
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing ship | all forms | exact matches only
AC electric propulsion ship交流电力推进船
aden ship满载船
advance notice of ship's arrival船舶到港预报
advanced rental payment of ship船舶的预付租金
agricultural steel ship农用钢质船
agricultural steel ship钢质农业船
annual ship-repair budget年度船舶修理预算
atomic powered ship原子能动力船
atomic powered ship核动力船
automatic ship stabilizer船舶自动减摇装置
automatic ship stabilizer自动船舶减摇装置
auxiliary ship for dredging辅助挖泥船
auxiliary ship for dredging挖泥辅助船
barge carrying ship载驳船
barrel-bow ship圆艏船
bold-bow ship肥艏船
bollard pull of ship船舶带缆桩拉力
bridge-after ship艉桥楼船
British cargo ship英国货船
British escort ship英国护卫舰
bulk/oil/ro/ro ship散货石油滚装船
cafeteria of passenger ship客船自助餐厅
cargo handled per ship-day in port装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cargo handled per ship-day in port船舶装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cargo mail ship货物邮船
cargo ship hire货船租金
cargo ship safety construction certificate货船结构安全证书
cargo ship tonnage货船吨位
cargo-ship wharf货船码头
cargo-carrying capacity of ship船舶载货能力
carrying capacity of ship船舶装载能力
carrying-capacity of passenger ship客船载客能力
carrying-capacity of passenger-ship客船载客能力
certificate of ship incorporation船舶公司证明
certificate of ship's survey船舶检验证书
chartered ship租用的船
Chinese ship-owner中国船东
civil ship price民船价格
classification of ship-repair船舶修理分类
coast ship insurance沿海船舶保险
collision avoidance system of ship navigation船舶航行防撞装置
collision regulation of ship navigation船舶航行避碰规则
combatant ship战斗舰艇
command ship司令舰
computer aided ship-design计算机辅助船舶设计
cuta way-bow ship切底艏船
Danish Ship Research Laboratory丹麦船舶研究所
David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center泰勒海军舰船研究与发展中心
defensively armed merchant ship武装商船
distressed ship遇难船
double-bottom ship双底船
double-deck ship双甲板船
dredger, working ship and waterway ship挖泥船、工程船和航道工作船
drive-in/ drive-off ship滚装船
drive-on/drive-off ship滚装船
dual fuel engine ship双燃料发动机船
electrical ship stabilizer船舶电动减摇器
electrical ship stabilizer电动船舶减摇装置
elliptical stern ship椭圆艉船
elliptical-stern ship椭圆艉船
ex ship目的地船上交货价
expected time of ship's arrival船舶预计到港时间
export passenger-cargo ship出口客货轮
export ship price出口船舶价格
express passenger ship特快客轮
fee for survey on ship船舶检验费
feeder ship供应船
fixing ship's position定船位
flat-sided ship直舷船
fore-and-after rigged ship纵帆船
gas turbine ship燃气轮机机船
gas-turbine electric propulsion ship燃气轮机电力推进船
general store issue ship一般物资供应船
generation ship发电船
Greece ship-owner希腊船东
high-freeboard ship高干舷船
high-speed cargo ship快速货船
Hong Kong ship-owner香港船东
hover-ship hovercraft 6. hovering craft气垫船
hydrofoil support ship支援水翼船
immersed mid-ship section浸水舯剖面
individual-built ship单个建造的船
injured ship受损船
inspecting installation correctness of ship's name plate and funnel mark检查船名牌和烟囱标志安装正确性
inspecting installation correctness of ship's name plate and funnel mark船名牌和烟囱标志安装正确性检査
inspecting installation correctness of ship's name plate and funnel mark检查船舶名牌和烟囱标志安装正确性
International Passenger Ship Association国际客船协会
Japan Ship Exporter's Association日本船舶输出者协会
Japan Ship Machinery Exporter Association日本船用机械输出振兴会
Japan's Defense ship日本自卫队船舶
Jinjiang Sumeida Ship Project Co., Ltd靖江苏美达船舶工程有限公司
lateen-rigged ship大三角帆船
