
Terms for subject Economy containing service | all forms | exact matches only
a business and service worker商业和服务业的工人
a minibridge service小型陆桥运输
a self-service store自选商场
a service account劳务账
a service account劳务项目
a service by substitution代理送达
a service center服务中心
a shuttle service穿梭运输
ability to service debt还债的能力
About 70% of labour force are employed in service activity大约70%的劳动力受雇从事服务行业
accrued service on development credit开发信贷应计手续费
administrative and financial services行政及财务处
administrative and general service division行政及总务部门
advertising certain goods service为其商品劳务作广告
after-service export提供销售服务出口
After the discontinuance of our manufacture of such machines, we shall continue to supply you with the service of maintenance在停止生产这种机器之后,我们将继续向你方提供这种机器的维修服务
aftersale service售后服务
after-sales service免费保养服务
agreement on telecommunication service电信协定
Agricultural Marketing Service美国农产品销售局
Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire航空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等
allocation of service department costs服务部门的成本的分配
alternatives providing service of equal value提供等值服务的方案
alternatives with unequal service lives不同服务期的方案
Analytical Quality Control Service质量分析管理处
application for international transfered account telegraph service card国际转账电报业务凭证申请书
Application Service Provider应用服务供应商
Appropriate compensation for our service in promoting the sales of your products has been made我方在促销你方产品方面的服务已经取得了适当的报酬
Armed Services Petroleum Board美国军队后勤石油管理局
Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency美国军用石油采购署
Arthur Andersen Petroleum Services阿瑟•安德森石油服务公司
As a reputable firm of accountants, we wish you to avail yourselves of our service我们是信誉卓著的会计公司,希望你们充分利用我们的服务
assembly service集装服务
Assessment and Information Services Center评估与信息服务中心
automatic transfer service将储蓄余额自动转入来往户的服务
auxiliary service辅助服务
average service life平均使用寿命
bachelor of business service经营学学士
balance of services服务平衡
balance of services服务差额
balance on goods, services and income与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度商品、服务和直接与间接投资收人净转移的商品、服务和收人差额
balance on services与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季度公布的测度旅游、其他运输服务和商业、职业及其他技术服务净转移的服务差额
banking service银行服务
basic service port主要停靠港
be met with a good service受到好的服务
bond service奴役
British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres英国防燃电气设备审核处
British Road Service英国公路货运局
Budget Management Information Service预算管理服务中心
building service expenses房屋服务费用
career service职业性工作人员
catering service饮食供应事务
central service department中央服务部门
Centre for Trade and Investment Services美国贸易与投资服务中心
charge winchmen service起货机工力费
charges for service劳务费用
China Agriculture and Land Reclamation Import and Export Service Corporation中国农垦进出口服务总公司
China Athletics Service Corporation中国体育服务公司
China Foreign Trade Consultation and Technical Service Corporation中国对外贸易咨询与技术服务公司
China International Travel Service中国国际旅行社
China Light Industry Import-Export and Service Corporation中国轻工业进出口服务公司
China Railway Foreign Service Corporation中国铁路对外服务公司
Cities Service Oil Co.城市 石油服务公司
Cities Service Oil城市服务石油公司 (Co.)
city terminal service空运的市区至机场的搬运服务
civil service公务员制度
civil service system公务员制度
class of service服务类型【级别】
clipping service剪报公司
clipping service剪报工作
collective welfare service集体福利事业 (undertakings)
Columbia Energy Service美国哥伦比亚能源服务处
community service社会服务
Company Operated Service Stations公司经营的服务站
compensation for loss or damage to personal effects attributable to service个人用品因公遗失或损坏的赔偿
compensation for personal services, performed个人劳务报酬
computerized service使用电脑营业
consolidated fund service永久经费
consultant service顾问服务
contract of service劳动合同
contract service公务运输合同
contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling重新安排还债期限前按合约规定的应偿还债务
contractual service杂用支出订约服务
contractual service合同员工
Cooper Energy Services美国库珀能源服务公司
Coordinated Oil Services法国石油协调服务公司
cost of service维护成本
cost service trade -offs成本服务的损益 (抉择)
credit advisory service信贷咨询服务
current service estimate对连续性项目的支出预算估计
customer-oriented service以顾客为主的服务
Customs Service关税局
Daniel Measurement Services丹尼尔测量公司
debt service actually paid实现偿付的债务
debt service charges财务偿付费用
debt service figure债务偿还数字
debt service fund偿还基金
debt service fund requirement应提偿债基金数
debt service obligation债务偿付义务
debt service obligations债务偿付义务
debt service payment偿还债务
debt service payments偿付债务开支
debt service ratio还债率
debt service ratio外债清偿比例
debt service record债务偿还记录
debt service requirement偿还资金需要量
debt service requirement清偿债务的条件
delivery service货运局
delivery service货运服务
