
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing slope | all forms | exact matches only
advance slope grouting预置集〔骨〕料横向压力灌浆
advance slope grouting斜向压力灌浆
advance slope method混凝土斜面浇灌法
advancing slope method衬砌灌注法隧、坑、地道混凝土衬层灌注法
adverse slope反向坡
angle of slope
artificial slope人工边坡
back slope回坡
bare cut slope新开挖的边坡
best slope最佳坡度
best slope最佳斜率
Bishop method of slope stability analysis毕肖普斜坡稳定性分析法
catalogue of slopes斜坡目錄
catalogue of slopes斜坡紀錄冊
catalogue of slopes香港斜坡记录
concrete slope paving混凝土铺砌坡
conservative slope平缓
constant slope line等坡度线
critical height of slope斜坡临界高度
critical inclination of slope斜坡临界倾斜度
critical slope angle休止角
critical slope angle临界坡角
Culmann’s method of slope stability库尔曼斜坡稳定性分析法
cut slope削坡
cut slope路堑边坡
cut-and-fill slope半填半挖的斜坡
dangerous slope危險斜坡
dangerous slope危险边坡
dangerous slope危险斜坡
debris slope崩屑坡
dentition on rock slope剥露
dentition on rock slope石坡补隙
dentition on rock slope石坡补缝
detrital slope碎石坡
down-slope displacement下滑位移
downstream slope下游坡度
drainage of slope边坡疏干
drainage of slope边坡排水
drainage slope排水边坡
dry slope干边坡
earthfill slope填土斜坡
earthfill slope填土边坡
end slope端部斜坡
equilibrium slope自然坡度
equilibrium slope平衡坡度
eroded slope受冲刷坡
eroded slope受冲刷边坡
evaluation of rock slope stability岩坡稳定性评价
existing slope原有边坡
existing slope现有边坡
factor of slope safety斜〔边〕坡安全系数
failed slope失稳斜〔边〕坡
fill slope填土斜坡
fill slope填土坡
final pit slope露天矿最终边坡
flowing slope溜土坡
foot of slope坡脚
forward slope前坡
free slope自然斜坡〔边坡〕
friction slope摩擦坡度
gentle slope缓倾斜
Geotechnical Manual for Slopes斜坡岩土工程手冊
Geotechnical Manual for Slopes香港斜坡岩土工程手册
graded slope阶梯形斜坡
ground slope factor地面倾斜因素地基承载力
gullied slope陡峭边坡
highwall slope高边坡
infinite slope无限边坡
infinite slope无限界斜坡
inventory of slopes斜坡資料目錄
inventory of slopes香港斜坡技术档案
land side slope内坡
land side slope背水坡
longitudinal slope纵向坡度
man-made slope人造斜坡邊坡
marginal-slope accumulation临界边坡堆积
maximum slope最大坡度
minimum slope最小坡度
monoclinal slope单斜坡
natural angle of slope静止角
natural angle of slope天然边坡角
natural slope天然斜坡
natural slope天然边坡
offshore slope近海底坡
pit slope露天矿边坡
pitching of slope护坡
planted slope植物覆盖的边坡
planting protected slope植被固坡
potential landslide slope〔潜在〕隐伏滑坡的斜坡
profile of slope斜坡纵断面图
ratio of slope坡率
ratio of slope坡度比
regrading of slope重整斜坡
regrading of slope斜坡修整
retrogressive slope逆向演进坡
retrogressive slope反坡
rock slope岩石坡
rock slope岩质边坡
rockfill slope填石坡
rockfill slope堆石坡
rockfill slope填石边坡
rough slope未修整的斜坡
rubble slope毛石护坡
rubble slope毛石堆
slide slope滑坍边坡
slip slope沙丘滑落坡
slip slope背风坡
slip slope滑坡
slope angle边坡角
slope basin汇水盆地
slope circle坡面圓
slope circle坡圆
slope coefficient边坡系数
slope crest坡顶