light industrial ship products轻工业船舶品
light ship空船
light ship无载空船
local delivering ship当地交船
Malaysia ship-owner马来西亚船东
Malta ship-owner马耳他船东
Maritime Dynamics and Ship Laboratory海洋动力学和船舶研究所
marketing intermediaries of ship船舶销售媒介
marketing strategy of ship船舶销售策略
maximum height of ship船舶最大高度
merchant ship building and repair商船建造和修理
Merchant-ship Shipping Act《商船航运法》
Mexico ship-owner墨西哥船东
multideck ship多甲板船
multi-deck ship多甲板船
multi-purpose fishing ship多用途渔船
multiscrew ship多螺旋桨船
multi-screw ship多螺旋桨船
naval auxiliary ship海军辅助船舶
naval satellite communications ship海军卫星通信船
Naval Ship Engineering Center海军船舶工程中心
Naval Ship Research and Development Center海军船舶研究与发展中心
Netherlands Ship Model Basin荷兰船模试验池
Netherlands ship-owner荷兰船东
Netherlands Ship Research Center荷兰船舶研究中心
new building ship survey新造船舶检验
new ship price新造船舶价格
new ship survey新造船舶检验
new ship tonnage新船吨位
ocean passenger-cargo ship远洋客货轮
ocean surveillance ship海洋监视船
oceangoing cargo ship远洋货轮
ocean-going cargo ship远洋货船
oceangoing ship远洋船
ocean-going ship insurance远洋船舶保险
oceangoing ship tonnage远洋船吨位
ocean-going ship tonnage远洋船吨位
organization of ship's sailing船舶航行组织
overage ship tonnage超龄船吨位
ownership of ship船舶所有权
passenger ship safety certificate客轮安全证书
passenger ship tonnage客船吨位
passenger-cargo ship客货轮
plastic basin for ship using船用塑料盆
plastic bowl for ship using船用塑料碗
plastic chair for ship using船用塑料椅
plastic clothing-hanger for ship using船用塑料衣架
plastic desk for ship using船用塑料书桌
plastic dinner set for ship using船用塑料餐具
plastic floor for ship using船用塑料地板
plastic furniture for ship using船用塑料家具
plastic products for ship using船用塑料制品
post ship邮船
post ship由船
prevent collisions, rammings and groundings during ship navigation船舶航行时防止碰撞、冲撞和搁浅
Qingdao Linshan Ship Stock Co., Ltd青岛灵山船业股份有限公司
raised fore-deck ship升高艏甲板船
raised quarter-deck ship升高艉甲板船
reactivation survey of idle ship闲置船舶重新启用检验
renovation fund of ship船舶更新改造基金
report of ship-position船位报告
report of ship's arrival船舶到港报告
report of ship's department船舶离港报告
report of ship's shipment船舶装运报告
river cargo ship内河货船
river passenger ship内河客轮
river passenger-cargo ship内河客货轮
river ship内河船
river ship insurance内河船舶保险
river ship tonnage内河船吨位
Romania ship-owner罗马尼亚船东
round-stern ship圆艉船
round-tuck-stern ship圆底平艉船
sail-assisted diesel electric ship风帆助航柴油电动船
sail-assisted diesel-electric ship风帆助航柴油电动船
semicontainer ship半集装箱船
seminar of ship船舶研讨会
ship accident船舶事故
ship accident report船舶事故报告
ship aggregate tonnage船舶总吨位
ship-assembly yard船舶装配厂
ship-borne weather instrument船舶气象仪
ship-bottom antifouling paint船底防污漆
ship-bottom antifouling poison-paint船底防污有毒漆
ship-bottom antirust paint船底防锈漆
ship certificate船舶证书
Ship Characteristic Board船舶性能研究委员会
Ship Characteristic Improvement Board船舶性能改进研究会
Ship Characteristics Improvement Board船舶性能改进研究会
ship chartering service租船业务
ship-class improvement plan船级改进计划
ship communication equipment test station船舶通信设备试验站
ship communication test station船舶通信设备试验站
ship compass船舶罗经
ship control console船舶驾驶室
ship corrosion船舶腐蚀
ship corrosion and prevention measures船舶腐蚀和防护措施
ship cost analysis船价分析
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天数
ship-depth at after perpendicular尾垂线处船深
ship design船舶设计
ship design and research center船舶设计研究中心
ship design and shipbuilding船舶设计和建造
