
Terms for subject General containing should | all forms | exact matches only
a heavy cut should not be taken with a cold abrasive wheel而要让这砂轮慢慢变热
a heavy cut should not be taken with a cold abrasive wheel不应当用冷的砂轮进行强力打磨
a question arose as to what we should do to debug the system就是我们应做些什么
a question arose as to what we should do to debug the system才能排除这系统中的故障
a question arose as to what we should do to debug the system出现了一个问题
A shower is not recommended 1 hour before an indoor tanning session, but you should remove any makeup or perfume before the session我们不建议在晒黑前一个小时内沐浴,但是可以在晒黑前先卸妆或者除去香水味
all bearings should be rejected that have any of the following damage marks凡是有任何下列伤痕的轴承都不能要〔都应退回〕
All of us, especially the aged, should receive periodical health check-ups我们大家,尤其是老年人,应该接受定期体检
And I believe this teardrop necklace would make you more attractive. You should put it on我觉得这条泪滴状的项链会让你更有魅力。你应该戴上它
Banks should ensure that clear audit trails exist for all e-banking transactions各银行应确保所有的电子银行业务交易均留存清楚的稽核记录
Before leaving the hotel, you should enclose the tip in a sealed envelope and mark it "Chambermaid" and leave it in a obvious place离开宾馆之前,你应该把小费封在信封里,并注明“给服务员”,并把信封留在一个明显的位置
but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly而要让这砂轮慢慢变热
but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly不应当用冷的砂轮进行强力打磨
care should be exercised to avoid damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
care should be exercised to prevent damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
care should be taken to avoid damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
care should be taken to prevent damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
care should be used to + inf.应小心
Check-out time should be before 12 at tomorrow noon. Breakfast time is from 7:30 am till 10:30 am, available in restaurant. Here are your breakfast vouchers结账时间是明天中午12点,早餐是7点半到10点半在餐厅用餐。这是您的早餐券
Could you please tell me which bus I should take to go downtown?请问我到市商业区应该乘哪路车?
Don't be like this. You should be brave to yourself别这样,要勇敢面对自己
Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. We should strongly oppose drink driving酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。我们应坚决反对酒后驾驶
Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope每份申请书均须附回邮信封,贴上邮票,写好地址
Each participant should have adequate work space to accommodate writing materials and books每位与会者都应该有足够的地方放置书写材料和书
Excuse me, I'm still not sure when the train leaves and which platform I should go to打扰一下,我还是不清楚火车什么时候走,我也不知道该到哪个站台
He'll be laid up for a few days, but he should be home from the hospital on Thursday他得在床上躺几天,但周四就应该出院
Hello, which way should I go?您好,请问我该怎么走?
Hi, Lily! I will go to the U. S. this summer. What should I do to complete my DS-160 application online?莉莉,我这个暑假准备去美国玩儿,我应该怎样完成网上的 DS-160申请表?
Hotel staff should handle guest's complaint with patience酒店员工必须耐心地对待客人的抱怨
How exactly should I go through the entry formality?究竟该如何办理入境手续呢?
How many pieces of luggage should I transport?我需要搬运几件行李?
How much should I offer as the tip?我应该给多少小费?
How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?我应该给装卸工人多少小费?
how should I know我怎么会知道呢
I am carrying some items that will require paying a customs duty. How should I calculate the approximate duty and where should I pay the customs duty?我带了一些需要付关税的商品。我应该怎么计算这些关税呢?还有我应该怎么支付它们呢?
I can't find my passport. What should I do?我护照找不到了,怎么办?
I have five, I should like as many more我有五个,我再要这么些〔五个〕
I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to going abroad. What should I do?说到出国,你应该有很多经验,我应该做些什么?
I presented all the documents I was told to bring, but my application was turned down anyway. What else should I bring?我带齐了要求的所有文件,但还是被拒签了。那我还要带什么呢?
I should like to remark that我认为
I should say我认为
I should say大概
I should say也许
I should say我想
I should say good shrimp meat really hits the spot好虾仁吃起来确实很过瘾
I should think you are mistaken我倒是以为你错了
I think we should try that new Italian place on the corner我们可以试一下街角新开的意大利料理
if anything should happen to sb.如果某人发生什么意外〔不幸〕
I'll have an annual conference in San Francisco. I should book the tickets right now我要去旧金山参加个年会,现在就要订机票
In such a case, the hotel should certainly pay for it. The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry charge如果发生这样的事情,酒店肯定会赔偿的。赔偿费不超过洗衣服费的十倍
Is there anything that we should improve?哪些地方我们需要改进呢?
it is strange that you should think so真是奇怪
it is strange that you should think so你竟然这样想
It should be the height of the season in Bali现在本应是巴厘岛最繁忙的旅游旺季
it should seem that...似乎
it should seem that...好像
it should seem that...据说
it should seem that...看来
It's traditional dish in Beijing. The duck is roasted. You should eat it with a kind of sauce一种传统的北京菜。鸭子烤过了,就着调料吃
I've heard that an original letter from the employer is needed for a Singapore visitor visa. However, I' m a freelance who don't have that. What should I do?我听说办理新加坡旅游签证需提供在职证明。但我是个自由作家,那应该怎么办呢?
