
Terms for subject General containing short of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be short of缺乏
be short of stature身材矮小
come short of缺乏
come short of没有达到
come short of不足
come short of未能满足
come short of不及
everything short ofM 只差M
everything short ofM 除M以外一切都
fall short ofM 与M 不一致
fall short ofM 不符合M
fall M short of差M未能达到N (N)
fall short of不足
fall short of缺乏
fall short of未能满足
fall short of没有达到
fall short ofM 不足〔缺乏〕M
fall short ofM 未能满足M
fall short ofM 没有达到M
fall short of one's expectation不如所望
fall short of one's expectation辜负期望
fall short of one's expectations不如所望
fall short of one's expectations辜负期望
fly short of未达到…的水平
He is short of breath. Even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless他喘气,即使不运动,也是上气不接下气
be little short of几乎是
be little short of简直是
be little short of近于
little short of几乎近于
make short work of很快完成〔处理〕
make short work of迅速处理〔解决〕
make short work of迅速了结〔处理〕
Male recreational shoes stress natural pure, and sneakers and short boots adapted to the mainstream style are the need of outdoor activities男休闲鞋强调的是自然纯真,运动鞋和短靴是主流款式,以适应室外活动的需要
be nothing short of完全是
nothing short of无非是
be nothing short of直是
nothing short of除非
be nothing short of除非
nothing short of完全是
of short duration短期的
radar involves transmitting electromagnetic waves of very short wave length雷达发射的是波长非常短的电磁波
run short of缺乏
run short of不够用
run short of用完了
short form of bill of lading略式〔简式〕提单
short ofM 差M 未达到
be short ofM 不够 M (标准)
short ofM 除了 M
short ofM 除M以外
short ofM 只要没有M
short ofM 只要不M
short ofM 达不到M
short ofM 缺乏 M
short ofM 撇开M
be short ofM 不到M
be short ofM 离M不远
be short ofM 缺少M
short period of time短暂
stop short ofM 不到M便停住
stop short ofM 未到达M