymphocyte小淋巴细胞
small-medium tractor小中型拖拉机
small model小模型
small model小型号
small notch细圆齿 (crenula)
small patches of land小地块
small pearl tapioca小粒球形木薯粉
small pendulum无连杆刈草机小摆锤
small petiole小叶柄 (petiolulus)
small petrol engine小型汽油发动机
small-pistilled小柱头的 (microstigmus)
small pit小窠 (areola)
small pit网隙
small pit organ鱼中的电感受器小窝器
small pit prop支柱材
small pitch pocket小脂囊
small plant close planting小株密植
small platform小平台
small platform小型台秤
small plot trial小区试验
small plough小犁
small plow小犁
small pole杆材
small pole forest杆材林
small pond for treating rice seed稻种消毒池
small pot盆栽用小试验盆
small power supply小电源
small-powered tractor小马力拖拉机
small prickle小皮刺 (aculeolus)
small prism小棱柱
small production小规模生产
small propagule小繁殖体
small propagule小幼芽
small property小地产
small property小型农场
small raceme小总状花序 (racemulus)
small round sclerotial disease小球菌核病
small round virus小圆病毒
small round-structured virus小圆结构病毒
small-scale dairy sector小规模乳品生产部门
small-scale distribution小规模分布
small‐scale farmer小规模养殖者
small‐scale farmer小农
small‐scale farmer耕种小块田地的农民
small-scale farming system小农制
small-scale operating system小型操作系统
small-scale preparation小量制备
small-scale preparation小规模制备
small scissors小剪子指杂交用
small sclerotinia rot小菌核病
small seeded coffee小粒种咖啡
small seeds小粒种{种子}
small seeds小粒种子
small shield小盾片 (pelta)
small short hemp plant夹棵麻
small sizeof flower小轮
small-size loop短循环
small-size loop小循环
small size pole小径干材
small speck or spot[小]斑点
small-spiked细穗的 (microstacchyus)
small squares小方材
small squares小方
small stalk幼茎 (cauliculus)
small-stalked具幼茎的 (cauliculatus)
small stature form of stock矮性砧
small stature form of stock矮化砧
small teats副乳头
small thermal power plant小型火力发电厂
small tongued具小舌的 (elachoglossus)
small town集镇
small tractor小马力拖拉机
small tube细孔道 (tubulus)
small urban town construction小城镇建设
small vacuolar volume小液泡体积
small vagina小叶鞘 (vaginula)
small valve小瓣 (vavula)
small vascular bundle小维管束
small white butterfly[小]菜粉蝶
small white kidney bean小白菜豆
speedup of the development of medium and small enterprises加速中小企业的发展
winter small grain variety冬小谷物品种