
Terms containing single rate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.high rate single-stage digestion tank高负荷一级消化池
spacehydrostatic floated single degree of freedom rate integrating gyro静压液浮单自由度速率积分陀螺仪
econ.rate of qualified single project单位工程合格品率
busin.rate of qualified single project单个工程合格品率
busin.rate of superior single project单位工程优良品率
repr.biol.single child rate独生子女率
el.single data rate单数据速率
el.single data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory单数据速率同步动态随机存取存储器
interntl.trade.single exchange rate单一汇率
commer.single exchange rate单一汇价
tech.single exchange rate单一互换率
commer.single factor through rate单一因素联运运价
econ.single factor through rate单一直达运费
interntl.trade.single factor through rate单一联运费率
interntl.trade.single factor through rate单一直达运费率
busin.single factor through rate单一因素联运费率指海陆空联运中,不论运途中使用哪一种运输形式,如船运、火车运输或空运,均以某基准因素为准,使用某一运费率,例如按一个 20 英尺货柜收费 2000 美元等
fin.single floating exchange rate单一浮动汇率 (指一国货币不与其他任何货币固定汇率,其汇率根据市场外汇供求关系来决定的制度)
el.single message rate timing单信息速率定时
textilesingle official exchange rate单一官方汇率
busin.single official exchange rate system单一官方汇率制
el.single pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高比特率数字用户线
econ.single party rate of agricultural and industrial products农业品与工业品的单项比价
oilsingle pass cracking rate单程裂化率
mining.single rate单【定,不变】产量
interntl.trade.single rate单一汇率
textilesingle rate单一汇价
corp.gov.single rate无受抚养人的数额
oilsingle rate不变产量
proj.manag.single rate单利
textilesingle rate单一费率
fin.single rate单一汇率 (凡是一国对外仅有一个汇率,各种不同来源与用途的收付均按此计算,或本币对各种外币的即期外汇交易的买卖价不超过2%者,即称为"单一汇率")
fin.single rate单一折扣率
adv.single rate card单一的地方媒介广告费率表
busin.single rate for enterprise企业单一分配率
econ.single rate for entire factory单一分配率
securit.single rate of return单一回报率
corp.gov.single rate salary单身职工工资
corp.gov.single rate salary无赡养人职工工资
interntl.trade.single rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管制制度
econ.single wage rate for job单一职务工资率
spacesingle-axis rate turntable单轴速率转台
telecom.single-line high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高速率数字用户线
telecom.single-line high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对 HDSLHDSL 2 的异名
telecom.single-line -pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对 HDSLHDSI2 的异名
telecom.single-line -pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高速率数字用.户线
ITsingle-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高位速率数字用户线路
telecom.single-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对 HDSL
el.single-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高比特率数字用户线
telecom.single-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line单线对高速率数字用户线
fin.single-rate method单一汇率法
fin.single-rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管制制度
econ.single-rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管理制度
tech.standard rate single-stage digestion tank标准负荷单级消化池
econ.the single factor through rate单一直达运费