Department of Fiscal Services财务服务部
depreciation by service output method劳务数量法折旧
depreciation by service capacity method服务能力折旧法
depreciation-service capacity method服务能力折旧法
depreciation by service output method服务产量折旧法
direct service直接靠岸装卸
direct service直接货运
direct service直接服务行业
discount self-service department store美国廉价内部自我服务公司
distribution service运输拆卸业务
distributive service经销劳务
dock for joint land and water transport service水陆联运码头
domestic air service国内航线
Domestic Data Service美国国家气象局国内数据部
domestic service家务
eligible service合格服务期间
end of service grant服务终结津贴
Energy Products and Services Administration能源产品与服务管理局
engineering service技术服务
Enron Gas Services美国安然天然气服务公司
establish a daily ferry service开办每日轮渡服务
estimated liability for free service估计应付服务费
estimated service life折旧资产的估定使用年限
evaluation and service test评估和使用试验
ex service退役的
exchange of goods and service商品和劳务交流
Exploration and Production Services Ltd.勘探与生产服务有限公司
Export Contact List Service出口联系名录
Export Contact List Service美国出口联络名单服务
export of labour and services劳务出口
export of services劳务出口
express mail service快邮服务
express mail service邮政特快传递服务
extended service intervals延长使用期
extension service推广业务
factor service保付代理行
factoring services代收服务
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service联邦调停和解委员会
Federal Supply Service联邦供应部
feeder service支线货运
feeder service port供给船运输港
feeder service port支线运输港
feeder transport service支线运输
feeding service喂食
feeding service饲养
field service现场维修
final goods and services最终货物及服务
financial advisory service财政咨询服务社
financial advisory service财务顾问服务
financial service财务顾问服务公司
financial service财务服务
fitted for the service适于有关航次
flow of services劳务流动
Foreign Agricultural Service美国对外农业服务局
Foreign Commercial Service美国商务部外商服务处
Foreign Exchange Service外汇服务部
Foreign Service美国对外服务局 (U. S.)
foreign service allowance国外服务【工作】津贴
Foreign Service Institute美国政府的对外服务学院
foreign-exchange service汇兑业务
free medical service免费医疗 (treatment)
free medical service公费医疗
freight forwarding service转运服务
freight forwarding services货运业务
freight service货运 (业)
freight service货运业务
full service经营全部业务
full-service agency全面服务广告社
full service wholesaler提供充分服务的批发商
future service payment未来债务还本付息额
general administrative service budget一般行政事务预算
general service category一般事务人员职务类别
general service level一般事务人员职务等级
general services administration总务管理局
general services area一般服务范围
give publicity to service宣传劳务
Gold Key Service金钥匙服务局美国商务部管理国际贸易的一个机构
gold transaction service黄金交易业务
government service政府行政部门
Grant and Contract Service转让与合同管理处
Halliburton Energy Service美国哈里伯顿能源服务公司
Halliburton Services美国哈里伯顿服务公司
He complains that our service is slow他抱怨我们的服务太慢
Her His Majesty's Service英国政府公文
high debt-service obligation高额债务偿付款项
high debt service obligation高额的偿付债务款项
high-technology information services尖端工艺的信息服务
hire of service雇用
hours of service服务时间
hybrid service混合准备
If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service如果您想在房里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部
Imperial Service College帝国后勤学院
import service进口服务
imputation for insurance service保险业务的估算
in-service training实地培训
in-service training在职进修
inaugurate regular air services开办定期航班
income from service劳务收入
independent service独立劳务
independent service独立船公司
Industrial & Offshore Computer Services Ltd.工业与海上计算机服务有限公司
information science service for agriculture信息科学为农业服务
Information Service in Physics, Electrotechnology, Computer and Control物理学、电工学和计算机与控制信息服务
integrated container service集装箱服务公司
Integrated Management Services智能管理服务处
integrated package of services综合的一揽子服务
integrated service agreement一揽子服务协议
integration marketing service农产品运销服务
integration support service农业支援服务
intergovernmental service funds政府内部服务基金
intermediate services中间性劳务
intermittent service断续服务
internal revenue service!国内税收服务处
Internal Revenue Service美国财政部
Internal Revenue Service美国税务署
internal revenue service国内征税局
International Approval Service国际认证机构
International Development Services国际开发局
International Finance Corporation service and support fee国际金融公司偿付的劳务和支助费用
investment services投资服务
investment supervisory service投资管理服务
invoice for service traffic股务运输发票
It is difficult for this company to service its debts此公司还债有困难
labour and service export劳务出口
labour service charge劳动服务费
length of service pension服务年限抚恤金
level of customer service顾客服务水准
life-saving service救生业
Like all other computers we handle, this computer also accompanied with three-year guarantee for our aftercare service同我们经营的其他计算机一样,这部计算机也有三年的保修期
limited service whole saler有限服务批发商
loan service贷款服务
loans service to farmers对农民的贷款服务
