
Terms for subject International trade containing service | all forms | exact matches only
actual service实际服务
actual service实际航行
advisory service咨询服务
advisory service and training on the generalized system of preferences关于普遍优惠制的咨询服务和训练
advisory services for the multilateral trade negotiations多边贸易谈判咨询服务
aeronautical mobile service—般空勤和机动服务
after service售后服务如包修等
after service销售后服务
after-service export后续服务出口
after-service export提供服务的出口
agent service代理业务
agreement concerning cooperation in broadcasting service广播合作协定
agreement on postal service邮政协定
agreement on tele-communication service电信协定
agricultural marketing service农产品运销局
air transport service division空运服务组
air-mail service航空运寄
all-night service通宵服务
application for international transferred account telegraph service card国际转帐电报业务凭证申请书
balance on goods and services货物和服务的平衡
basic service ports主要挂靠港
bundle of service服务群
business defense services administration美国商务部工商防卫服务管理署
capital flows and service payments资本流入和偿还债务付款
cartage service搬运业务
China Advertising Service中国广告公司
city terminal service空运市区至机场的搬运服务
clearing house service票据交换所业务
clearing house service情报交换业务
client furnished services &materials顾主提供的工作与材料
clipper service快速服务
clipper service直接由油库向分配点发货
clipper service直接供油
commercial service通讯社所发的有关商情专电
commercial service商业专报
commercial service商业服务
consolidated fund service固定资金
container service货柜服务
container service货柜运输
container service集装箱运输
container service charge货柜服务费
container service charge集装箱服务费
contract for service劳务合同
contract of service劳务合同
contracting service订约事务
contractual debt service合同规定的还债额
cost of common services一般服备成本
cost of service principle劳务成本之原则
cost of services劳务费
credit information service征信机构
credit information service征信所
custodian service保管业务
customs service海关
debt and debt-service indicators of public debt公共债务的债务与债务偿还指数
debt service as a % of exports of goods and services债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%
debt service as a % of GNP债务偿还占国民生产总值的% (gross national product)
debt-service figures债务偿还数字
debt-service obligations债务偿付义务
debt service payments偿还债务的开支
debt-service rations债务偿还比率
deconsolidation service拆箱作业
delivery service航空货运局
depreciation service output营业单位折旧
determinate service固定劳务
distribution service分送货物
distribution service运输拆卸任务
distribution statement of service cost服务费用分配表
environmental science services administration环境科学服务处
essential services基本服务设施
estimated service life估计使用年限
export goods and services货品及劳务输出
exports goods and services货品及劳务输出
exports of goods and services货物和劳务出口额
extension service推广处
extension services推广服务
extension services推广业务
factory service cost工厂服务成本
feeder service支线运输
feeder service供给船运输
feeder service ports供给船运输港
feeder service ports支线运输港
ferry service轮渡服务
final goods and services最终商品和劳务
financial service财经服务社
food service饮食服务
foreign agricultural service农产品外销局
foreign information service国外资料处
foreign service offices国外部
free service免费服务
free service免税服务
freight service货运
full service完全服务
future service将来的服务
future service payments未来的债务还本付息额
general government services一般的政府事业部门
gold transaction service黄金交易服务
goods and services货物与劳务
goods and services货物及劳务
goods handling service货物装卸业务
government current expenditure on goods and services政府对商品和劳务的经常开支
gratuitous service免费服务
harbour service港务通讯
headquarters of the customs service海关总部
high debt-service obligations高额的偿付债务款项
home service国内服务
IFC service and support fee国际金融公司偿付的劳务和支助费用
import of goods and services货品及劳务输入
imports of goods and services货品及劳务输入
industrial extension services工业推广业务
integrated agricultural support services农业综合支助服务
integrated container service货柜服务公司
integrated container service集装箱服务公司
intermediary service中间服务
Internal Revenue Services税务署美国
International Air Services Transit Agreement国际航空过境协定1944 年 12 月7 日
international parcel service国际包裹服务
international social service国际社会公益服务处
investment reference services投资参考事务
joint service共同调度船只
joint services联合劳务
