
Terms for subject Environment containing river | all forms | exact matches only
international river basin Land area drained by a river and its tributaries whose waters are situated in and utilized by two or more countries国际流域 (坐落在两个或两个以上的国家同时水源水源被多国利用的河流以及其支流流经的地域。)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫生委员会
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Committee美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫生委员会
river basin development Any growth, maturation or change in an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries流域发展 (由河流或它的支流冲击产生的任何土地面积的增长、成熟或变化。)
river bed The channel containing or formerly containing the water of a river河床 (包含或原来包含河水的河道。)
river channelling The alteration of a natural stream by excavation, realignment, lining or other means to accelerate the flow of water河流运河 (天然河的代替品,通过挖掘、重组、拉直或其它手段,以加快水的流动。)
river disposal Discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous waste into a river河流处理 (排除河里的固体、液体和气体废物。)
river management The administration or handling of a waterway or a stream of flowing water河流管理 (管理或处理水道或流水的河。)
river pollution The direct or indirect human alteration of the biological, physical, chemical or radiological integrity of river water, or a river ecosystem河流污染 (人们直接或间接的改变河水或者河的生态系统的生物、物理、化学或放射性的完整性。)
river transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on rivers河流运输 (通过河里的船只来运输物品或人。)
river water Water which flows in a channel from high ground to low ground and ultimately to a lake or the sea, except in a desert area where it may dwindle away to nothing河水 (水流,在河道里从高处流向低处的河或海,但在沙漠中会逐渐减少到没有。)