ship-design approval drawing船舶设计批准图纸
ship-design calculation船舶设计计算
ship-design common data base船舶设计共用数据库
ship-design common database船舶设计共享数据库
ship-design data船舶设计数据
ship-design dead displacement船舶设计满载排水量
ship-design deadweight ton船舶设计载吨
ship-design deadweight ton船舶设计载重吨
ship-design department船舶设计部门
ship-design displacement船舶设计排水量
ship-design draft船舶设计吃水
ship design drawing船舶设计图
ship-design drawings船舶设计图纸
ship-design floating center船舶设计漂心
ship-design freeboard船舶设计干舷
ship-design gross tonnage船舶设计总吨位
ship-design length between perpendiculars船舶设计垂线间长度
ship-design light displacement船舶设计空船排水量
ship-design liquid dynamics船舶设计流体动力学
ship-design load waterline船舶设计载重吃水线
ship-design load waterline船舶设计载重水线
ship-design materials船舶设计资料
ship-design maximum height船舶设计最大高度
ship-design method船舶设计方法
ship-design molded breadth船舶设计型宽
ship-design molded depth船舶设计型深
ship-design overall length船舶设计总长度
ship-design procedure船舶设计程序
ship-design schedule report船舶设计进度报告
ship-design service speed船舶设计营运航速
ship-design sheer船舶设计舷弧
ship-design sheer at stem船舶设计首舷弧
ship-design sheer at stem船舶设计艏舷弧
ship-design sheer at stern post船舶设计尾舷弧
ship-design sheer at stern post船舶设计艉舷弧
ship-design specification船舶设计说明书
ship-design speed船舶设计航速
ship-design standard船舶设计标准
ship-design waterline船舶设计吃水线
ship-design waterline船舶设计水线
ship-design waterline breadth船舶设计吃水线宽度
ship-design waterline breadth船舶设计水线宽度
ship-design waterline length船舶设计吃水线长度
ship-design waterline length船舶设计水线长度
ship dimensions船舶尺度
ship dispatcher船舶调度员
ship dispatcher telephone船舶调度员电话
ship dispatching and movement船舶调度和动态
ship dispatching center船舶调度中心
ship dispatching office船舶调度室
ship dispatching plan船舶调度计划
ship dispatching regulation船舶调度规程
ship distress船舶遇难
ship distress report船舶遇难报告
ship document船舶文件
Ship document is a general call of various files that proves ship's ownership, performance, technical status and operating necessary condition船舶文件是证明船舶所有权、性能、技术状况和营运必备条件的各种文件的总称
ship Doppler船用多普勒系统
ship Doppler system船用多普勒系统
ship drawing船舶图纸
ship for harbor use港口用船
ship for hire供岀租的船
ship for hire出租的船
ship for oceanographic research and development use海洋调查和开发用船
ship for rescue and repair use救助和维修用船
ship for sightseeing and sport use供游览和体育运动用船
ship-handling in heavy weather在阴沉的坏天气中航行操纵
ship-handling in heavy weather风浪中航行操纵
ship-handling in ice-zone在冰区航行操纵
ship-handling in ice-zone冰区航行操纵
ship hull lofting船体放样
ship improvement guide船舶改进指南
ship improvement guide船舶改进指导
ship index file船舶索引文件
ship instruction船舶说明书
ship launching船舶下水
ship-length on design waterline船舶设计吃水线长度
ship-length on design waterline船舶设计水线长度
ship-length to ship-depth ratio船长与船深比
ship line planning船舶航线设计
ship list船名录
ship loader船舶装载机
ship maintenance and repair船舶维护和修理
ship model船舶模型
ship model pool test船模水池试验
ship model seakeeping test船模耐波性试验
ship model speed船模速率
ship model using for ship design设计用船舶模型
ship motion simulator船舶运动模拟器
ship of application for survey申请检验的船舶
ship operating log船舶调度日记
ship operating meeting船舶调度会议
ship operating necessary condition file船舶营运必备条件文件
ship operating plan船舶调度计划
ship-overhaul fund船舶大修基金
ship owner, crew and ships in possession船东、船员和船舶保有情况
ship-owner's association船东协会
ship-owner's liability船东责任
ship-owner's representative船东代表
