
Terms for subject Technology containing service | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated service加速运转
acceptance of service接受送达
active service现役
additional service附加职责
additional service附加服务 (项目)
additional service附加责任事项
adequate and systematic service配套服务
aeronautical fixed service航空定点通信服务
agricultural research service农业研究所
agricultural service building杂用建筑 (如仓库、 厨房、马厩或附属在田园的等)
agricultural service transformer农业用变压器
alternative operator service交错操作员业务
annual debt service年还本付息
apartment service area公寓服务面积
automated service station自动服务站
automatic data service centre自动数据服务中心
automatic document request service自动文献请求服务处
automatic night service自动夜间服务
automatic service自动业务
automatic smoke alarm service烟气自动报警设备
automatic storm observation service自动风暴观测站
automatic telephone service自动电话业
automatic terminal information service自动终端信息业务
auxiliary service附属服务设施
average service able life平均使用年限
average service braking deceleration常用平均制动减速度
average service conditions正常使用条件
average service conditions一般使用条件
basic service port基地港
basic service rate基本服务费率
brake service制动器操作
brake service脚踏闸
breakdown service破损维修
breakdown service抢修站 (车辆)
breakdown service修理站
bulk service成批服务
bulk service大批服务
bulk service集团业务
centralized tray service system集中配餐方式
certificate of service送达证明书
channel navigation information service航道导航信息业务
character of service工作制 (度)
character of service使用特性
checkpoint restart service facility检查点再启动服务程序
checkpoint restart service facility检验点再起动性能
city terminal service市内运送
classification of service用户分类
classification service分类服务
cold water service冷水供应设施
comm on traffic service公共交通公司
common management information service公用管理信息服务
common service expense公共设施维修管理费
common transport service公共交通公司
common user service公共用户服务
computer network service计算机网络服务
consultant service咨询部门
custom processing service委托加工服务
cylinder liner service tool汽缸套修理工具
data communication service数据通信业务
data exchange service数据交换业务
data service units数据服务单元
data service units信道服务单元
datagram service数据报业务
debt service债务支付
debt service债务清偿服务
debt service借款服务处
debt-service constant债务清偿常数
debt-service fund债务支付基金
debt-service fund偿债基金
debt-service fund requirements应提偿基金
debt-service obligation债务偿付义务
debt-service payments债务偿还的开支
debt-service ratio债务偿还比率
debt-service ratio外债偿还率
debt-service requirement负债资金需要量
direct service water heater给水管直接加热器
dispensing service加料业务
dispersing service配料业务
distribution statement of service服务成本分配表
distributive and service trades分配性和服务性行业
double service双效 (的)
double service两用的
double service双用的
dual guided slush service valve双导板泵阀
dual service双源供电
dual service不同源供电
duct for service供应通道
duct for service运用的管道
duration of service使用年限
duration of service设备使用年限
duration of service服务期限
electric service电气设备维护和保养
electric service duct电气公用设施管沟
electric service elevator电气维修保养电梯
electric service equipment电气辅助设备
electric service equipment进户供电设备
electric service lift保养电梯
electric service lift电气维修保养电梯
electric service pump电动通用泵
electric service to dry dock干坞供电
electric underfloor service carried in conduits地板下安装在管道中的电气线路
electrical service电气设备维护和保养
electrical service duct电气公用设施管沟
electrical service elevator电气维修保养电梯
electrical service equipment电气辅助设备
electrical service equipment进户供电设备
electrical service lift保养电梯
electrical service lift电气维修保养电梯
electrical service pump电动通用泵
electrical service to dry dock干坞供电
electrical underfloor service carried in conduits地板下安装在管道中的电气线路
electronic data service电子数据服务
engine service track机车整备线
engineering service group工程维修组
engineering service loan工程服务贷款
engineering service memo工程维修备忘录
engineering service publication工程技术业务出版物
exceptional service额外服务
expiration of the service value超过租赁资产已服务的价值
