
Terms containing repayment | all forms | exact matches only
securit.acceleration of loan repayment贷款加速偿还
securit.acceleration of loan repayment贷款提前偿还
IMF.advance repayment提前偿还
tech.advance repayment预先清偿
securit.agreement for the repayment of money还款协议
securit.agreement for the repayment of money偿债协议
China, lawagreement on the repayment of debt受偿协议
interntl.trade.ahead without repayment无偿援助
busin.application for repayment of an overcharge要求退还多收费用
tech.application of repayment of an overcharge要求退还多收费用
fin.appropriation for repayment of debt偿债拨款
busin.appropriation for repayment of debts偿还债务拨款
fin.appropriation for repayment of funded偿还债务之拨款
fin.appropriation for repayment of funded debt偿还债款的拨款
busin.appropriation for repayment of funded debt偿债支出拨款
busin.appropriations for repayment funded debt偿还债务拨款
busin.appropriations for repayment of fund debt偿还债款的拨款
fin.appropriations for repayment of funded偿还债务之拨款
fin.appropriations for repayment of funded debt偿还债款的拨款
econ.appropriations for the repayment of funded debts一偿还债务拨款
econ.appropriations repayment of funded debts偿还债务的拨款
proj.manag.average repayment maturity平均还款期
tech.balloon repayment漂浮式偿付款
tech.balloon repayment最后一笔金额特大的分期付款法
busin.balloon repayment长期贷款分期偿还中末次大额还款
securit.balloon repayment漂浮式还款
fin.balloon repayment最后一笔最大偿付款
fin.balloon repayment飘浮式偿付款
securit.balloon repayment气球式还款法
econ.balloon repayment最后一笔大数额偿付款
securit.balloon repayment最后一笔大额付款
interntl.trade.balloon repayments最后一笔金额特大的分期偿付办法
China, lawbe able to make repayment清偿能力
tech.beneficiary repayment受惠者偿还原则
tech.bond repayment债券偿还
econ.borrower's repayment capacity借方偿还能力
fin.bullet repayment一次性偿还
securit.bullet repayment一次性还款
busin.capacity of foreign capital repayment外资偿还能力
fin.capital repayment资本偿还额
proj.manag.capital repayment偿还资本
securit.capital repayment资本偿还
fin.cash paid for repayments of debts偿还债务支付的现金
textilecommodity export loan repayment偿还商品出口贷款
fin.contract of repayment还款契约
busin.contract of repayment还款合同
econ.control of repayments偿还款项的管理
fin.credit due for repayment到期应偿还信贷
busin.credit due for repayment到期应偿付的信贷
interntl.trade.credit repayment偿还贷款
fin.credit repayment信贷偿还
econ.credit repayment deduction信贷偿还折扣
busin.cumulative loan repayment累积贷款偿还额
econ.cumulative loan repayments累计贷款偿还额
interntl.trade.cumulative loan repayments已偿还的贷款累计金额
busin.cumulative loan repayments偿还贷款累计额
interntl.trade.date of repayment偿还日期
interntl.trade.dates of repayments偿还日期
econ.debt repayment偿还借款
econ.debt repayment还债
textiledebt repayment偿还债务
fin.debt repayment债务偿还
textiledebt repayment偿债
econ.debt repayment债务人/债权人的帐户
fin.debt repayment ability偿债能力
interntl.trade.debt which has a provision for maintenance of value of the currency of repayment对偿还货币订有保值条款的债务
securit.debtor repayment偿还债务
securit.debtors' debt repayment capacity债务人债务偿还能力
busin.default in the repayment of a loan拖延还款
busin.defer repayment延期还款
busin.defer repayment拖欠
tech.deferred repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
econ.delay repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
econ.delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本还息
econ.delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
fin.delayed repayment of principal and interest延期还本付息
econ.demand for repayment索取退款
econ.demand for repayment要求偿还
interntl.trade.disbursed and not yet due for repayment已拨付但尚未到偿还期
busin.disbursed and not yet due for repayment已拨付但未到偿还期
tech.discharge of repayment免除清偿
interntl.trade.discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值
econ.drawings and repayments on loan extended已放贷款的提取和偿还
econ.due for repayment到期应偿还的
busin.due for repayment到期应付款
busin.due for repayment到期应偿付的
busin.enhance loan repayment ability提高借款偿还能力
China, lawevade repayment of debts逃避债务
fin.evasion of repayment of bank loans逃废银行债务
busin.ex repayment不偿还资本
busin.ex repayment不偿还
securit.ex repayment无偿还
IMF.expenditure and lending minus repayments by economic type按经济类别分类的支出和贷款减去还款
econ.export credit loan repayment外汇还债期间
fin.export loan repayment偿还出口借款
busin.export loan repayment偿还出口贷款
China, lawextort repayment of a debt追索债务
fin.final repayment清偿日期
busin.final repayment期未清偿
econ.financial credit loan repayment金融信贷还债期间
China, lawfirst repayment优先清偿