logistical services后勤维修
logistical services后勤服务
mail service邮递服务
Main Services International, Inc.国际主要专业服务有限公司
Managed Maintenance Services经营维护服务处
management advisory service经营咨询服务
manpower service center劳动力作业中心
marketing services销售服务
marketing services销售机构
material and service包工包料
material service物资服务
maximum service life最大使用寿命
maximum service limit最大使用限度
mean service time平均使用时间
merchant service flag商旗
micro-bridge service海陆联运
miscellaneous service总【杂】务
National Energy Services Association美国全国能源服务协会
net return from services劳务收入净额
net revenue available for debt service可用于偿债的纯收入
no-frill service"经济飞机票"
no-frill service省俭服务
normal service test正常操作条件下的试验
Office of Engineering Standards Services美国国家标准局工程标准服务处
office service就业服务
Oil Field Service and Supply油田服务与供应公司
Oil Price Information Service油价信息服务中心
Oil Technology Services石油技术服务公司【机构】
one-service packing供一次使用包装
operating service lease维护性租约
operating service lease维持性租赁
operating service lease经营性租赁
other services line其他服务线
out of service不能工作的
over the counter small package service小包裹柜台服务
paid service indication纳费业务标志
passenger service charge客运服务费
past service costs前期退休金费用支出
performance in service使用性能
personal service corporation对个人服务公司
Petro-Canada International Management Services加拿大国际石油管理服务中心
Petroleum Engineering Services石油工程服务公司
Petroleum Industry Service Alliance石油工业服务同盟
Petroleum Industry Training Service石油工业培训处
Petroleum Service Company石油服务公司
petroleum service contract of the area地区石油服务合同
pickup and delivery service接送零担货物业务
pickup service运送服务
poor service服务态度恶劣
poor service劣质服务
preventive maintenance service预防性维修服务
preventive service缉私队
previous services theory过去服务说
price index number of service expenditure服务性支出价格指数
pricing service估价服务
prior service cost前期服务费
private tieline service用户电报
private tieline service专线收发电报
procurement service代购
procurement service采购服务
product and service lines产品和服务线
product service产品服务
productive service生产劳务
professional service专门职业服务
programme operation and service计划业务和机构
programme support service budget计划支助事务预算
programme supporting service计划支助机构
provide home delivery service for large and bulky products大件物品送货上门
provide service with a scowl服务态度恶劣
provide services for business negotiation提供商务洽谈服务
public health service检疫站
public health service公共卫生部
public service政府部门
public service公共事业 (务)
public service commission公用事业委员会
public service company公用事业公司 (或企业)
public-service corporation公用事业公司
public service enterprises公用事业公司 (或企业)
public service industry公众服务性行业
public utility and transportation service公用事业与交通服务
publicise the services of the tourist board为海外旅游设备做广告
quality of freight, passenger service货运、客运服务质量
quarantine service检疫机构
railway in service营运中的铁路
ready for service工作就绪
ready for service准备使用
real burden of debt service债务偿还事务的实际负担
rear supply service department供需服务部门
refinance service payment on debt筹措偿还债务的资金
refinancing of debt service payment为偿付债务开支再筹划资金
regular service定期航运 (服务)
reimbursable service可补偿的服务
reimbursable service可收回的事务费
remote service unit远距离服务装置指在超级市场或其他地方设置的为顾客存取款服务的银行自动柜 (员、机)
remuneration for personal services劳务报酬
rent service代替租金的劳役
research information service科研情报服务部
reserve service agreement特别服务协定
Schlumberger Resource Management Services斯伦贝谢资源管理服务部
risk service agreement风险服务协议
round-the-clock service日夜服务 (service-the-clock)
routine supporting service日常资助性服务
scientific and technological public service科技公共服务机构
serve the clients with good service为顾客提供优质服务
service a debt对到期债券还本付息
service account劳务账目
service action analysis维修活动分析
service aid维修手段
service an outstanding loan支付未偿还贷款
service area服务
service attributable to the source country应归属收入来源国的劳务
service bulletin业务公报
service bulletin维修报告
service bureau维修处
service bureau division维修部【点】
service ceiling使用上限
service certificate工作证
service chaises手续费
service chaises服务费
service chaises劳务费
service charge劳务费用
service charge服务作业
service contracts服务合同
service contribution劳务贡献
service cooperative服务合作社
service department维修部
service-elasticity of demand需求的服务弹性
service expense服务费
service factor运行【利用】系数
service group维修小组
service indexes劳务费指数
service indices劳务费指数
service inspection业务检査
service instruction维护规程
service instruction使用说明书
service level劳务水准
service useful life使用年限
service life evaluation使用寿命评估
service-life method使用年限法
service manual维护【服务,使用】手册
service output method生产数量法
service parts catalog备件目录
service payment还本付息额
service payment劳务支付
service performance工作状况
service potential of assets资产服务潜力
service quality index服务质量指数
service regulations经营规则
service report服务【使用】报告
