
Terms for subject Economy containing requirement | all forms | exact matches only
a handbook of inspection requirements检验要求手册
A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws要求回购许可证很可能违背反托拉斯法
a requirement contract有机制限制条款的合同
acceptance requirement验收要求 【条件】
accounting based on legal requirements按会计法规定进行的会计核算
actual requirement实际需要量
advanced deposit requirement on import转入预交保证金制度
agricultural credit requirements农业信贷需求
annual requirement年需要量
annual requirement年度需要量
As its requirements have already been filled, the company is not buying at present由于这家公司已经购足所需货物,目前不再进货了
As this is our first dealing with you, we have decided to comply with your requirements to lower the price by 2%鉴于你方首次进行交易,我方决定满足你方要求,降价2%
average minimum requirement平均最低需要量
basic requirements基本要求
Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement由于存货不够,我方只能供给你方所需要数量的 1/4
budgetary requirement所需预算费
capital requirement资金需求量
capital requirements as bar to entry资本需要作为加入的障碍物
cash requirement现金需要 (量)
cash requirements现金需要量
compulsory minimum reserve requirement强制规定的最低储备
conform the specification to the requirements使规格与所需相符
construction finance requirement建设所需资金
contract requirement合同要求
credit requirement资金需要
credit requirements信贷需求
crop water requirements农作物耗水量
debt service fund requirement应提偿债基金数
debt service requirement偿还资金需要量
debt service requirement清偿债务的条件
distribution requirements planning分配需要计划
domestic requirement国内需要
estimate of approximate requirement需要量约计
estimate of cash requirement现金需求估计
estimated financing requirements for projects工程计划资金需要之估计
estimated import requirements估计进口需求
estimated requirements所需经费估计数
evidential requirement of form有关证据的形式的要求
external financial requirement所需外来资金
financial assistance requirement所需财务援助
financial assistance requirement财务援助需要
financial requirement资金需要
financial requirements贷款需要
food requirements食品需求
for a while there will be no requirement暂无需要
fuel requirement燃料需要 (量)
fulfill quality requirements达到质量要求
futures initial requirement初次期货需要
general operational requirement一般使用要求
gross requirements总需要量
gross requirements list总需求清单
If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程
If the manufacturer cannot satisfy all the requirements in our orders proffer-ed to him, we may make up the difference from other sources如果制造商不能满足我公司向他提出的订单中所有要求,我方可从其他来源来弥补不足部分
In case of the outbreak of an epidemic disease, we should observe all the regulations, orders and requirements, made by the government or the sanitary authorities如果爆发任何一种流行病,我们应该遵守由政府或卫生部门制订的一切规章、命令和要求
information requirement情报需求
input requirements投入需要量
institutional requirements of credit for agriculture农业信贷的制度要求
investment performance requirements投资行为要求投资接受国对外国直接投资施加的特别条件
labour and material requirements for sewer works construction污水排泄工程的劳力与材料需要
legal requirement法定条件
legal requirement法律条件
legal requirement of bank法定银行条件
legal reserve requirement法定准备基金
lending requirements放款要求
listing requirement上市的需要
listing requirement挂牌的需要
listing requirements证券股票注册的必要条件
long-range requirements长期需要量
maintenance margin requirement最低保证金要求
maintenance requirement技术设备的要求
maintenance requirement维修要求
mandatory requirements特定要求
Many parcels have been sold according to this requirement按此要求发售了多批货
margin of requirement定额保证金
margin requirement保证金比率
margin requirement边际需求
margin requirement边际需要
margin requirement追加保证金
margin requirement保证金要求
margin requirement追加押金
market requirement市场要求
material requirement planning材料需求量计划
material requirement planning器材需求计划
material requirements list材料需求清单
materials requirement planning物资需求计划法
maximum financial requirement最高资金需要额
maximum financial requirement最高资金需要额
meet a customer's requirements满足顾客要求
meet the state plan's requirements on date, quantity and quality按期、按质、 按量完成国家计划
minimum daily requirement日常最低需要量
minimum energy requirement最低能源要求
minimum food aid requirements最小食物援助需求
minimum requirements最低需要
minimum requirements of acceptability最低妻求报酬率
minimum reserve requirements最低储备规定
minimum technological requirement最低技术要求
minimum time-ingrade requirement级内最短服务期条件
