
Terms containing shake | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a cordial shake热情握手
econ.a fair shake公平交易
gen.a fair shake公平交易〔处置〕
tech.annular shake环裂
wood.arc shake轮裂
ceram.As porcelain is fragile, it must be well protected against shake, squeeze and collision瓷器都是易碎品,在保存时应注意防震、防挤压、防碰撞
house.As she shakes the shirt, something flies out, floating up like confetti to land on the lid of the dryer她抖了抖那衬衫,有什么东西掉了出来,好似结婚时的彩纸一般,飞飞扬扬,落在了烘干机的盖子上
archit.asbestos-cement shake石棉水泥瓦
tech.asbestos-cement shake石棉水泥盖屋板
archit.asbestos-cement siding shake石棉水泥墙面板
tech.asbestos-cement siding shake石棉水泥墙板
auto.axle side shake车轴横向摆振
anim.husb.baby pig shakes hypoglycemia仔猪低血糖症
anim.husb.baby pig shakes hypoglycemia仔猪病
tech.baghouse with mechanical shake cleaning机械振动清灰袋式除尘器
gen.banana milk shake香蕉奶昔
tech.Bark tile shake搭扣屋面瓦
gen.be no great shakes不是重大〔了不起〕的事〔人,东西〕
auto.body shake车身低频振动
met.brass shake黄铜中毒热
tech.check and shake裂缝
archit.check and shake开裂
archit.check and shake裂纹
tech.check and shake裂纹
gen.chocolate milk shake巧克力奶昔
tech.circular shake环裂
tech.circular shake木材环裂
agric.cob shake玉米脱粒机穗轴分离筛
tech.compound shake复合裂缝
oilcone shake牙轮晃动
met.core shake-out型芯落砂
met.core shake-out打型芯
tech.corrosive shake腐蚀裂缝
tech.corrosive shake腐蚀裂纹
tech.corrosive shakes腐蚀裂缝
tech.cross shake横向振动
construct.cross shake横向振动〔摆动〕
tech.cross shake横向摆动
tech.cross shake辐裂
archit.cross shake板材的辐裂
tech.cross shake横裂
tech.cup shake木材环裂
tech.cup shake木材轮裂
wood.cup shake轮裂
tech.cup shake心裂
agric.cup shake轮裂指木材
tech.cup shake环裂
tech.cup shake风裂
tech.cup shake wood环裂木材
tech.deep shakes深环裂
tech.deep-focus shake深源震
agric.double-shake cleaning双向摇筛清选
tech.dry shake干洒抹面
tech.dry shake干撒
tech.dry shake干撒抹面 (水泥粉)
tech.dry shake floor干振法 (混凝土楼地板耐磨层施工)
tech.edge of shake裂纹板头
chem.electron shake-off电子震脱
tech.end shake木材端裂
tech.end shake木材幅裂
tech.end shake端裂
auto.end shake向振动
archit.end shake木材端裂辐裂
industr.end shake纵向振动〔摆动〕
agric.end shake纵的振动
agric.end shake纵的摆动
tech.end shake端部环裂
tech.end shake木材辐裂
tech.end-shake vanner端摇床
exhib.fair shake公平待遇
exhib.fair shake公道
agric.felling shake伐木震裂
tech.felling shake伐木裂纹
auto.fore-and-aft shake车桥/车辆动力学前后振动
auto.front shake车头低频振动
auto.front-end shake车身前部振
bridg.constr.frost shake冻裂
gen.give M a good shake猛地摇 M
gen.give M a good shake使劲地摇 M
econ.great shakes大成功
econ.great shakes出色
tech.growth shake木材心裂
el.growth shake木材的心裂
tech.growth shake木心环裂
tab.tenn.hand-shake grip横握拍法
tech.heart shake中心裂纹
tech.heart shake木材的心裂
tech.heart shake木心辐裂
el.heart shake木心裂
wood.heart shake星裂
tech.heart shake木心环裂
tech.heart shake心裂
tech.hot shake-out热打箱
tech.hot shake-out高温打箱 (落砂用)
inf.in a brace of shakes马上
inf.in a brace of shakes刹那间
inf.in a brace of shakes立刻
gen.in half a shake立即
gen.in half a shake忽然
gen.in half a shake一下子
gen.in half a shake一刹那
gen.in half a shake马上
gen.in two shakes立即
gen.in two shakes一下子
gen.in two shakes一刹那
gen.in two shakes忽然
gen.in two shakes马上
met.inertia shake-out惯性落砂
archit.internal annular shake木心坏裂
tech.internal annular shake木心环裂
el.internal shake堆内振动【核】
tech.internal shake内裂
archit.internal shake内环裂 (木)
tech.internal shake木材内环裂
tech.internal shake内轮裂
