
Terms for subject Athletics containing run | all forms | exact matches only
alternate walk and run走跑交替
alternate walk-run走跑交替
assisted run助力跑
continuous fast run持续快跑
continuous run持续跑
continuous run连续跑
counter resistance run抗阻跑
cross-country run越野跑
curved run弧线助跑
differential run两段变速跑
distance run长距离跑
distance run长跑
easy acceleration run放松加速跑
endurance run耐力跑
extended run-up延长助跑
fast continuous run连续快速跑
flying run行进间起跑
full approach run全程助跑
full power run全力跑
full run全程跑
grass run草地跑
half mile run半英里赛跑
harness run抗阻力跑
harness run against resistance抗阻力跑
home run终点直道
jog-in start of the run-up慢跑进入助跑
knee lift run高抬腿跑
leg-lifting run高抬腿跑
long run长距离助跑
long slow continuous run长距离慢速持续跑
long-distance run距离
maximum effort run最大努力程度训练
medium-pace continuous run中速持续跑
mile run一英里赛跑
12-minute run walk test12分钟跑测试
mixed pace run混速跑
one hour run1小时赛跑
over-distance run超主项距离跑
over-distance run超长距离跑
race run in lanes分道跑
recovery run恢复跑
recuperation run恢复跑
repeat runs重复跑
repeat runs反复跑
resisted or resistive runs抗阻跑
rhythm run节奏跑
run across过线
run across出界
run against the watch根据个人速度分配表跑完全程
run against the wind逆风跑
run ahead of the javelin超越标枪
run all-out全力跑
run at a given pace用规定速度跑
run at a given pace按规定速度跑
run at a pre-established pace按预计速度跑
run at ease不费力跑
run at ease放松跑
run at full effort用全力跑
run at full effort全力跑
run at ⁷⁄₈ speed用 ⁷⁄₈ 速度跑
run at top speed用最快速度跑
run at top speed最快速度跑
run between hurdles栏间跑
run by couples二人跑
run by pairs二人跑
run in lanes分道跑
run in place原地跑
run in water水中跑
run off进行决赛
run on spot原地跑
run on tiptoes踮脚尖跑
run out赛跑时力量分配不当
run out of the curve跑出弯道
run position跑位
run somebody close赛跑中紧紧盯住某人
run somebody close赛跑中紧盯
run somebody hard紧追某人
run somebody hard紧紧盯住某人
run steadily匀速跑
run steadily稳速跑
run through赛前预跑
run through全程跑
run through量步点
run through finish冲过终点
run through finish跑过终点
run-up angle助跑角度
run-up distance助跑距离
run-up length助跑距离
run-up mark助跑标记
run-up mark助跑标志
run-up rhythm助跑节奏
run-up speed助跑速度
run up stairs跑台阶
run-up training助跑训练
run-up velocity助跑速度
run with heels flicked up from ground to bottom后踢腿跑
run with heels kick up后踢腿跑
run with heels snapped to bottom后踢腿跑
run with pace changes变速跑
Russian Run-Ette俄罗斯负重跑
sand hill run沙地上坡跑
sand run沙地跑
short run短距离助跑
short-distance run距离
short-distance run冲刺跑
short-distance run冲刺
short-distance run短跑
shuffle run往返跑
shuffle run穿梭跑
speed run速度跑
speed-changing run变速跑
sprint run全速快跑
stationary start of the run-up从静止姿势开始助跑
steady run匀速跑
straight run-up直线助跑
strength run力量型跑
sustained run匀速跑
tempo run速度跑
tempo-endurance run速度节奏跑
time run计时跑
trial run试跑
under-distance run短于主项距离的练习跑
under-distance run短距离练习跑
varied pace run变速跑
varied rhythm run变节奏跑
varied speed run变速跑
walk-in start of the run-up走步进入助跑
zigzag run之字形跑