net requirements净需要量
overestimate the requirement过高地估计需要
parts requirement list件规格表
piled up in excess of requirement供过于求
potential requirement潜在要求
potential requirement潜在需要
potential requirement潜在需求
preliminary technical requirements初步技术要求
process equipment certification requirements过程设备认证要求
public sector borrowing requirement公共经济部分借款需要
public sector borrowing requirement公营经济部门借款要求
public sector borrowing requirement国营部门借款要求
public sector borrowing requirement公共借阅条件
purchaser requirement买方需要
pursuant to the requirement of manufacturer按照制造商的要求
qualitative operational requirement合格的操作要求
quality equipment requirements设备定性要求
quality requirements质量要求 (规格)
requirement covered已满足需求
requirement for sole agency独家代理设厂的条件 (the operation of factories, 标准)
requirement of capital所需的资本
requirement of stowage and separation装舱及分隔要求
requirement ratio规定准备比率
"requirement s" contract出售买方"所要求货物"的合同
requirements for finance金融需求
requirements of capital所需的资本
reserve receivable requirement system准备存款制度
reserve requirement美国准备金规定 (要求)
reserve requirement法定准备金
reserve requirement美国准备金要求 (规定)
reserve requirement ratio规定准备比率 (system, 制度)
reserve requirement system in foreign currency外汇准备制度
right-of-way requirement征用铁路用地
safeguard requirements安全条件
service requirements planning服务要求计划
Since the quality of those goods is not up to that of our usual requirements, we refuse to accept them那批货质量不合我们通常的要求,我们拒收
Since we are able to meet your requirements with the best quick and convenient service, we solicit your early order我们能够以优质和快速方便的服务满足你方需要,特请早来订单
Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements由于你方是我们的老客户,根据你方要求,我们已设法为你方保留部分货物
sinking fund requirement偿债基金应提款
skill requirements熟练工的需要量
spares requirement备件需求
special labeling requirement特别标签规划
special labelling requirement特别标签规则
specific operational requirement特殊操作要求
specified requirement规定要求
subcontractor reliability requirements分【转】包商对可靠性的要求
Such adequate quantity is to meet the requirements of our company此数量足以满足我公司的需要
supplementary requirement补充要求
support equipment requirement辅助设备要求
support requirements支持要求
surplus to requirement超过需要的剩余物资
system requirement系统要求
technical and economic requirements技术经济指标
technical development requirement技术发展要求
technology requirements工艺要求
test requirement specification试验要求规范
the budgetary requirement所需预算经费
the budgetary requirement预算需要
The engineer shall consult with the owner to confirm the latter's requirements工程师应与业主商量确认后者的要求
the maximum financial requirement最高资金需求额
the purchaser requirement买方需要
The quality requirements should be detailed in the agreement质量要求应在协议中详细地加以说明
the requirement of written form书面形式上的要求
the systems requirements will dicate how the system should be designed系统设计凭紊统要求
This equipment will probably cater to your requirements这种设备也许能满足你们的需要
To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time为了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货
total domestic requirements国内总需求
total finance requirements全部工程项目所需资金
total world energy requirement世界能源总需要量
tying requirement约束性要求
uncovered requirements无担保要求
unit labor requirement单位必要劳动量
unit labour requirement单位必要劳动量
usual market requirement正常市场需求
variable deposit requirements可变存款条件
We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到
We can hardly meet your requirements by a mere increase of 15 tons只增加15吨,我们也难以满足你方的要求
We have operated exactly according to the statutory requirements我们严格按法定要求经营
We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理
We will advise you of their specific requirements我们会把他们的具体需要通知你们的
We will cut the price in order to meet your requirement我们会降价,以满足你方要求
We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time我方将尽力加快装运以及时满足你方要求
We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力
You have to decide whether the specifications of the goods conform to the requirement of the agreement你必须决定这些货物曲规格是否符合协议的要求
You may note that we are able to satisfy your requirement for steel你方可能已注意到我们完全有能力满足你方对钢材的需要
Your supply is insufficient for our requirements贵方供货满足不了我方所需