
Terms containing right off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.invoke a right as a defence for the purpose of set-off提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权
interntl.trade.invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权
securit.legal right of set-off合法抵消权
steel.off right向右
steel.off right断开
textileright of set-off抵消权
interntl.trade.right of set-off抵销权
gen.right off马上
gen.right off全然
securit.right off无认购新股权不含权
textileright off无认购新股权
textileright off无权
securit.right off无优先认股权
gen.right off即刻
gen.right off立刻
gen.right off the bat立即
gen.right off the bat立刻
gen.right off the reel立刻
gen.right off the reel接连地
gen.right off the reel一口气
fin.set-off right抵销权