ship performance船舶性能
ship performance file船舶性能文件
ship-position line船位线
ship-position line transferring船位线转移
ship-position tracker船位跟踪器
ship-position under way在航船位
ship price analysis船价分析
ship pushing force船舶顶推力
ship pushing power船舶顶推功率
ship pushing speed船舶顶推航速
ship radio navigation equipment船载无线电导航设备
ship radio station船用无线电台
ship-repair budget船舶修理预算
ship-repair engineer修船工程帀
ship-repair engineer修船工程师
ship-repair equipment and dock船舶修理设备和船坞
ship-repair expenses船舶修理费
ship repair facility修船设施
ship-repair fee船舶修理费
ship-repair fund船舶修理基金
ship-repair items船舶修理项目
ship-repair main items船舶主要修理项目
ship-repair new technique修船新技术
ship-repair new technology修船新工艺
ship-repair plan船舶修理计划
ship-repair plan, items and expenses船舶修理计划、项目和费用
ship-repair planning船舶修理规划
ship-repair shop修船车间
ship-repair survey船舶修理检验
ship-repairing dock修船坞
Ship Research Institute船舶研究所
ship route planning船舶航线设计
ship's acceptance items船舶验收项目
ship's acceptance terms船舶验收项目
ship's acoustic navigation system船舶音响导航系统
ship's aggregate tonnage船舶总吨位
ship's auxiliary machinery and marine equipment船舶辅机和船用设备
ship's bale capacity船舶包装货容积
ship's bulk capacity船舶散装货容积
ship's cargo ton船舶载货吨
ship's classified name船舶分类名称
ship's commissioning test交船试验
ship's commissioning test, inspection and reception交船试验、检验和验收
ship's constant-bearing navigation船舶定向航行
ship's course船舶航向
ship's deadweight船舶载重吨
ship's depreciation cost船舶折旧费
ship's draft and loading monitor船舶吃水和装载监测仪
ship's economic accounting船舶经济核算
ship's emergency respondent service船舶应急响应服务
ship's expenses船舶费用
ship's expenses and economic accounting船舶费用和经济核算
ship's expenses per operation day船舶运营费每天
ship's expenses per operation day船舶运营艘天费用
ship's expenses per operation ton-day船舶运营吨天费用
ship's expenses per operation ton-day-kilometer船舶运营费每吨天千米
ship's freight ton船舶货运吨
ship's handling-time in port船舶在港装卸时间
ship's haul cycle船舶运输周期
ship's head船舶首向
ship's heading船舶首向
ship's heavy traffic period船舶繁忙运输期
ship's heavy traffic route船舶繁忙运输线
ship's inspection船舶检验
ship's journal船舶航行日志
ship's laying up船舶封存停用
ship's laying-up船舶封存停用
ship's lay-time船舶停泊时间
ship's log book船舶航海日志
ship's main engine and boiler船舶主机和锅炉
ship's main performance parameter船舶主要性能参数
ship's mean time船用平均时
ship's measurement ton船舶容积吨
ship's movement at sea船舶航行动态
ship's movement card船舶动态牌
ship's movement in harbor船舶在港动态
ship's movement in port船舶在港动态
ship's nautical distance船舶航程
ship's navigation船舶航行
ship's navigation chart船舶航行图
ship's navigation condition船舶航行条件
ship's navigation guideline船舶航行指南
ship's navigation instruments船舶航行仪表
ship's navigation law船舶航行法规
ship's navigation matters船舶航行事务
ship's navigation schedule船舶航行时刻表
ship's navigation zone船舶航行区域
ship's non-operational time船舶非运营时间
ship's nonoperational time船舶非运营时间
ship's operation船舶运营
ship's operation and operating target船舶运营和指标
ship's operational data船舶运营资料
ship's operational regulation船舶调度规程
ship's operational time船舶运营时间
ship's operation-target船舶运营指标
ship's ownership file船舶所有权文件
ship's path monitor船舶航迹监测仪
ship's performance parameter, blueprint, certificate and instruction船舶性能参数、图纸、证书和说明书
ship's pipe, valve and relative accessories船上管道、阀门和有关附件
ship's position report船位报告
ship's registered fee船舶注册费
ship's repair facilities修船设施
ship's repair fee船舶修理费