auto.lateral shake车身横向低频振动
auto.lateral shake横向摇
tech.length of shakes木材的裂纹长度
tech.lightning shake闪电状裂纹
tech.lightning shake放射形环裂
tech.lightning shake发射形环裂
agric.lightning shakes电光裂
exhib.milk shake奶昔
anim.husb.milk shake泡沫牛奶
tech.pith shake髓裂
gen.Pour the lemon juice, lemon cordial and vodka into a cocktail shaker and shake well将柠檬汁、柠檬甘露酒、伏特加酒倒入鸡尾酒调酒器,调制均匀
tech.processed shake工艺环裂
tech.processed shake加工裂缝
tech.processed shake装饰裂纹
tech.processed shake锯成的木瓦
cont.cast.push-out type shake-out推出式落砂
cont.cast.push-out type shake-out捅出式落砂
met.push-out type shake-out【铸】 推出式落砂
econ.put shakes on a company向公司勒索钱财
tech.quality standard shake有木裂纹的板的质量标准
tech.radial shake
agric.radial shake辐射裂
tech.radial shake径裂
tech.radial shake辐射式裂缝
tech.radial shake径向开裂
tech.resawed tapered shake斜锯板
tech.resawn tapered shake斜锯板
tech.ring shake顺年轮干裂
tech.ring shake环裂
tech.ring shake木心裂
tech.ring shake风裂
tech.ring shake心裂
wood.ring shake轮裂
tech.ring shake木材轮裂
hydroel.st.ring shake材料的干裂
tech.ring shake年轮裂
tech.rock shake摇动
tech.round shake环裂
agric.sap shake边材轮裂
tech.Saxon shake撒克逊木板屋面
tech.Saxon shake撒克逊木瓦
auto.scuttle shake车颈摇动
gen.shake a conviction动摇信心
tech.shake allowance松动量
tech.shake apparatus振荡仪
wushu.shake arms振臂
genet.shake cultivation震荡培养
genet.shake cultivation摇合培养
life.sc.shake cultivation振荡培养
tech.shake culture震荡培养
tech.shake culture摇动培养法
med.shake culture振荡培养
auto.shake damper减振器
auto.shake damper振动缓冲阻尼
econ.shake one's determination动摇决心
gen.shake down摇下来
gen.shake down衰减振动
gen.shake down缩减
gen.shake down勒索
gen.shake down安顿
gen.shake down运行试验
gen.shake down安下心来
plast.shake down试验性的
plast.shake down临时的
plast.shake down试运转
gen.shake down适应新环境
gen.shake down摇落
econ.shake a company down for公司勒索
gen.shake one's fingers at sb.向某人摆动手指表示威胁、警告、责备等
genet.shake flask摇瓶
agric.shake flask摇动烧瓶
chem.shake flask culture摇瓶培养
tech.shake flask culture摇瓶培养
tech.shake flask test摇瓶试验
tech.shake flat ladder step防扭踏板
agric.shake fork干草叉
tenn.shake-hand grip握手式握拍法
badm.shake-hand grip握手式握拍法
gen.shake hands握手
tab.tenn.shake-hands grip横握拍法
gen.shake one's head in disapproval摇头表示不赞成
econ.shake in the exchange交易所震荡
tech.shake in timber木料环裂
dermat.shake lotion摇荡剂
tech.shake mill摆动筛架
tech.shake-motion wave蛇行波
auto.shake mould analysis振型分析
sport.shake off摆脱
gen.shake off推〔拆〕开
gen.shake off抛弃
baseb.shake off不按暗号投球
footb.shake off完全摆脱
econ.shake off摆脱 (dependence on the developed countries, 对发达国家的依靠)
gen.shake off抖〔掸〕去
busin.shake off control摆脱控制
econ.shake off dependence on摆脱对... 的依赖
ecol.shake off poverty扶贫
fin.shake off poverty and become prosperous脱贫致富
econ.shake off the control of foreign capital摆脱外国资本的控制
footb.shake off the defenders摆脱防守队员
securit.shake off the fiscal profligacy摆脱肆意挥霍财政资金的恶名
fin.shake off the impact of the financial crisis摆脱金融危机的影响
tech.shake off the other ship摆脱他船
dipl.shake off the yoke反抗
dipl.shake off the yoke拒绝服从
dipl.shake off the yoke摆脱枷锁〔束缚〕
gen.shake on to答应
gen.shake on to承认
gen.shake oneself together振作起来
oilshake out筛出
oilshake out从分离器取得的油样
securit.shake out证券跌价被迫抛售
busin.shake out实力不足的投机商淘汰出市场
busin.shake out抛售债券等
interntl.trade.shake out排出
interntl.trade.shake out淘汰
