
Terms for subject China containing ship | all forms | exact matches only
before the ship sails开航前
cancellation of registration of the ship's ownership船舶所有权注销登记
formality for registration of the ship's ownership船舶所有权登记手续
lawsuit brought on a ship mortgage船舶抵押纠纷提起的诉讼
letter of confirmation of ship's delivery船舶移交完毕确认书
place of ship registry船籍港所在地
place the ship under insurance coverage对该船舶进行保险
place where the ship is arrested船舶扣押地
port of ship return还船港
scalp train or ship ticket倒卖车票、船票
ship be arrested船舶被扣押
ship engaged in special operation特种船舶
ship in collision碰撞船舶
ship in distress遇险船舶
ship of the same owner同一船舶所有人的船舶
ship or craft船艇
ship registration authority船舶登记机关
ship repairing修船
ship's hull船壳
ship's tonnage dues船舶吨税
ship salved获救船舶
ship that give rise to maritime lien产生优先权的船舶
ship under charter租出的船舶
ship under construction建造中的船舶
the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietor ship businesses个体、私营等非公有制经济