
Terms for subject China containing resource | all forms | exact matches only
build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会
Committee of Population, Resources and Environment人口资源环境委员会
conservation of resource节约资源
enhance substantially the resource utilization ratio资源利用效率显著提高
germ plasm resource bank种质资源库
Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国土资源部
Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国水利部
national plan for exploring the coal resource全国煤炭资源勘查规划
numeric resource for a telecommunications network电信网码号资源
regulate the market of human resource规范人力资源市场
resource compensation资源补偿费
resource in the form of labor人力
resource output capacity资源产出率
resource products资源性产品
resource utilization ratio资源利用效率
telecommunications resource电信资源
the Environmental and Resources Protection Committee环境与资源保护委员会
The Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee环境与资源保护委员会
the Mineral Resources Law矿产资源法
the Ministry of Water Resources水利部