express service快速服务
extended area service区域性扩充设施
extended area service扩充区服务
extended area service市内价郊区通信业务
extended area service扩展区域业务
extended service长期运行
extended-service lamp长命灯
facsimile service传真业务
factoring service代收服务
factory direct service工厂直接服务
farm service building农村辅助建筑物
fast food service installation快餐服务设备
field service野外勤务
field service现场使用
field service compressor野外用压缩机
field service manager工地服务主任
field service manager现场经理
field service unit现场服务设施
field service unit野外作业设施
flash information service特快信息服务
forced service强制运行
forecasting service预报机构
forecasting service预报工作
forecasting service预察工作
gas pipeline transportation service煤气管道输送
gas service pipes气体分配管
gas service pipes用户室内安装的煤气管
gasoline service pump汽车加油站
gear pump for heavy oil service重油齿轮泵
general length of service一般工龄
general packet radio service通用分组无线电业务
general public service一般公众业务
general service总务
general service万用
general service多种用途的
general service通用
general service普通业务
general service日用泵
general service公用设施
general service般勤务
general service一般用途 (的)
general service counter总服务台
general service desk通用控制台
general service desk总操作台
general service hose通用胶管
general service launch交通艇
general service launch港务船
general service oil通用内燃机油
general service paint普通油漆
general service pump通用排水
general service pump通用排水泵
general service pump杂用泵
general service-time一般服务时间
GPS differential correction service全球定位系统差分修正业务
GPS differential correction serviceGPS 差分修正业务
high debt-service obligation高额偿付债务款项
high pressure water service高压给水
high priced service高价劳务
high service高压供水
high service system高压供水系统
high service works高区供水厂
high-duty service高负荷运行
high-pressure fire service main高压消防总管
high-pressure service fire pump高压消防泵
high-temperature service高温设备 (装置)
high-temperature service高温作业
hospital service contract医疗合同
hospital service system医疗设施系统
hydrographic service水道测量局
hydrographic service水文局
hydrographical service水道测量局
hydrographical service水文局
hydrologic service水文所
hydrological service水文所
hyperexponential service model超指数服务模型
immersion service浸没条件
incandescent special-service lamp专用白炽灯
inch-foot charge for water service英寸英尺消防水费
incidental service伴随服务
individual service个人劳务
individual service个体服务行业
individual service pipe单用户管
individual service pipe单户用户管
information service情报业务
information service center资料服务中心
input service输入工作
instrument service division仪表服务部
integrated container service集装箱联运业务
integrated service集成运输
integrated service digit network综合服务数字网 (络)
integrated service digital network access capability综合业务数字网的接入能力
integrated service digital network connection综合业务数字网的连接
integrated service network综合业务通信
interchange service海陆接转服务
intermodal service centre联运业务中心
investment consultancy service center投资咨询服务中心
irradiation service照射业务
irregular service不定期供应
irregular service不定期服务
irregular service不定期航次
irregular service不定期运行
irregular service不定期航线
irregular service不定期检修
irregular service非定期运输线路
jumbo for rail service有轨钻车
junction service短程通信
justification service digit码速调整服务数字
laboratory service实验室的辅助管线
laboratory service实验室业务
land mobile service地面移动通信业务
land mobile service陆上移动通信
land service function土地使用功能
land-service road地方道路
land-bridge service陆桥联运
length of railroad lines in service铁路营业里程
length of service bonus服务年限奖金
light service track工地轻便轨道
light-duty service轻负荷运行
lighterage service驳运业务
local public service employee's residence地方职工宿舍
local service地方性服务交通
local service短途运输 (线)
local service局部服务
local service市内公共汽车
local service支线运输
local service area局部服务区
local service urban bus市内公共汽车
management advisory service管理咨询服务
management by objectives during term of service任期目标管理制
management service管理服务 (处)
management service管理系统