slope cutting切坡
slope deformation边坡变形
slope design边坡设计
slope destabilizing边坡失稳
slope engineering边坡〔斜坡〕工程
slope erosion坡面冲刷
slope erosion边坡〔斜坡〕冲蚀
slope erosion treatment边坡〔斜坡〕冲刷防治
slope failure邊坡破壞
slope failure山泥傾瀉
slope failure边坡〔斜坡〕破坏
slope gradient边坡〔斜坡〕倾斜度
slope grading坡面平整
slope grading边坡〔斜坡〕坡度减缓
slope indicator倾斜指示器
slope indicator tube斜度管
slope indicator tube斜度指示管
slope information system斜坡資訊系統
slope information system香港斜坡资讯系统
slope leveling斜度测量
slope maintenance斜坡維修
slope maintenance斜坡维护
slope maintenance audit斜坡維修審核
slope maintenance audit香港斜坡维修审核
slope map斜坡图
slope meter坡度計
slope monitoring边坡〔斜坡〕监测
slope networking编篱护坡工程
slope of formation地层斜坡
slope of syncline向斜坡
slope paving斜面铺砌
slope protection護坡
slope protection護坡工程
slope ratio坡度
slope registration斜坡记录
slope registration斜坡登記
slope registration斜坡登记
slope regrading斜坡削緩
slope regrading削坡
slope remedial works斜坡修護工程
slope remedial works斜坡修葺工程
slope remedial works斜坡修整工程
slope safety hotline斜坡安全熱線
slope safety technical review board斜坡安全技術檢討委員會
slope stability边坡〔斜坡〕稳定性
slope stability analysis边坡〔斜坡〕稳定性分析
slope stabilization边坡〔斜坡〕加固
slope stabilization works边坡〔斜坡〕加固工程
slope stake边坡桩
slope stake坡度桩
slope subgrade坡地型地基
slope surface protection works斜坡护面工程
slope tamping边坡夯实
slope toe坡脚
slope tunnel偏壓隧道
slope tunnel斜坡隧道
slope tunnel偏压隧道
slope upgrading works斜坡鞏固工程
slope upgrading works斜坡加固工程
slope wash坡積土
slope wash斜坡侵蝕
slope wash坡積物
slope wash邊坡滑落屑
slope wash坡面冲蚀
sodded slope铺草皮的边坡〔斜坡〕
sodded slope植草坡
soft slope缓坡
soil slope土质坡
soliflucted slope已溜滑的斜坡〔边坡〕
stability factor of slope斜坡稳定系数
stability factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数
Standing Committee on Slope Safety斜坡安全常務委員會
Standing Committee on Slope Safety香港斜坡安全常务委员会
steep slope陡峭山坡
steep slope陡峭斜坡
steepness of slope斜〔边〕坡陡度
stratified slope deposit层状坡积物
stream channel slope河道坡降
stream slope河道坡度
substandard slope不合標準斜坡
substandard slope未达标斜坡
sunny slope向阳坡
syncline slope向斜坡
Systematic identification and registration of slopes in the territory有系統鑑定及登記全港斜坡計劃
Systematic identification and registration of slopes in the territory香港地区斜坡系统鉴定及登记计划
Systematic identification of maintenance responsibility of slopes in the territory有系統鑑辨全港斜坡維修責任
Systematic identification of maintenance responsibility of slopes in the territory香港地区斜坡维修责任系统鉴定
turfed slope铺草皮的边坡
turfed slope植草坡
undercut slope淘蝕岸坡
undercut slope切挖坡
undercut slope暗挖坡
uniform slope均匀斜坡
unstable slope不穩定坡
unstable slope不稳定斜坡
uphill slope上山坡度
upstream slope上游坡度
upstream slope上游坡面
variable slope变坡降
variable slope变坡度
water-table slope地下水面斜率
water-table slope水面坡度