
Terms for subject Business containing servicing | all forms | exact matches only
accessible for servicing便于使用维护的
accessible servicing允许服务
administrative and general services division行政总务部门
advance payment for services预付劳务费
all goods and services全部商品和劳务
burden of debt servicing分担偿债负担
business relating to servicing of bond与债券的清偿和付息有关的业务
commercial services商业服务行业指银行、保险、运输、通讯等业以及对卖方和买方提供的服务
community facilities and services公共设施和劳务
compensation for personal services performed个人劳务报酬
compensation for services劳务报酬
contract of services对律师、会计师的聘请合同
contribution in services劳务捐助
cost of common services一般劳务费
customer servicing information system用户订货服务信息系统
debt service as a... % of exports of goods and services债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%
debt servicing偿还本息
debt servicing capacity偿债能力
debt servicing capacity还本付息能力
debt servicing obligation偿债义务
debt servicing payment债务偿付
debt servicing ratio债息比率债息与创收的比率
defence contract administration services保护合同管理部门
direct services直接服务
easy servicing易于检修
educational services培训部
educational services methodology专业训练方法
employee comfort and services in layout有关职工舒适和服务的布置
employee services and benefits职工福利费
export of goods and services商品与劳务出口
export of goods and services货物与劳务出口
external debt servicing外债偿还
factor services生产要素劳务
final goods and services最终商品与劳务指消费的商品、劳务使用
final use of goods and services商品与劳务的最终使用
forces and services bounty服务人员奖励金
free services and repairs免费修理服务
general government services一般公务部门
goods and services商品与劳务
goods and services商品与劳务即国际收支平衡表内四个项目之一
goods and services account商品与劳务项目即国际收支平衡表上的经常项目
government current expenditure on goods and services政府对货物和服务的现行费用
government services政府行政部门
grade of services服务质量
grade of services服务等级
heating and other services采暖及其他服务措施
imports of goods and services货物与劳务进口额
industrial property services工业产权服务处
industry services工业劳务
industry services工业业务
instrument of acquisition of goods and services取得商品及劳务的凭证
integrated package of services一揽子服务
integrated package of services综合一揽子服务
integrated package of services综合服务
intermediary services中间服务
internal finance and office services内部财务与行政工作
interworking between user classes of services各用户业务类别之间的互通
investment reference services投资参考服务
loan services款业务
manufacturing services management制造业务管理
non-pensionable services不计养恤金的服务时间
order servicing订货业务
preventive maintenance services预防维修服务
professional services专业性劳务
remuneration for personal services个人劳务报酬
service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额百分比
services and maintenance保养与维修业务
services to trade服务于商业的行业如运输业、保险业等
servicing action服务活动
servicing action维护作用
servicing by replacement置换维修
servicing centre服务 〔修理,加油〕站
servicing depot服务 〔修理,加油〕站
servicing depot维修仓库
servicing ease简易维修
servicing equipment维修设备
servicing equipment服务设备
servicing facilities服务设施
servicing hints维修须知
servicing of loan贷款本付息
servicing officer现任职员
servicing order检修指令
servicing point维修点
servicing point服务地点
servicing problem业务问题
servicing problem维修问题
servicing problem使用问题
servicing requirements服务要求
technical services income技术性劳务收入
unbilled services未开账单劳务