
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing section | all forms | exact matches only
actual cross-section实际断面
adjacent cross-section相邻断面
angle cross-section角钢横截面
angle section角钢轧制的
arch with variable section变截面拱
area of circular section圆截面积
area of cross-section截面面积
area of cross-section of reinforcement钢筋截面积
area of cross-section of reinforcement钢筋面积
area of entire cross-section of concrete全部混凝土截面面积
area of gross cross section毛截面积
area of kern of member cross-section构件核心的面积
area ratio of compression flange to gross section受压翼缘与毛截面的面积比
assumption of plane cross-section平截面的假定
axial load normal to cross-section垂直横截面的轴向荷载
axisymmetric section轴对称截面
beam of varying section变截面梁
beam with constant cross-section等截面梁
beam with uniform cross-section等截面梁
belled-out cross-section扩大截面
bending of beam of rectangular cross section by concentrated force矩形截面梁由于集中的力产生的弯曲
biaxially loaded pier with symmetrical section双向轴向承受荷载的对称截面墩
bisymmetric section双向对称截面
box section箱形截面
box section beam箱形截面梁
box section bridge箱形截面桥
box section deck箱形截面桥面
box section girder箱形截面梁
box-section member箱形截面杆
box-shaped cross-section箱形截面
breadth of cross-section截面宽度
bucking critical load of member bended in direction of smaller radius of gyration of cross-section构件顺截面回转半径较小方向弯曲的纵向弯曲临界荷载
built-up section组合断面
built-up section member组合截面杆件
built-up sections组合截面
center section中心剖面
central section of pipe中心管节
central section of tube中心管节
centroid of section截面形心
channel section槽形截面
channel section steel槽钢
chapters and sections章节
characteristic of cross-section截面特性
check cross-section检算截面
checked section检算截面
chief of section工段长
circular cross-section member圆形截面杆件
circular hollow section圆形空心截面
circular section圆形截面
closed section封闭式截面
closed section闭口截面
coefficient determined from specifications depending on the type of cross-section按规范取决于横截面类型的系数
coefficient of moment increasing in checking cross-section检算截面弯矩的增大系数
cold formed structural hollow section冷制结构空心型钢
cold rolled section冷轧型钢
cold-rolled forming section冷弯型钢
colum with variable cross-section变截面柱
columnar section柱状图土层的
complete cross-section整个横截面
composite section组合截面
compound cross-section复式截面
compound section组合截面
compound section复合截面
constant cross section常截面
construction in sections分节接筑
construction section工程科
construction work section施工段
continuous box girder bridge with variable cross-section变截面连续箱形梁桥
conversion cross-section area换算截面积
conversion equivalent moment of inertia of section换算等量截面惯性矩
conversion resistance moment of cross-section换算截面抵抗矩
core of a cross-section横截面核心
core of section截面核心
corresponding cross-section对应截面
cracked section有裂纹的截面
cracked section开裂截面
critical section危险截面
cross-section design横断面设计
cross-section moment of inertia of member杆件截面惯性矩
cross-section of bridge桥梁横断面
cross-section of member构件截面
cross-section of member杆件截面
cross-section of middle of span跨中断面
cross-section of pile桩的横截面
cross-section of river河流横断面
cross-section of river bed河床断面
cross-section of stream水流断面
cross-section survey横断面测量
cross-section survey for river河流横断面测量
cross-section with full web实腹截面
cross-section with tension reinforcement only仅有受拉钢筋的截面
cruciform section十字形截面
dangerous section危险截面
depth of cross-section截面高度
depth of cross-section in plane of bending弯曲平面内横截面的高度
designed cross-section设计断面
designed section设计断面
diameter of section截面直径
discharge cross-section过水断面
discharge cross-section area过水断面面积
distortion of cross section of beam梁截面的畸变
double flange section双翼缘截面
doubly symmetrical section双向对称截面
eccentric compression member with ring section环形截面偏心受压构件
eccentric compression pier with circular section圆形截面偏心受压桥墩
eccentricity of axial compressive force in the direction of bending with respect to the gravity centre of average cross-section of member顺弯曲方向轴向压力对构件平均截面重心的偏心距
economic section经济断面
effect factor of variable cross-section变截面影响系数
effective cross-section有效横截面
effective cross-section净截面
effective cross-section area有效截面积
effective cross-section area of compressive member受压构件的有效截面积
effective cross-section, effective section有效断面
effective equivalent section有效折算截面
