
Terms for subject Commerce containing ship | all forms | exact matches only
a ship destined for London一艘驶往伦敦的船
a ship of burden货船
a ship of 10,000 M/T displacement10,000公吨级排水量的船舶
Although handicapped by the congestion of shipping space, we've managed to ship the goods ordered in time虽然碰到舱位拥挤的困难,我方仍设法将你方订购的货物准时装出
As soon as your L/C arrives, we'll make arrangements to ship the first consignment of goods一接到贵方信用证,我方将准备装运第一批货物
at ship's rail在船栏边
charter a vessel with a ship company向一家轮船公司租船
CIF ex ship's hold到岸价舱底交货
CIF under ship's tackle到岸价吊钩下交货条件
clear a ship at the customs house在海关办理一条船的离港手续
container ship;container-carrying vessel集装箱轮
engage to ship the goods next week预定下周装货
ex ship's hold目的港舱底交货价格
fit out a ship for voyage装配一条船以备航行
Given good weather, the ship will reach Bombay Friday evening如果天气条件好,这条船将于星期五傍晩抵达孟买
It is imperative that you should ship the goods immediately你方必须立即发运货物
over ship's rail越过船舷
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market以免失去销售机会
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market请与我方合作并迅速装船
Please ship the goods at your earliest convenience请把货物尽早发来
present a ship's manifest提供装船清单
Pursuant to your request, we'll ship the goods in three equal lots根据你方要求,我方将把货物分等量的三批装出
save a ship from wreck营救失事的船只
save a ship from wreck营救失事船只
secure a ship on time charter按定期租船契约租一条船
ship agency船舶代理
ship and goods船只与货物
ship berth停船泊位
ship in American bottoms用美国船舶装运 (1934 年)
ship in bulk散装出运
ship mortgage bank船舶抵押银行
ship of five metres draught吃水为五米的船
ship ped quantity terms装船数量条款
ship protest海事报告
ship repairer's liability由维修船行负责
ship's articles雇用船员条例
ship's certificate船舶证明
ship's classification船级分类
ship's draught排水量
ship's lines船体型线图
ship's lists航期表
ship's papers船舶证书
ship's stores船舶用品
ship trade船舶贸易
ship under a charter party按租船合约装运
sister-ship clause姐妹船条款
The captain refused to leave the bridge of his ship while the danger lasted船长拒绝离开他的船桥
The captain refused to leave the bridge of his ship while the danger lasted危险未过
The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼
The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May卖方预计在五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运
The ship carries 20,000 M/T freight此船载重20,000公吨
The ship cleared for New York yesterday这条船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约
The ship crossed the bar of sand safely船只安全通过了沙洲
the ship has a tonnage of 30,000这艘船载重〔排水量〕三万吨
The ship has a tonnage of 30,000这条船载重二万吨
The ship has already altered its course该船已改变航线
The ship is bound for Qingdao该船准备开往青岛
The ship is under charter这条船受租船契约的约束
The ship kept close to the coast船接近海岸行
The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker这条船与一石油货轮相撞后沉没
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again他们无法使之重新漂起
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again船牢牢搁浅在沙滩上
The ship was bilged by a snag船触暗礁而漏水
There was a ship in distress off the shore海岸外有船遇险
Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束
We can affirm that the ship owner is responsible for the damage我们可以断言船方应对损坏负责
weight or measurement per ton at ship's option运费每吨按重量或容积计算由船方决定
We'll make every endeavour to ship the goods within next month我们将千方百计于下月内装运货物
We'll manage to ship the goods by the end of this month我方将设法在本月底前装运货物
We'll ship early next month subject to the availability of vessel我们将装运货物
We'll ship early next month subject to the availability of vessel下月月初如有船
We'll ship the goods by the end of this month我们将于本月底装运货物
We'll ship the goods in a week一周后我们将装运货物
When will you ship the goods on consignment?你方何时可发运寄售货物?
With regard to S/C No. 5012, please ship the goods as soon as possible关于第5012 号销售合同,请尽快装运货物