Louis Vuitton and Cartier should perhaps be bracing themselves for leaner times在这拮据的时期,路易・威登和卡地亚要做好"过冬"的准备了
My name is Jack. I should be booked there for three nights starting today我叫杰克,本来是要从今天起订房三天的
no better than one should be不规矩
no better than one should be行为不正
No, but you should put a coin inside没有,你应该投一枚硬币
Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片
Once the new subway lines are built, that should ease the congestion a bit新的地铁线路开通之后,也许能缓解交通的压力
one should know oneself人贵有自知之明
or should they exist所需的数据甚至是不存在的
or should they exist或者
or should they exist其精确度也可能有问题
or should they exist即使有
or should they exist有时
Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage需要服用处方药的乘客应在登机时把药放在随身携带的行李箱中
Predetermined grade specifications should be set by each company when grading sizes在推挡时,每家公司都应规定预定的推挡规格
reasonable caution should be exercised in the use ofM 在使用M时应比较〔相当〕小心
results should agree within 5 per cent各次结果相差不应超过
Rub the beer lightly into the material, and the stain should disappear轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,这样污渍就会消失
Samples also should pay tax样品也要交税
Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来,还是等等看将会怎样?
Should I let him foot the bill or share the expenses among us?我该让他掏钱还是我们 AA 制呢?
Should I reapply after I have been refused?我被拒签后还应该再申请吗?
Should I use a travel agent or other advisors to help me apply?我可以找一个旅行社或者其他咨询机构帮我申请吗?
should it if it should rain tomorrow, they would not go倘若明天下雨,他们就不去了
should like to + inf.很想
should the second fuse also blow, a third is then automatically connected in the circuit万一第二个保险丝也烧断了,第三个就会自动接到电路中去
Sorry, I don't think I should apologize to you for anything对不起,我认为我不该向你为任何事道歉
The company should try hard to develop awareness of quality throughout the whole business公司应尽力使所有员工形成质量意识
the cushion should have a certain amount of give in it垫子应有一定的弹性
The dark mica in this granite should be called biotite花岗岩里的黑色云母应称为黑云母
The dimension of the bed sheets you buy should be a little bit larger than the actual dimension of the bed您购买的床单尺寸最好比床的实际尺寸稍微大一些
The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
the edges should wrap边应该对齐互叠
the emergency requires that it should be done非这样做不可
the emergency requires that it should be done情况紧急
The fee in total should be $180费用总计应为 180 美兀
The freight is a factor that you should take into consideration when you order a large quantity of cushions当订购大量靠垫时,运费应是考虑的因素之一
The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任
The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
The incidence of defects should be decreased to achieve quality targets要实现质量目标,必须降低次品发生率
the law of chance says you should get 50 heads and 50 tails in 100 tosses of a coin机会律指出,掷100次硬币,理应有50次是正面朝上,50 次是反面朝上
The metro card is non-registered. You should apply for a new one一卡通是不记名的。你得再办一张
the mixture should be the concrete mix, less the coarse aggregate这种混合料应是没有粗粒料的混凝土拌合料
The steak is still bloody inside. Maybe you should cook it through牛排里面都还血淋淋的,也许你该把它烤透一点
The young guide told us that we should divide the bill equally after dinner晚餐后年轻的导游告诉我们要分摊账单
Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道
Typically, your period should start again within three months after you stop taking the pill一般来说,停药后三个月应该会恢复正常的月经来潮
We are taking CA0001 for Beijing, China. Could you please tell me which gate I should get on board?我们要乘 CA0001前往中国北京,请问应该在几号登机口登机?
we consider it necessary that we should repeat the test once more我们认为有必要把这试验再重复一次
we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn我们首先要知道这条线应画在那里
We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
We should make an inspection report after inspection routines例行检查之后我们应做一份检查报告
We should shop around. The prices are variable这些价格参差不齐,我们应该货比三家
we were afraid lest he should get here too late我们恐怕他会来得太迟
What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?
What should I do if the visa application has been refused?签证申请被拒后,我应该做些什么呢?
What should I do with the dirty dishes?这些脏的盘子怎么办?
What should you wear to the state dinner of America?参加美国国宴要穿什么?
What toe ring should I buy?我应该买什么样的脚戒?
What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin?如果病人对青霉素过敏,那该怎么办呢?
When air quality is rated very unhealthy, the agency says everyone should discontinue all vigorous outdoor activities regardless of duration当空气质量被评定为极不健康时,该机构建议人们终止一切剧烈的户外活动,不论时间长短
When should I board the train?我应该什么时候上车?
When will it be ready? How long should I wait?何时能做好?还要等多久?
When you buy home textiles, you should be clear about the fillers which is very important for your health购买家纺用品时,要清楚它们的填充物是什么。这对健康很重要
When you go out, you should wear the sun helmet and the sun glasses外出时最好戴太阳帽和太阳镜
Why should we rush to Kilimanjaro?为什么要蜂拥到乞力马扎罗山呢?
why should you do that你干吗要做那件事
you said that you should go你说过你会去的
You should be hospitalized immediately你要立刻住院
You should compare among several airlines before making the final decision. Find the one which suits your circumstance most在决定之前,应该对比不同的航空公司。发现最适合你的那一个
You should follow a healthy diet that you like and that you can stick to应该选择一种健康的饮食习惯,而且是你所喜欢和能够坚持的
You should go to the hospital for a general checkup你要去医院做常规检查
You should pay night surcharge since it is现在11点了,您要付夜间加价费
You should pay penalty beyond the limited time超过规定时间,您需要支付违约金
You should remember the license number of the taxi, in case you meet a driver who offers poor service or is dishonest你应该记下出租车牌号,以便投诉司机的劣质服务或欺骗行为
You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳
Your camcorder should have these basic functions: auto focus, playback facility and zoom lens你的摄像机应该具备以下基本功能:自动聚焦、回放和变焦