effective section modulus有效截面模量
egg-shaped cross-section卵形截面
elastic section modulus弹性截面横量
enclosed type section封闭式截面
end section端部断面
entire area of average cross-section of member构件平均截面的全面积
entire area of concrete cross-section全部混凝土截面面积
entire cross-section整个横截面
entire cross-section全截面
equal section simple beam等截面简支梁
equivalent effective section换算有效截面
equivalent section当量截面
examined section验算截面
examined section检算截面
excavated cross-section开挖断面
exterior outline of cross-section截面外包轮廓线
fan section扇形区
fill section填方断面
filled section填充了的截面
filled section填充截面
flanged steel-section凸缘型钢
flow cross-section过水断面
full cross-section全截面
full cross-section全剖面
full effective section全部有效截面
full section全截面
full section全剖面
geologic columnar section地质柱状图
geologic section drawing地质剖面图
geometrical properties of cross section截面的几何性质
geometrical properties of section截面的几何性质
grade section坡段
gradual transition section渐变过渡段
gravity axis of section截面重心轴
gravity centre-line of cross-section of member杆件截面重心线
greatest later dimension of cross-section横截面最大侧面尺寸
gross area of cross-section毛截面积
gross cross-section area毛截面积
gross section毛截面
gross section area毛截面积
half longitudinal section半纵剖面
height of section截面高度
hollow section空心截面
horizontal pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load恒载及活载对圆形涵洞管节作用的水平压力
hot rolled section热轧型钢
hot-rolled section热轧截面
hydrologic section水文断面
immersed section浸水断面
inclined cross-section斜截面
inclined-leg rigid-frame bridge with variable cross-section变截面斜腿刚架桥
inclosed section封闭式截面
influence coefficient of variable cross-section变截面影响系数
intermediate section中截面
interpolated section插补断面
irregular section不规则截面
I-shaped section工字形截面
I-shaped section工字截面
joint of pipe section管节接头
kern of area of member cross-section构件截面积核心
kern of cross-section截面核心
kern of section断面核心
light weight section轻型型钢
light-gauge section steel轻型型钢
light-gauge section steel轻型钢
locally stable open section member局部稳定的开口载面杆
longitudinal section纵断面纵剖面
loss of head at gradual expansion of cross-section断面渐扩水头损失
major principal axis of a cross section截面的大主轴
measure section测量断面
member with arbitrary cross-section任意截面杆件
member with built-up section组合截面杆件
member with full section subjected to compression全截面受压的杆
member with full section under compression全截面受压的杆
member with open section开口截面构件
method of sections截面法
method of transformed section for reinforced concrete transformed section method折算截面法钢筋混凝土的
middle section中央截面
middle third part of section中间三分之一部分
minor principal axis of a cross section截面的小主轴
modulus of section断面模量
moment of area of gross cross-section with respect to neutral axis毛截面对中性轴的面积矩
moment of inertia of a cross section截面惯矩
moment of inertia of gross cross-section毛截面惯性矩
moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal axis of member cross-section对杆件横截面重心轴的钢筋惯性矩
moment of inertia of section截面惯性矩
moment of inertia of the whole cross-section全截面惯性矩
moment of inertia per unit length of cross-section of abutment台的单位长度横截面的惯性矩
moment of resistance of gross cross-section毛截面抵抗矩
moment of resistance of member cross-section杆件截面抵抗矩
moment of resistance of net cross-section with respect to main axis对主轴的净截面抵抗矩
moment per meter of width of pipe section管节每米宽度上的弯矩
monolithic section member整体式截面杆件
mono-symmetric section单对称截面
monosymmetrical section单向对称截面
multi-angular cross section多边截面
multi-angular section多边截面
narrow flange I-shaped section beam窄缘I形截面梁
net cross-section净截面
net section净截面
non-symmetrical section非对称截面
non-uniform section girder变截面板梁
non-uniform section truss变截面桁架
normal cross-section正横截面
normal section法向截面
open cross section开口横截面
open section开口断面
open section开口截面
optimum hydraulic cross-section水力最优断面
optimum section最优断面
other shape cross-section其他形状截面
oval cross-section椭圆截面
oval cross-section卵形截面
part-cut-part-fill section, cut-fill section半挖半填断面
partial cross-section部分截面
perimeter of pile cross-section桩身截面周长
perimeter of section截面周长
physical section形态断面
pier with rectangular cross-section矩形截面墩
pier with square section方形截面墩
piers of various forms of cross section各种截面形式的桥墩