management service管理机构
many-to-many service多点服务
marshalling service编组作业
mean service life平均使用年限
mend the service修补受损的索具
meteorologic aids service气象辅助业务
meteorologic service气象服务
meteorologic service气象业务
meteorologic service centre-east东风气象中心
meteorologic service station气象服务站
meteorological service centre-east东风气象中心
meteorological service station气象服务站
metered service计量给水
metered service装水表用户
mobile home park service活动住宅泊地服务设施
mobile home service equipment旅游居住车服务设施
mobile radio service移动无线电业务
mobile service移动电台通信
motor fuel service station机动车燃料加油站
motor service汽车运输
motor service汽车交通
motor service汽车服务
motor service公共交通
motor vehicle service station汽车加油站
motor vehicle service station汽车维修站
multiple listing service房地产商合营业务
multiple service pipe多户用户管
nation safety net service国家安全网络
national marine service ship国家商船船队
national service国内业务
national service of legal metrology国家法制计量部门
National Weather Service国家气象局
naval wireless service海军无线电台
news service通讯社
nominal service condition额定使用条件
occasional service不定期航线
ocean service远洋航线
official service documents正式业务文件
optimum quantity service最佳服务
optional extended area service市郊选择通信业务
optional service可选择受理业务
package of service program服务程序包
package of service programme服务程序包
paid service indication纳费业务标识
particular service requirement特殊使用条件
passenger service客运业务
passenger service旅客服务处
passenger service equipment客运服务设备
passenger service system乘客服务系统
passenger service vehicle载客汽车
passing service facility通行服务设施
past service life已超过服务年限
pavement service valve设在路边的用户管阀
pavement service valve井内的关断阀
personnel exchange service center人才交流服务中心
petroleum intersectional service石油区间勤务处
plant protection service植保服务
plant protection service植物保护服务
plural service不同源供电
primary service area主播送区
priority service优先操作
priority service优先服务
provide people with door-to-door service方便生活
public automobile service自动租借汽车
public aviation service公用航空通信
public communication service公用通信业务
public message service公用信息业务
public radio communications service公用无线电通信业务
public safety radio service公共安全无线电服务
public service公职
public service announcement公益广告
public service facility公共服务设施
public service trades服务性行业
public service vehicle公共汽车
public service vehicle公共车辆
public telegram service公用电报业务
public transport service公共交通公司
public utility and service公用事业服务机构
radio determination satellite service卫星无线电测量业务
radio meteorological service无线电气象报告业务
radio paging service无线寻呼电话
radio service无线电业务
radio service code无线电公电密语
radio signal carrier service area无线载波服务区
radius of service服务半径
railway mail service铁路邮政
railway service铁路服务
railway service铁路业务
railway service car路用车【铁】
railway service train路用列车
railway service transport kilometers路用车辆公里【铁】
railway staff service pass铁路乘车证
ready for service准备投入业务
reclamation service收回使用
recovery of service station vapor加油站蒸汽的回收
recovery of service station vapour加油站蒸汽的回收
recovery service抢修
refinancing of debt service payments为偿付债务筹集资金
refinancing of debt service payments为偿付债务开支再筹资
rescue service海上救助业务
restricted service有限航区
returning to service重配种
sanitation service fee清洁卫生费
scheduled radio communication service定时开放的无线电通信业务
scheduled service定期船运输
sea service海上服务
sea service海上资历
self-service bookstall无人售书处
self-service department store顾客自选的百货商店
self-service department store超级市场
self-service departmental store顾客自选的百货商店
self-service departmental store超级市场
self-service discount department store美国廉价商品无人售货的百货店
self-service display case自取式陈列柜
self-service elevator自开电梯
self-service elevator自动电梯
self-service facility自我服务设施
self-service facility自我服务设备
self-service grocery自选副食品
self-service installation自我服务装置
self-service instrument自动工作仪表
self-service laundry自助洗衣店
self-service laundry顾客自洗洗衣店