junction service短途通信
land-bridge service陆桥运输
LCL service charge并箱货运服务费
LCL service charge并装货物服务费
less imports of goods and services减去商品及劳务的进口额
limited service wholesaler有限服务批发商
liner service班轮业务
liner service班轮运输
loan services出借业务
loan services放款业务
loss prevention service预防损失服务
mail order service邮购服务
management advisory service管理顾问服务
maritime mobile service海上移动服务
maritime mobile service海上机动服务
merchant service商船
merchant service海上贸易
merchant service flag商船
mini-bridge service小型陆桥运输
National Technical Information Service全国技术情报服务局
no delay service无迟延通信
no frills service"经济票"
no frills service省俭服务
non-contributory service非缴款服务期间联合国秘书处
non-contributory service非缴款服务期间
non-factor services非要素劳务
notional share of debt service payments暂定偿还债务分摊份额
on company service由公司免费运输
overland service陆路运输
overland service陆上运输
packing service包装业
packing service封装服务
passenger service客运
period of qualifying service合格服务期间
personal service俸给支岀
personal service个人服务
personal service劳务
personal service人事费
phonopost service录音邮件
pick up and delivery service接送货物服务
pick-up service运送服务
piggyback service铁路平车运输
placement service就业介绍机构
postal service邮政业务
preventive service缉私工作
preventive service缉私仏
private tieline service专线业务
professional service cost专业劳务成本
program supporting service计划支助机构
project debt service预计还本付息额
project supporting services项目支助业务
protocol service礼宾处
provide good service服务周到
public service公用事业
public service公共事业
public service corporation公用事业公司
public service corporation公用事业
public service corporation公共事业公司
public service division公共业务部
quality of freight service货运质量
quarantine service检疫所
quick service快速服务
quick service送货迅速
railway transport service division铁路运输服务组
rate for overseas radiophone service国际电话价目表
rates for overseas radiophone service国际电报价目表
rates for overseas telegraphone service国际电报价目表
refinancing of debt service payments为偿付债务开支再筹划资金
regular service舍期航行
regular service定期服务
regular service定期航行
render service提供服务
round-the-clock service日夜服务
routine supporting services日常支助性服务
sea-land service水陆通运
sectoral supporting services部门性支助工作
self-service bookstores无人售书处
self-service shop无人售货商店
self-service store无人售货商店
self-service store自助商店
service account劳务项目
service-and-support fee劳务和支助费
service basis of depredation服务折旧法
service business服务事业
service capacity服务能量
service capacity劳务产能
service charge服务费用
service contract劳务合同
service cost劳务成本
service debt偿还债务
service department服务部门
service department修整部
service department供应部门
service department cost服务部成本
service economy劳务经济
service economy服务经济
service firm服务性企业
service industries服务行业
service lease服务性租赁
service lease or operating lease服务的租赁
service life耐用年数
service manual操作手册
service message业务电报
service observer监察员
service of legal process诉讼程序中送达传票
service passport visa公务护照签证
service payments劳务支付
service payments还本付息额
service payments偿还额
service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比
service policy劳务保险单
service transaction劳务交易
service-type business服务性企业 (firm)
service type on delivery货方式 (receiving)
service unit劳务单位
service worker服务行业人员
service-yield basis of depreciation劳务产生基础折旧用
services buildings辅助设施建筑
shuttle service穿梭输送
shuttle service循环运行
site and services场地与服务
sites and services场地与服务
spatial location of urban services空间位置
special industrial services特别工业事务
special service agreement特种服务劳务协定
stoppage of service停止服务
supporting service支助性业务
Technical Advisory Service技术咨询服务处
technical consultation services技术咨询服务
technical service fee技术服务费
telex service电报局
terminal-to terminal service集装箱装卸区到装卸区业务
terminal-to-door service集装箱装卸区到门运输业务
terminal-to-terminal service集装箱装卸区到装卸区运输业务
terms of service使用期限
terms of service服务条件
terms of service服务的条件
through service or direct additional直航附加费
trade-mark for services为服务而使用的商标
trading service product服务性项目
trailer service tariff拖车运输费率
trailer service tariff运输拖车费率
urgent service加急业务
urgent service call加急业务电话
valuable service有价值的服务
volume of telecommunication and postal services邮电营运量