
Terms for subject Sports containing should | all forms | exact matches only
At Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups, Continental, Regional or Area Championships, the following officials should be appointed internationally:举办奥林匹克运动会、世界锦标赛、世界杯赛以及洲际、地区或区域性锦标赛、应任命下列国际官员:
But you should warm up first—and stretch, too可是你应该先做暖身和伸展运动
Honour should go to our hard-working coach荣誉应归于我们辛勤工作的教练员
If required, additional warnings should be given必要时、可给予多次时间提示 (注释:1. warning 这个单词原来意义主要有二,一是警告;二是预告,用于警告更多些。但是 warning 用于竞走比赛时,它不作为一般警告解,而作为严重警告解,即裁判员取消某名竞走运动员比赛资格的提议被称为严重警告。它与通常使用严重警告 serious warning 的含义有一定的区别。 2. warning 也有预告的含义,如5分钟时间提示 a five-minute warning,即在比赛出发前5分钟,提醒参赛运动员注意,做好出发准备。warning 这个单词在句子中的准确意义,要根据上下文以及它在句子中所起的作用而定。)
In races which include a large number of competitors, a five-minute warning before the start of the race should be given当参赛运动员人数众多时、应在出发前5分钟给予时间提示
In sprinting, the first stride should not be too long在短跑时、第一步不能跨得太大
In sprinting, your first stride should not be too long在短跑时、你的第一步不应跨得太大
Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快
The angle of banking in all lanes should be the same所有分道的倾斜角应相同
The final workout should take place three days before a big competition最后一次训练课应在重大比赛 3 天前进行
The runners should lengthen their strides gradually赛跑运动员应逐渐加长步幅
The Starter should warn only such competitor or competitors who, in his opinion, were responsible for the false start发令员认为一名或几名运动员对起跑犯规负责时、他应只给这名或这几名运动员警告