self-service laundry自理洗衣店
self-service market自选市场
self-service refrigerator自助冷藏箱
self-service refrigerator自助冰箱
self-service shop自动售货商店
self-service snack bar自助快餐馆
self-service snack bar自助快餐店
ship movement service船舶动态业务
ship radio service船舶无线电业务
ship station carrying on continuous day and night service昼夜工作的船舶电台
shut-down of service track封锁线路
side service spillway边侧辅助溢洪道
simulated service test模拟使用试殓
simulated service test模拟应用试验
simulated service testing machine模拟疲劳试验机
single service单个服务
single service单路供电
single-service article一次性用具
single-service items一次性物品
sixteen hour service provided by ship station of the second category第二类船舶电台工作16小时
social security and welfare service社会保障和福利事业
social service system社会服务系统
spare parts service备件服务
spare parts service备件检修
spares service备件服务
spares service备件检修
speed of service运行速度
station service branch厂用电管理部门
station service branch厂用支线
station-service distribution switch gear厂用配电设备
station service electric system厂用电系统
station service electrical system厂用电系统
station-service generator cubicle厂用发电机开关柜
station service power厂用电 (力)
station service power厂用动 (力)
station service power consumption rate厂用电率
station service supply厂用电源
station service transformer differential protection厂用变差动保护
station service turbine厂自用透平
station service turbine厂自用涡轮机
steel plates for low-temperature service低温用钢板
supervisory service管理业务
supervisory service监听业务
supervisory service监督服务
supervisory service监视设施
supply service base供应基地
supply service quay物资码头
supply service terminal物资码头
supply service wharf物资码头
survey service测绘局
survey service测量局
switch service接入服务
switched multimegabit data service交换式多兆位数据业务
take-out of service取出不用
take-out service外卖饮食店
technical consultation service技术咨询服务
technical consultation service技术咨询机构
technical counsel service技术评议服务
technical counsel service技术咨询机构
technical counsel service技术咨询服务
technical counsel service技术顾问处
Technical Information Service技术情报服务处
technical service技术整备
technical service by medical and health workers医疗卫生人员技术服务
technical service contract技术服务合同
technical service department技术业务部门
technical service group技术勤务组
temporary food service establishment临时性食品服务设施
temporary radiobeacon service临时无线电信标业务
temporary service短期工作
temporary service临时服务
term of service服务期限
term of service保修期限
term of service使用期
term of service任期
terminal service码头作业
tipping service倾卸装置
tram service有轨电车交通
transfer service转接业务
transfer track service转线调车
transmission service profile传输服务剖面图
trip service普通检修
troops topographic service部队测绘勤务
troops topographical service部队测绘勤务
turnovers of commercial and service trades服务行业的流转额
unusual service condition不正常工作条件
unusual service condition异常工况
usual service condition正常工作条件
value of service服务价值
value-of-service consideration服务价值研究
vertical service pipe用户立管
vertical service run用户立管
vertical service space垂直服务通道
vessel traffic management service船舶交通管理系统
vessel traffic service船舶交通服务
vessels in service在册船舶
vibration service lamp防振灯
vibration service lamp耐振灯泡
viewdata service图像数据业务
warehouse service charges仓库服务费
water service供水设备
water service给水服务
water service给水工程
water service cock供水旋塞
water service conduit接户管
water service conduit供水管
water-service installation给水装置
water-service installation给水设备
water service installation给水装置
water service pipe给水引人管
water service pipe服务管【给】
water service pipe户管
water service plan配水管系图
water service plan给水管图
water service pump配水泵
water service schedule水费一览表
water service schedule水分一览表
water service tube供水管
water-borne patrol service水上巡逻工作
winter service冬季防雪设施【道】
wire service新闻电讯社
worksheet to prorate service department cost服务部门成本分配计算表
workstation for service operation维护操作工作站
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