ship's repair fund船舶修理基金
ship's resuming service船舶启封使用
ship's resuming service船舶启圭寸使用
ship's sailing船舶航行
ship's sailing accidence船舶航行事故
ship's sailing accident船舶航行事故
ship's sailing allowance船舶航行津贴
ship's sailing, course, speed, nautical distance and position船舶航行、航向、航速、航程和船位
ship's sailing efficiency船舶航行效率
ship's sailing expenses船舶航行费用
ship's sailing factor船舶航行率
ship's sailing load船舶航行载荷
ship's sailing management船舶航行管理
ship's sailing mechanism船舶航行机制
ship's sailing preparation船舶航行准备
ship's sailing time船舶航行时间
ship's speed船舶航速
ship's superstructure constructional drawing船舶上层建筑结构图
ship's superstructure examination and repair船舶上层建筑检修
ship's superstructure examine and repair船舶上层建筑检修
ship's survey船舶检验
ship's survey charge船舶检验费
ship's tonnage船舶吨位
ship's total time船舶总时间
ship's transportation cost单船运输成本
ship's volume ton船舶容积吨
ship's voyage cost船舶航次成本
ship service switchboard船舶服务配电盘
ship speed compensator船速调节器
ship stability船舶稳定性
ship stability船舶稳性
ship stabilizer types船舶减摇装置类型
ship survey船舶检验
ship survey and register organization船舶检验和登记机构
ship surveyor验船帀
ship system engineering standard船舶系统工程标准
ship technical status file船舶技术文件状况
ship technical status file船舶技术状况文件
ship to shore radio station船对岸无线电台
ship to shore radio-station船对岸无线电台
ship tonnage船舶吨位
ship tonnage, carrying capacity, cargo distribution and cargo stowage船舶吨位、装载能力、货物分配和装载容积积载
ship-to-shore radio station船对岸无线电台
ship towing device, pushing equipment and terms船上拖带装置、顶推设备和术语
ship towing speed船舶拖带航速
ship trial船舶试航
ship turning船舶回转
ship turning area船舶调头区
shipper booking a whole ship-space托运人包船
shipper booking a whole ship space托运人包船
single-bottom ship单底船
skilled ship-repair work熟练修船工人
skilled ship-repair worker修船熟练工人
spoon-stern ship杓形艉船
square-rigged ship横帆船
square-stern ship方艉船
steam engine ship蒸汽机船
steel ship钢质船
stern-engine ship艉机船
stern-engine ship尾机船
streamlined superstructure ship流线型上层结构
streamlined superstructure ship流线型上层建筑
survey of ship's delivery交船检验
survey of ship structure船舶结构检验
Ta Chou Ship Building Co., Ltd, Taiwan台湾大舟企业股份有限公司
tactical command ship战术指挥舰
technical research ship专门调查船
technical research ship技术调查船
ten-day plan of ship dispatching船舶旬调度计划
ten-day plan of ship dispatching船舶调度旬计划
ten-day plan of ship operating船舶旬调度计划
ten-day plan of ship operating船舶调度旬计划
"The Ship Maintenance System" promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》
The Ship Maintenance System promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》
the shipbuilding & ship-repair enterprises of Singapore新加坡的修造船企业
the special equipment and terms of dredger and working ship挖泥船、工程船专用设备和术语
ticket window of passenger ship客船售票窗口
tow the mid-ship拖船腰
twin-hull ship双体船
twin-masted sailing ship双桅帆船
two-hull ship双体船
two-propeller ship双螺旋桨船
unit assembling of ship machinery船舶机械单元安装
unit of ship's speed船舶航速单位
unloading a ship船舶卸货
variable expenses of ship船舶可变费用
vehicle cargo ship车辆货物运输船
vertical-bow ship直立艏船
vertical-sided ship直舷船
water-jet propelled ship喷水推进船
water-supply ship供水船
wide-plate-stern ship宽方艉船
window of passenger ship客船上的窗
wooden ship木质船
working-ship repair工程船修理
working ship's special crane工程船专用起重机
working ship special equipment and terms工程船专用设备和术语
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