
Terms for subject Ecology containing resource | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural resource information农业资源信息
animal resource database动物资源数据库
animal resource science动物资源学
animal resource survey and inventory动物资源调查与编目
anticipatory price elasticity of resource goods demand消费资源品需求预期价格弹性
approval system of resource exploitation资源开发审批制度
association coordinate for water resource水资源联合调节
average water resource amount per capita人均水资源量
average water resource amount per Mu亩均水资源量
balance of international payment accounting for resource industry资源业国际收支核算
balance of resource资源匹配
balance schedule on resource economics资源经济平衡表
benefit of marine resource exploitation海洋资源开发效益
capital-resource elasticity资本-资源弹性
cartography of resource regionalization资源区划制图
circular flow in four sections of resource economy四部门经济循环流动
classification of forest resource information森林资源分类
classification of marine resource information海洋资源分类
classification of mineral resource information矿产资源分类
classification of resource economics transactor资源经济交易者分类
climatic resource assessment气候资源评价
climatic resource classification气候资源分类
climatic resource survey气候资源调查
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources南极海洋生物资源养护公约
cross price elasticity of resource goods demand消费资源品需求交叉价格弹性
cross price elasticity of resource goods supply消费资源品供应交叉价格弹性
database of forest resource management森林资源管理数据库
Declaration on the Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources关于自然资源之永久主权宣言
decomposition of resource ecosystem资源生态系统的分解作用
desertification ground resource沙地资源
digitalizing of resource information资源信息数字化
direct introduction of resource plant资源植物直接引种
dynamic relationship between supply and demand of resource goods资源品供求动态关系
environmental and resource accounts环境和资源账户
field resource ecosystem农田资源生态系统
fishery resource渔业资源
fishery resource水产资源
forest ecological resource森林生态资源
forest resource asset森林资源资产
forest resource in plain area平原林业
full-cost resource pricing完全成本资源定价法
function of resource ecosystem资源生态系统功能
function of resource foundation自然资源的基础功能
function of resource goods production资源品生产函数
geo-resource science资源地学
geography of resource资源地理
grassland resource草地资源
grassland resource divisions草地资源区划
grassland resource monitoring草地资源监测
ground resource土地资源
hitchhiker resource伴生资源
Hotelling efficiency condition of resource static price资源静态价格霍特林效率条件
implementation of resource law资源法的实施
improving human resource structure改善人力资源结构
indicator system of resource regionalization资源区划指标体系
indirect introduction of resource plant资源植物间接引种
input and output model of resource product资源品投入产出模型
input and output table of material-type resource product实物型资源品投入产出表
input and output table of value-type resource product价值型资源品投入产出表
insect resource昆虫资源
International Freshwater Resource Utilization and Protection Law国际淡水资源利用和保护法
International land Resources Protection Law国际土地资源保护法
International Law for the Protection of Natural Resources国际自然资源保护法
International Training Center for Water Resources Management水资源训练中心
International Treaties in the Natural Resources自然资源国际条约
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Living Resources保护大自然及生物资源国际联合会
land resource assessment土地资源核算
land resource capability土地资源潜力
land resource conservation土地资源保护
land resource database土地资源数据库
land resource development土地资源开发
land resource evaluation土地资源评价
land resource information system土地资源信息系统
land resource management土地资源管理
land resource potential productivity土地资源生产潜力
land resource productive土地资源生产力
land resource science土地资源学
land resource statistics土地资源统计
land resource suitability assessment土地资源适宜性评价
land resource survey土地资源调查
Law on Resources Recycling and Utilization资源循环利用法
Management and Protection of Wild Medicinal Material Resources野生药材资源管理与保护
management of mineral resource planning矿产资源规划管理
management of mineral resource property矿产资源产权管理
management of sustainable water resource可持续水资源管理
management of water resource水资源管理
metabolic product of secondary matter in the resource plant资源植物次生物质代谢产物
metalliferous ore resource金属矿产资源
method of climatic resource analysis气候资源分析方法
mineral resource compensation矿产资源补偿费
mineral resource crisis矿产资源危机
mineral resource demand矿产资源需求
mineral resource depletion矿产资源枯竭
Mineral Resources Law矿产资源法
Ministry of Land and Resources国土资源部
multi-dimension analysis for resource information资源信息多维分析
natural resource conservation region自然资源保护区
natural resource database自然资源数据库
natural resource degradation自然资源退化
natural resource evaluation自然资源评价
natural resource pricing自然资源定价
natural resource quality自然资源质量
natural resource quantity自然资源数量
natural resource regeneration自然资源再生
natural resource statistics自然资源统计
net resource depletion净资源损耗
non-point resource非点源
non-renewable resource不可更新资源
ocean thermal resource海洋热能资源
oceanic wind power resource海洋风力资源
optimal allocation of land resource土地资源优化配置
oxygen resource氧资源
phosphorus resource磷素资源
plant resource植物资源
policy on resource development资源开发政策
potentiality of rainwater resource雨水资源潜力
price elasticity of resource goods supply资源品供给价格弹性
principles of resource ecology资源生态学原理
protection forest of water resource水源保护林
rainfall resource雨水资源
rainwater resource雨水资源化
rain-water resource雨水资源
rainwater resource雨水资源
Regional Soil Resource Development Projects for Africa非洲区域性土壤资源开发计划
resource accounting资源核算
Resource-adjusted Net Domestic Product经资源调整的国内生产净值
resource and environmental quality evaluation资源环境质量评价
resource economics资源经济学
resource enhancement提高资源质量
resource exploitation资源开采
resource integration资源整合
resource intensity资源强度
Resource Mobilization Advisory Committee资源动员咨询委员会
Resource Mobilization Unit资源动员股
resource of water and soil水土资源
resource out of place不适当的资源
resource reserve资源保护区
resource-use quotas资源使用配额
runoff resource径流资源
salt lake resource盐湖资源
seawater resource海水资源
silt resource淤泥资源
soil water resource土壤水资源
state ownership of mineral resource矿产的国家所有权
submarine resource海底资源
surface water resource地表水资源
sustainability utilization of land resource土地持续利用
tourism resource旅游资源
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources国际自然及自然资源保护联盟现为 World Conservation Union “世界自然保护联合会”International (IUCN)
value's increase ment of water and soil resource水土资源增值
vegetation resource植被资源
water and land resource水土资源
water and sand resource水沙资源
water resource assessment水资源评价 (evaluation)
water resource conservation涵养水源
water resource development水资源开发
water resource protection and utilization水资源保护利用
water resource protection forest水源涵养林
water resource protection forest水源保护林
water resource rational allocation水资源合理配置
water shortage of resource资源型缺水
water vapor resource水汽资源
water-soil resource水土资源