interntl.trade.flow of repayments on loans偿还贷款的流入
fin.fund for repayment偿还基金
busin.fund for repayment of borrowing借款偿还基金
securit.fund for repayment of borrowing短期借款的偿债基金
tech.fund for repayment of borrowings借款偿还基金
busin.fund for repayment of temporary borrowings临时借款偿还基金
fin.fund repayment depreciation method基金偿还折旧法
busin.guarantee for repayment of advances made an account保证偿还预付的账户金额
interntl.trade.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account偿还预付金额的保证担保
econ.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account保证偿还预付的金额
busin.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account偿还预付金额担保
fin.guarantee of repayment借款偿还担保
busin.guarantee of repayment偿还保证
tech.guarantee of repayment借款偿还保证
busin.import loan repayment偿还进口贷款
tech.import loan repayment偿还进口借款
IMF.lending minus repayments货款减还款
IMF.lending minus repayments by function职能分类的贷款减还款
econ.level repayment平衡支付
tech.level-line repayment按固定比额分期偿还
econ.linear repayment线性偿付
earth.sc.loan principal repayment贷款本金偿还额
interntl.trade.loan principal repayments贷款本金偿还额
interntl.trade.loan repayment偿还借款
proj.manag.loan repayment偿还借贷
proj.manag.loan repayment贷款还款
fin.loan repayment偿还贷款
fin.loan repayment贷款偿还
busin.loan repayment偿还的贷款
fin.loan repayment and interest供款偿还与利息
fin.loan repayment capacity贷款偿还能力
fin.loan repayment from abroad国外还债
consult.loan repayment in equal annual payments贷款等额年偿还
econ.loan repayment performance贷款偿还情况
tech.loan repayment period贷款偿还期
fin.loan repayment schedule还款进度
fin.loan repayment schedule贷款偿还计划
el.loan repayment schedule归回贷款计划
busin.loan repayment schedule贷款偿付计划
fin.loan repayments and interest供款偿还与利息
busin.loan repayments and interest借款偿还和利息
fin.loan repayments from abroad国外还债
econ.loan with fixed repayment date固定偿还日期的贷款
agric.loan with fixed repayment date定期信贷
econ.long repayment period长期偿还的贷款
fin.matching the principal repayment等额本金还款 (即"利随本清"等本不等息还款法")
tech.mature repayment到期应付金
econ.matured repayment到期应付金额
busin.matured repayment到期预付金额
China, lawmethod of repayment还款方式
fin.mortgage repayment按揭偿还
fin.mortgage repayment抵押偿还
busin.mortgage repayment抵押偿还款
econ.mutual guarantees of repayment互助偿还保证
tech.non-scheduled repayment未安排的信贷偿还
econ.nonscheduled repayments on credits未安排的信贷偿还
China, lawnoticeably unable to make repayment明显不具有清偿能力
China, laworder of the repayment of debt受偿顺序
commer.payment of interest and repayment of principal还本付息
fin.payment of interest and repayment of the principal还本付息
fin.period of repayment偿还期
busin.prematurity repayment未到期偿付
econ.prematurity repayment未到期到期前偿付 (还)
fin.prematurity repayment到期偿还
fin.prematurity repayment未到期前偿还
busin.prematurity repayment未到期偿还
busin.prematurity repayment到期前偿还
tech.prematurity repayment到期前偿付
busin.premium on repayment债券还本溢价
commer.press for repayment of a loan催账
tech.press for repayment of a loan要账
fin.press for the repayment of debts逼债
textilepress for the repayment of debts逼债,催偿债务
econ.press for the repayment of debts催偿债务
hydroel.st.Principal and interest repayments借款还本付息计算表
econ.principal repayment本金偿还
tech.principal repayment of foreign loan国外借款本金偿还
econ.principal repayment on loan贷款本金的偿还
busin.principal repayment on loan贷款本金偿还
busin.product repayment以产品还付
China, lawproportion for repayment of the common claims清偿比例
proj.manag.public debt repayment偿还政府债务
securit.public debt repayment公债偿还
securit.public sector debt repayment政府部门债务偿还
tech.repayment ability清偿能力
proj.manag.repayment ability偿还能力
securit.repayment ability偿债力
tech.repayment ability analysis清偿能力分析
fin.repayment analysis偿债分析
interntl.trade.repayment arrears拖欠偿还款
exhib.repayment books账簿
securit.repayment capability偿债能力
IMF.repayment capacity还款能力
IMF.repayment capacity偿还能力
securit.repayment clause提前还款条款
commer.repayment conditions偿付条件
tech.repayment contract偿还合同
econ.repayment credit还款信贷
logist.repayment guarantee返款担保
fin.repayment guarantee偿还保函
econ.repayment guarantee还款担保
busin.repayment guarantee偿还保证
interntl.trade.repayment guarantee偿还保证
securit.repayment guarantee偿还担保
econ.repayment mortgage偿还抵押
el.repayment of a debt偿还债务
el.repayment of a loan贷款偿付
econ.repayment of a loan贷款偿还
busin.repayment of advance偿还预支款
proj.manag.repayment of advance预付款的偿还
tech.repayment of advance预付款偿还