interntl.trade.shake out排挤
interntl.trade.shake out抛售
securit.shake out被迫出场
oilshake out振动分出
securit.shake out排挤出市场
mining.shake out分离
securit.shake out淘汰出市场
securit.shake out震仓
met.shake-out grid落砂格栅
proj.manag.shake-out stage动荡阶段
adv.shake-out stage洗牌阶段
met.shake-out table落砂机
dril.shake pit振动筛下的沉砂池
avia.shake-proof washer减震垫圈
auto.shake road车辆颠簸试验道路
tech.shake rot裂纹腐蚀
voll.shake set抖传
textileshake sweater厚运动衫
auto.shake table振动试验振动
el.shake table振动试验台
eng.geol.shake table振动台
agric.shake table振动[分选]台
bridg.constr.shake table for earthquake simulation地震模拟振动台
el.shake-table test振动台试验
nautic., tech.shake table test振动台试验
tech.shake test振动试验
sport., med.shake test摇摆试验
tab.tenn.shake the ankle转动脚踝
tab.tenn.shake the ankle转动踝关节
gen.shake the feather炫耀自己的身份〔荣誉〕
tab.tenn.shake the wrist抖腕
wood.shake through shrinkage收缩开裂
gen.shake to compact摇紧
anim.husb.shake tongue振动
gen.shake up摇整齐
busin.shake up改组
busin.shake up政策剧变
busin.shake up重新组合
gen.shake up激励
gen.shake up整顿
gen.shake up搅〔震〕动
tech.shake up摇荡
agric.shake up大淘汰
gen.shake up摇混〔荡,匀,浑,醒〕
fin.shake up the domestic financial markets提振本国金融市场
gen.shake up M with把M同N摇混〔浑〕 (N)
eng.geol.shake wave振动波摆动
eng.geol.shake wave横向波动
tech.shake willey振荡式除杂机
tech.shell shake皮裂
tech.shell shake环裂
tech.shell shake壳裂
auto.side shake端隙
auto.side shake轴承轴向间隙
auto.side shake车辆动力学横向摇振,摆
agric.side shake digger抖动侧送式挖掘机
tech.side-shake digger抖动侧送式挖掘机
tech.side-shake mill横振筛架
tech.side-shake screen横向振动筛
tech.side shake vanner侧捣淘矿机
tech.siding shake手工劈成的墙面板
tech.simple shake单裂
tech.split shakes劈裂木瓦
tech.split shakes劈裂木板
archit.star shake木材的星形裂纹
agric.star shake木材星裂
tech.star shake星形环裂
wood.star shake星裂
el.star shake材料的辐射裂纹
el.star shake星形开裂
tech.star shake星形裂纹
tech.stop operation and undergo shake-up停产整顿
gen.strawberry shake草莓奶昔
tech.surface shake表面裂缝
tech.surface shake表面裂纹
tech.suspended shake out device悬挂式落砂架
tech.table shake台式振荡器
tech.taper-split shake斜破板
tech.texture split shakes panel纹理裂缝屋面板
gen.The sit-down has run out of chocolate shake那家快餐店的巧克力奶昔卖完了
tech.through shake顺木纹方向的贯透裂
tech.through shake贯通轮裂
tech.through shake木材年轮裂
tech.through shake穿透裂缝
tech.through shake透环流
archit.through shake劈裂
tech.through shake木材在年轮间开裂
tech.thunder shake电裂
tech.thunder shake木纹纵裂
auto.torsional shake车身/车辆动力学扭转振动
tech.torsional shake扭转振摆
gen.vanilla shake香草奶昔
auto.vehicle shakeshaking车身/车辆动力学车辆振
tech.vibrating shake-out grid振动落砂架
tech.vibrating shake-out machine振动落砂机
wushu.walk sideways on tiptoe and shake shoulders脚尖横步喜摇肩
archit.weather shake风干裂纹
agric.weather shake木材干裂
tech.weather shake干冻裂隙
tech.weather shake风蚀裂纹
tech.weather shake晒裂
archit.weather shake木材等干冻裂隙
tech.weather shake自然裂纹
tech.weather shake干裂
tech.wheel shake轮裂
tech.width of shakes木材的环裂宽度
agric.wind ring shake风裂
agric.wind ring shake轮裂
agric.wind shake轮裂
agric.wind shake风裂树木
tech.wind shake木材轮裂
tech.wind shake环裂
tech.wind shake顺年轮干裂
tech.wind shake树干风裂
tech.wind shake风裂
tech.wind shake木材环裂
tech.wind shake木材辐裂
tech.wood shake木材环裂
tech.wooden roof shake木鱼鳞板
tech.wooden shake木鱼鳞板
tech.wooden shake木片瓦
tech.wooden siding shake木墙鱼鳞板
tech.wooden siding shake木墙雨淋板
tech.wooden skirting shake木踢脚板