
Terms for subject General containing river | all forms | exact matches only
a bridge over the river河上的一座桥
a factory by the river河边的一个工厂
a river cuts the plain有条河穿过这平原
A section of the Meuse River flowing westward through the southern Netherlands to a joint delta with the Rhine River默兹河的一部分向西流经荷兰南郊,与莱茵河相汇,形成一片冲积三角洲
at a depth about 30m below river bed在河床以下 30 米深处
Chalk River Laboratory乔克河实验研究加拿大 DAE 的前身
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory乔克河核能实验研究
Chalk-River Reactor乔克河实验所反应堆
Chalk River tandem巧克河串列静电加速器
changjiang river长江
compount river合流河
Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube River多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的九个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海
Danube River多瑙河
divert the course of a river使河流改道
Dnieper River第聂伯河
Do you know that Ethiopian Highland is the source of the Nile River?你知道吗,俄塞俄比亚高原是尼罗河的发源地
drift down the river顺流而下
Huai River淮河
huanghe river黄河
Look, a female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权
Many famous brand stores gather in the right bank of Seine river area巴黎塞纳河的右岸区云集着许多著名品牌的专卖店
Meuse River默兹河
on both sides of the river在河的两岸
on the farther bank of the river在河的彼岸
our factory is across the river我们厂在河对岸
Rhine River莱茵河
river and lake turtles泥龟 Testudinata
River Falls河瀑分校
River Lena勒拿河
River Service〔内〕河〔航〕运〔管理〕处
river steamer内河轮船
River Thames泰晤士河
River Yenisei叶尼塞河
rivers find their way to the sea江河流人海洋
rivers represent a very large source of power河川是彳艮大的能源
sail up a river向河的上游航行
Savannah River Laboratory萨凡那河实验研究
Shanghai is down the Yangtze River.上海在长江下游
St. Lawrence River圣劳伦斯河
Sunghua River松花江
Tatu River大渡河
the hydroelectric plant stretches across the river水电站横跨在河上
the lower course of a river河的上〔下〕游
The Mekong is a river blessed with breathtaking natural beauty湄公河风光优美,景色秀丽
the river is smooth where deep河的深处水流得平稳
the thither bank of the river河对岸
the upper course of a river河的上〔下〕游
there is a tower on each side of the river河两边各有一座塔
there is a tower on either side of the river河两岸各有一座塔
this river is small in extent这河大〔小〕
this river is vast in extent这河大〔小〕
Thompson Rivers University汤普森河大学
Toms River Signal Laboratory托姆斯-利佛通信实验研究
Yalu Tsangpo River雅鲁藏布江
Yangtze -kiang River扬子江
Yangtze -kiang River长江
You want sea born pearls or river born pearls? We have both kinds您要海水珠还是淡水珠?两种都有
Yukon River育空河
Zambezi River赞比亚河