
Terms for subject Commerce containing should | all forms | exact matches only
Because of its delicacy, the instrument should be packed in cotton batting由于易于损坏,这件仪器应用棉胎包装
Contract should be held inviolate合约不得违反
Due protection should be provided for seller's patents and trade marks卖方专利与商标已予以应有保护
In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted如发生当事人不能控制的意外事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长
Investors should diversify their investments投资者应做多种投资
It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
It is imperative that the goods should be stowed away from the boiler货物勿近锅炉
It is imperative that you should ship the goods immediately你方必须立即发运货物
No preconditions should be imposed不应强加先决条件
One copy of the contract should be retained by each party各方应留存一份合同
Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付
Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other我们不应强调其一而贬低其二
Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other质量和装期都重要
should be应当是
The agreement should be drafted with great care协议应十分仔细地草拟
The buyer should assume the duty to pay the premium买方应承担支付保险费的义务
The buyer's name should be given in the box of accountee商业发票抬头人栏内应填入买方名称
The dispute should not be the obstacle to the development of our business这一争议不应成为我们双方业务发展的障碍
The distributor should pay visits to certain prospective customers at regular intervals经销者应定期访问有望达成交易的客户
The increase in price should be in proportion to the improvement in quality价格增长应与质量提高相称
The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
The L/C should be in keeping with the contract信用证应与合同相一致
The price system should be straightened up价格体系应予理顺
The stipulations in your L/C should be in accordance with those in the contract你方信用证规定应与合同中的规定相符
The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成
The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去
We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with the customer我们正在考虑是否与客户达成交易
We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易
We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately我方坚持认为这两个问题应分别予以处理
We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately我们应立即与我们的海外客户联系
We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况
We should refuse your claim on the following grounds我们以下列理由拒绝你方索赔
WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND这类货物只保水渍险是不足的,请加保偷盗提货不着险
You should be more definite about the quality你应把质量说得更确切一点