
Terms for subject Finances containing round | all forms | exact matches only
achieve the goal of the development round实现发展回合目标
all-round opening-up pattern全方位对外开放格局
another round of quantitative easing新一轮量化宽松
business leaders round the world全球商界领袖
Doha Round多哈回合 (由世界贸易组织 (WTO)主持,在卡塔尔首都多哈发起的一轮贸易谈判)
Doha Round negotiations多哈回合谈判
Doha Round talks process多哈回合谈判进程
Doha Round trade negotiations多哈回合贸易谈判
embark on another round of quantitative easing实行新一轮量化宽松政策
goals of the development round发展回合目标
in round figures大概
in round figures总而言之
in round figures舍弃零数十、百、千等整数约数表示
in round figures大概〔约〕
in round figures舍弃零数以整数表示
kick off a new round of monetary loosening启动新一轮货币政策放松
mandate of the Doha Development Round多哈发展回合授权
move forward the Doha Round negotiations推动多哈回合谈判
new round of economic expansion新一轮经济扩张
push forward the Doha Round negotiations推动多哈回合谈判
round bottom pattern圆弧底形态
round down取最相近整数的较低值
round lot整手 (交易所买卖股票的成交单位)
round-lot order整手委托
round-lot trade整手交易
round-lot-plus order非整手买卖盘
round number收零成整数四舍五入
round number约数
round-off difference删去尾数后的差额
round-off error舍入误差
round sum略去尾零之数
round top pattern圆弧顶形态
round-trip option transaction"往返"期权交易
round-trip trade往返交易
round-turn trade往返交易
Uruguay Round乌拉圭回合 (指1986年9月在乌拉圭举行的全球贸易谈判,这次谈判催生了世界贸易组织)