
Terms for subject Economy containing slip | all forms | exact matches only
a bank slip银行水单
a merchandise credit slip退货凭单
a pink-slip解雇通知书
a reminder slip催单
a reminder slip催条
a slip affixed to a cheque支票附笺
a slip system传票制度
a termination slip解雇通知书
a want-slip system缺货登记制度
an insurance slip投保单
cash sales slip现金销售传票
closing slip保险承保条
credit slip存款单
deposit correction slip存款差更正通知书
deposit slip送货单
deposit slip存款单
deposit slip book送款簿
deposit slip of paying in book存款簿存根
exchange slip交换传票
exchange slip兑换会计传票
paying-in slip存款单
pink slip解雇
receipt slip收款便条
receive slip收入票据
reinsurance slip分保
saving account deposit withdrawal slip储蓄账户存款取款
stores return slips国库单
the slip承保条
the slip in the stock price股票价格下跌
transfer receipt slip转账收入传单