pile cross-section桩的横截面
pipe section管节
point symmetrical Z shape section点对称的Z形截面
polar moment of inertia of a cross section截面极惯性矩
principal axis of section截面主轴
product of inertia of section截面惯性积
profile and cross-section survey for rivier河流断面测量
profile section纵剖截面
radius of kern of cross-section截面核心半径
ratio of eccentricity of applied load to corresponding section dimension in the plane of eccentricity作用荷载的偏心对偏心平面中对应截面尺寸之比
rectangular hollow section矩形空心截面
rectangular section矩形截面
regular section有规则的截面
reinforcement contribution in full section整个截面中的钢筋数
resistance moment of conversion cross-section换算截面抵抗矩
resistant moment of cross-section with respect to near edge of crosssection对较近边缘的截面抵抗矩
road section道路断面
roadway section道路断面
rolled section型钢
rolled standard section steel型钢
rounded end shape section圆端形截面
round-ended section圆端形截面
section component部分
section constant截面常数
section formula割线公式
section modulus截面系数
section of bridge and tunnel engineering桥隧科
section of end端部断面
section of loading加载区段
section of railing expansion joint栏杆伸缩缝剖面
section plan平剖面
section property截面特性
section shape截面形状
section view切面图
section view剖视图
section with double-reinforcement复筋截面
section with symmetrical arrangement of reinforcing bars钢筋对称布置的截面
section without torsion无扭截面
sections and chapters篇章
shape of cross-section截面形状
shape of cross-section横截面形状
shape of section截面形状
simply supported beam with equal sections等截面简支梁
single web section单腹板截面
single web section单腹截面
single-box section单箱截面
singly symmetric open section单对称开口截面
singly symmetric section单向对称截面
slender section薄弱断面 (对屈曲而言)
soil columnar section土柱状图
solid section实体截面
solid section实心截面
solid section实体段
solid transition-section实体过渡段
solid web section实腹截面
square cross section culvert方形涵洞
square cross-section pile方桩
square section方形截面
square section pier方形截面墩
stable section稳定段
stable waterway section稳定河段
standard cross-section标准横截面
standard section标准断面
standard section steel标准型钢
standard steel section标准型钢
statical first moment of cross-section area about axis through centroid of this area对通过截面面积形心的轴线的一次静矩
station on section of railway区间内桥
steel section reinforced concrete bridge型钢混凝土桥
straight waterway-section顺直河断
stratigraphic cross-section地层横剖面
stratigraphic section地层剖面
streamlined cross-section流线型断面
streamlined section流线型断面
strength of inclined section斜截面强度
strength of normal section法向截面强度
strength of normal section垂直截面强度
strength of oblique section斜截面强度
subexcavated section下挖断面
subgrade cross section路基横断面
survey section测量断面
surveying section测段
symmetric open section对称开口截面
symmetric section对称截面
symmetrical cross-section对称截面
symmetrical cross-section about two mutual perpendicular axis对两互相垂直的轴的对称截面
symmetrical I-section对称工字截面
the farthest point of section截面最远点
the section modulus of resistance截面抵抗模量
thickness of flange of I-section工字形截面的翼缘厚度
thickness of section截面厚度
thin walled section薄壁截面
thin-walled member with closed section闭口薄壁杆件
thin-walled member with open cross-section开口薄壁杆件
thin-walled open section开口薄壁截面
thin-walled open section薄壁开口截面
total area of cross section总截面积
total cross-section全剖面
transformed cross-section转换截面
transformed section换算截面
transformed section变换截面
transformed section method变换截面法
transition section缓和段
transition zone of cross section断面渐变段
transversal cross section横剖面
transverse cross-section横断面
transverse cross-section横截面
trough-shaped section槽形截面
tubular section管形截面
type of cross section横截面的类型
typical cross-section典型断面
typical section典型截面
uncracked section无裂缝截面
uniform cross-section等截面
uniform section, constant crosssection等截面
unreduced section未折减的截面
unsymmetrical section非对称截面
valley waterway section峡谷河段
variable cross-section可变截面
variable section可变截面
variable section arch变截面拱
variable section beam变截面梁
variable section effect factor变截面影响系数
various cross-section各种横截面
vertical pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load恒载及活载对圆形涵洞管节作用的竖向压力
vertical section竖向截面
warping of cross section截面翘曲
warping of cross-section断面翘曲
weak cross-section薄弱断面
welded I-section焊接工字钢
wide-flange section宽缘截面
width of section截面宽度