
Terms for subject Microsoft containing report | all forms | exact matches only
administrative report管理報告 (A report run by a System Administrator)
base report基礎報告 (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
drill-through report鑽研報表 (A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report)
non-delivery report A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient未傳遞回報 (NDR)
report signature報告簽章 (A string used to identify the version of a report)
Report Wizard報表精靈 (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
Reports module報表模組 (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
sales report銷售報告 (A report specific to the Sales areas of the product)
service report服務報告 (A report generated with customer service data, including case, knowledge base, and contract data)
sub-report內嵌報表 (A report that is displayed in a second window when a user clicks an item in a report)