service requirements planning服务要求计划
service retail outlets服务零售网点
service round-the-clock日夜服务
service station加油【服务,机修】站
service trade服务性行业
service type labour服务性劳动
service unit for foreigners 外事服务单位
service utility劳务效用
service utility服务效用
service utility劳役效用
service value劳务价值
service work orders服务工单
service-yield basis劳务产生基础
services of capital goods资本货物的使用
Shell International Exploration and Production B. V., Research and Technical Services壳牌国际勘探开采公司研究和技术服务处
ships' agency service船舶经理业务
Since we are able to meet your requirements with the best quick and convenient service, we solicit your early order我们能够以优质和快速方便的服务满足你方需要,特请早来订单
Single Internal Market Information Service单一国内市场信息服务公司
single internal market service单一内部市场服务
social service社会公益
social service社会服务
socialized services社会化服务
Societe maritime De Service海上服务公司〈法〉
Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services有时工程的一项变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务
Specialized Service Facility专门化服务机构
stand-by service为服务作备用
State Tax Service国税服务处
supervised credit with supporting services有支持服务的监管信贷
supervision and control over civil aircraft on international service国际民航机的监管
supervision and control over railway trains on international service国际列车监管
supply services非永久经费
supporting service资助性业务
supporting service资助性机构
suspend air service空运停航
system of public service公务员制度
system service request系统服务申报
systems reliability service系统可靠性服务
take out of service报废
take service in a firm在公司任职
taking out of service列入报废
tech service engineer技术服务工程师
tech, service manager技术服务经理
Technical Operating Services Agreement技术作业服务协议
technical service技术服务
Technical Service Group技术服务组
technical service income技术性劳务收入
technical services agreement技术服务协议缩写为TS
term of guaranteed service保修期限
term of guaranteed service服务条件
terminal-to-~ service装卸区到装卸区运输业务
terminal-to-door service装卸区到门运输业务
terms of service保修期限
the accountancy service会计业务
the automatization of banking service银行业务自动化
The brilliant service of these employees qualifies them for participation in the company's various benefit plans这些雇员的优质服务使得他们有资格分享公司各种福利计划
The building maintenance cost information service Ltd房屋维修造价情报公司
The customary remuneration shall be paid for any service completed对已完成的任何劳务都应按惯例付酬
The customer service department deals with the customers' complaints and orders顾客服务部处理顾客的投诉和订购
The electrical appliance store has a delivery service to all parts of the city这家电器商店提供范围遍及全市的送货上门服务
the form of goods and services商品与劳务的形式
the gratuitous service免费服务
the high priced service高价劳务
the in-service training在职训练
The management in a state-operated business provides his employees and labourers with hospitalization and medical services国营企业向其职员和劳工提供住院治疗和各种医疗服务
the maritime mobile service海上机动业务
The merchandise can be delivered to the service organization on consignment商品可以交给服务公司作为寄售
the mileage of transport in service运营长度
the non-contributory service非特约服务
the non-contributory service非缴款服务 (期间)
the optimal service life最佳服务寿命
the overland service陆运
the performance in service使用性能
the personnel service人员服务
the refinancing of debt service payments为偿还债务开支再筹划资金
the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Building Cost Information Service皇家测量师学会房屋造价情报所
the self-service banking自助银行业务
the service differential工种补贴
the service staff服务人员
the telex service电报局
the theory of service value劳务价值论
They consider the insurance service unreliable他们认为该保险服务不可靠
through container service货柜联运业务
through service直达运输业务
time of service使用期限
total debt service偿还本利合计
total service capacity全部生产能力
transaction of goods and service商品和劳务的交易
trunk line service长途业务
turnkey service承包服务
uncredited service不计养恤金的服务期间
United States and Foreign Commercial Service美国与国外商业服务处美国商务部的一个机构
United States Customs Service美国海关
United States Department of Interior Minerals Management Service美国内务部矿产管理局
Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款
urgent service加急任务
valuable service有价服务
value-of -service服务价值
value-of-service consideration服务价值的研究
vanning service charge装柜服务费
veteran s' service and benefit退伍军人福利
voice mailbox service语音信箱业务
voluntary labour service义务劳动
voluntary labour service义务工作
warehouse service charge仓库服务费
We do think that the quality of our service does justice to the pay我们的确认为,我们的服务质量抵得上这种报酬
We will make appropriate adjustments in the service fee for a future period我们将对今后某个时期的服务费作适当的调整
Williams Field Services美国威廉斯油田服务公司
You may, therefore, be assured of the perfect reliability of our service因此,我们的服务完全可靠,务请放心
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