commer.repayment of advances预支款偿还
securit.repayment of advances归还预支款
commer.repayment of advances垫款偿还
securit.repayment of advances偿还垫款
oilrepayment of bank loan归还贷款
fin.repayment of bank loan银行贷款偿还
securit.repayment of bank loans偿还贷款
textilerepayment of bond债券付还
textilerepayment of bond偿还股本
fin.repayment of bond债券偿还
fin.repayment of credit信贷偿还
econ.repayment of credit偿还贷款
commer.repayment of credit贷款偿付
fin.repayment of current deposits活期存款支付
fin.repayment of current liabilities流动负债偿还
fin.repayment of debt债务偿还
econ.repayment of debt偿还债务
commer.repayment of debt债务清偿
econ.repayment of debts偿还债务
econ.repayment of debts债务清偿
China, lawrepayment of debts清偿要求
securit.repayment of debts清偿债务
busin.repayment of foreign loan偿还外国贷款
econ.repayment of foreign loans偿还外汇贷款
commer.repayment of loan贷款偿付
econ.repayment of loan清还借款
econ.repayment of loan债务支出
securit.repayment of loan偿还借款
fin.repayment of loan贷款偿还
securit.repayment of loan偿还贷款
textilerepayment of loans归还借款
interntl.trade.repayment of loans偿还贷款
fin.repayment of loans after tax税后还贷
fin.repayment of long-term debts长期债务偿还
fin.repayment of long-term liabilities长期负债偿还
fin.repayment of mortgage loan抵押贷款偿还
fin.repayment of principal本金偿还
econ.repayment of principal还本
busin.repayment of principal偿还本金
fin.repayment of share股款付还
busin.repayment of shares股权付还
interntl.trade.repayment of shares股款付还
securit.repayment of shares还股
securit.repayment of shares偿还股款
fin.repayment of short-term debts短期债务偿还
textilerepayment of tax退税
econ.repayment of the financing偿还贷款
securit.repayment of the investment and interest还本付息
busin.repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans还本付息
econ.repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans贷款还本付息
securit.repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans对贷款还本付息
econ.repayment over eight years八年内还清
tech.repayment period偿还期
oilrepayment period还款期限
UN, econ.repayment period贷款偿还期间
tech.repayment period偿还年限
expl.repayment period还贷期限贷款时商定的,自何年开始至何年结束,逐年偿还贷款本利的年限
IMF.repayment period Paris Club, Debt Guide, 1993还款期
IMF.repayment period Paris Club, Debt Guide, 1993偿还期
consult.repayment period锤还期
railw.repayment period of capital cost投资回收期
IMF.repayment profile期限结构
IMF.repayment profile到期情况
IMF.repayment profile期限分布
econ.repayment rate偿还率
securit.repayment risk信用风险
securit.repayment risk还款风险
proj.manag.repayment schedule还款时间表
IMF.repayment schedule还款表
IMF.repayment schedule期限表
IMF.repayment schedule期限结构
UN, econ.repayment schedule偿还日程表
fin.repayment schedule分期还款表
chem.repayment schedule付款时间表
busin.repayment term付还期
commer.repayment terms偿付条款
fin.repayment terms偿还条件
commer.repayment terms偿付条件
interntl.trade.repayment triggered by "overages"过多还款界限
busin.repayment with penalty带罚金偿还
econ.repayment with penalty附带罚金的提前或延期款
busin.repayment with penalty附带罚金的还款
fin.repayment with penalty附带罚金的提前还款
securit.repayment with penalty还款加罚金
consult.repayments during year本年还款
econ.repayments of credits偿还信贷
busin.repayments triggered by overages过多还款界限
securit.restriction on loan repayment对贷款偿还限制
IMF.same-day borrowing/repayment of SDRs没有成本的同日借还特别提款权的安排
IMF.same-day borrowing/repayment of SDRs特别提款权贷款安排
IMF.same-day loan and repayment in SDRs没有成本的同日借还特别提款权的安排
IMF.same-day loan and repayment in SDRs特别提款权贷款安排
fin.schedule for repayment of principal偿还本金的期限
busin.schedule for repayment of principal偿还本金期限
econ.scheduled repayment on credits安排的信贷偿还
econ.non scheduled repayments on credit安排的信贷偿还
met.scheduled repayments on credits安排的信贷偿还
tech.scheduled repayments on credits信贷的计划偿还
commer.selling with repayment of principal还本销售
interntl.trade.short or medium repayment period短期或中期偿还的贷款
securit.significant events that have influence on corporate bonds'repayment of principal and payment of interest出现影响公司债券还本付息的重大事件
proj.manag.straight-line fixed repayment直线固定还款
tech.tax repayment预付税款
commer.term of foreign capital repayment外资偿还期限
econ.the product repayment补偿贸易的以产品还付
econ.the repayment guarantee偿还保证 (金)
econ.the repayment of bond债券到期付还
econ.the repayment triggered by overages过多还款界限
econ.the repayment with penalty附带罚金的提前或延期款
econ.the schedule for repayment偿还本金期限
IMF.total expenditure and lending minus repayments总支出和贷款减去还款
IMF.voluntary repayment自愿偿还