
Terms for subject China containing service | all forms | exact matches only
access services接入服务
active service服现役
activity of domestic public service国内公务活动
advisory services咨询服务
after the commencement of the towage service起拖后
air service agreement民用航空运输协议
air traffic control services空中交通管制服务
alerting service告警服务
animal in active service现役动物
Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services附件 IB:服务贸易总协定
basic telecommunications services基础电信业务
breach the agreement on the term of service违反服务期约定
characters in the service trade服务用字
charge for the labor services劳务价格
charges for basic telecommunications services基础电信业务资费
charges for value-added telecommunications services增值电信业务资费
commencement of the towage service起拖
communications service通信服务
compel another person to provide a service强迫他人提供服务
compensable service有偿服务
consultation services咨询服务
consulting service查询服务
convenient and efficient service便民高效
Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约
correspondence delivery services信件寄递业务
courier service邮政快递
credit information service信贷征信机构
credit service信贷服务
date of service of the document送达日期
discharged from active service退出现役
dispute resolution service provider争议解决机构
domestic express delivery service国内快递业务
during the period of one's reserve service服预备役期间
employment services就业服务
escape military service逃避服役
express delivery service快递业务
express mail service邮政快递
extend one's service超期服现役
extended service in the army超期服现役
flight information service飞行情报服务
form of service服务方式
free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense公费和劳保医疗制度
fulfil one's duty of performing military service履行兵役义务
funeral service fees丧葬费
give priority in service优先提供服务
government departments and public service institutions机关事业单位
gratuitous service无偿服务
having provided meritorious service成绩显著
health and quarantine services卫生检疫
health care services卫生保健
health-care services保健服务
improve our service attitude增强服务意识
improve the infrastructure and service system for family planning at the primary level完善基层计划生育基础设施和服务体系
improve the methods used to administer government affairs and deliver services改进政府管理与服务方式
improve the quality of the services提高服务质量
in-service training岗位培训
information services to agriculture农业信息服务
intermediary service agency中介服务机构
intermediary service agency for real estate房地产中介服务机构
intermediary services中介服务
intermediate service居间服务
intermediating services媒介服务
international telecommunications service电信国际专线
international trade in services国际服务贸易
international trade in services subject to prohibition属于禁止的国际服务贸易
Internet access services上网服务
Internet information services互联网信息服务
interruption of telecommunications services电信服务障碍
keep improving the sound public transportation service system完善公共交通服务体系
labor services劳务
leave the service离职
leave the service in compliance with regulations符合规定离职
legal consultancy services法律咨询
legal consultancy services related to notarization公证法律咨询
license for catering services餐饮服务许可
linking services链接服务
major meritorious services重大立功表现
make capital contributions in the form of labor services以劳务出资
make service by mail邮寄送达
make service by public notice公告送达
maritime search and rescue service海上搜寻援救组织
market access catalogue of international trade in services国际服务贸易市场准入目录
marketing service营销服务
medical and health care services医疗卫生工作
merchandise and services商品和服务
military service organ兵役机关
military service register兵役登记
military service system兵役制度
monetary services金融服务
more fully play their role as a collective adviser and assistant to the Standing Committee and their role in providing services to deputies更好地发挥集体参谋助手和服务保障作用
Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定
non-service-related technological result非职务技术成果
non-litigation legal services非诉讼法律服务
non-operational Internet information services非经营性互联网信息服务
non-operational services非经营性服务
obligation to make telecommunications services universally电信普遍服务义务
offer services with civility文明服务
officer in active service现役军官
one-off monetary services一次性金融服务
operational Internet information services经营性互联网信息服务
operational services经营性服务
overseas employment services境外就业服务
party providing labor services提供劳务一方
party receiving labor service接受劳务一方
perform meritorious service立功表现
perform military service服兵役
person on whom the service is to be made受送达人
person providing veterinary service兽医服务人员
person seeking medical service就诊人
person who is engaged in public service从事公务的人员
pre-marital health-care services婚前保健服务
professional work concerning military service兵役工作业务
proof of service送达回证
property management service物业服务企业
provide any service of securities financing提供融资融券服务
provide careful and considerate service to deputies为代表提供周到细致的服务
provide labor services提供劳务
provide legal service independently pursuant to law依法自主开展律师业务
provide legal services and assistance to the public法律服务和法律援助工作
provide outpatient service接诊治疗
provide service at meetings of the Council of Chairmen of the National Peopled Congress NPC Standing Committee为全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长会议服务
provide service at meetings of the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee为全国人民代表大会常务委员会会议服务
provide service at National Peopled Congress NPC sessions为全国人民代表大会会议服务
provide service in the administration of production safety提供安全生产管理服务
provide services提供服务
provide services for the enterprise为企业提供服务
provide services with manners文明服务
provide technological services提供技术服务
provider of the service服务者
public information service公共信息服务
public service agency for employment公共就业服务机构
public service institutions事业单位
public service posts公务员任职
public tourism services旅游公共服务
public transportation service system公共交通服务体系
publishing and distribution services出版发行事业
qualify for military service符合服兵役条件
quality of commodity and services商品和服务质量
realize direct links of trade, mail and air and shipping services直接通邮通航通商
rebate or service charges回扣、手续费
receive services接受服务
refuse or escape military service in wartime战时拒绝、逃避服役
register for reserve service预备役登记
Register for Selective Service兵役登记
rendered meritorious service立功表现
resolution service provider解决机构
rights to rehabilitation services康复服务权利
rules and regulations for medical and health care services医疗保健工作规范
rural cooperative medical service农村合作医疗
safety and prevention services安全防范服务
scheduled air services航班运输
scheduled air services定期航班
securities trading service证券服务业务
securities trading service organizations证券服务机构
sell with other services bundled捆绑销售
service charges服务费用
service for compensation有偿服务
service forecast业务预测
service invention and creation职务发明创造
service items服务项目
service of comprehensive scientific and technological experiments科学技术实验服务
service-related technological result职务技术成果
service work职务作品
services for connecting链接服务
services free of charge免费服务
social services社会服务
special postal service邮政特殊服务
specify the term of service约定服务期
supervision and inspection of commodities and services对商品和服务的监督、检查
supporting service functions服务功能配套
system for commercialized services社会化服务体系
system of public information service for foreign trade对外贸易公共信息服务体系
take advantage of advertisement to make false publicity of commodities or services利用广告作虚假宣传
technical service技术劳务
technical services of a public welfare nature公益性技术服务
telecommunications service operating permit电信业务经营许可证
telecommunications service rates电信服务标准
term of service服务期
the General Departments, the various services and arms and the military commands of the Central Military Commission中央军事委员会各总部、军兵种、军区
the Interim Measures for Management of State-owned Assets of Public Service Institutions《事业单位国有资产管理暂行办法》
the problem of inadequate and unaffordable medical services"看病难看病贵"
the Service Center of the Organizations机关服务中心
the service sector服务业 (industry)
the three-tier rural health care service network at the county, township and village levels县、乡、村三级农村卫生服务网络
tourism service standard旅游服务标准
towage service拖航
trademarks for service服务商标
transfer to reserve service转入预备役
universal postal service邮政普遍服务
universal services普遍服务
value-added telecom services增值电信业务
value-added telecommunications services增值电信业务
within normal service life time合理使用寿命内