
Terms containing renewable | all forms | exact matches only
water.res.actual renewable water resources实际再生水资源
org.name.African Biofuels and Renewable Energy Fund非洲生物燃料和可再生能源基金
water.res.agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual农业取水量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比
fin.annual renewable term年可续定期寿险
busin.annual renewable term insurance年可变期限保险
tech.automatic renewable air filter自动再生式空气过滤器
busin.automatic renewable deposit自动展期存款
econ.automatic renewable deposit可自动转期的存款
busin.automatic renewable deposit自动转期存款
busin.automatic renewable features本利滚存
busin.automatic renewable features自动转期再存
fin.automatically renewable credit自动展期信用证
interntl.trade.automatically renewable credit可自动展期的贷款
busin.automatically renewable credit自动展期贷款
busin.automatically renewable loan自动展期贷款
ecol.base for processing and utilizing of renewable resources可更新资源加工与利用基地
oilCenter for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology可再生能源与可持续发展技术中心
earth.sc.Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology再生能源和可持续发展技术中心
ecol.Center for Renewable Energy Development可再生能源发展中心
hydroel.st.clean and renewable energy resources清洁可再生能源
earth.sc.Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information Systems英联邦地区性可更新能源信息系统
ecol.conditionally renewable resources有条件可再生资源
org.name.Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源会议
earth.sc.conservation and renewable energy demonstration agreement保护和回收能源示范协定加拿大
water.res.depletion rate of renewable groundwater resources可再生地下水资源的耗减率
tech.development of renewable resources可再生资源开发
ecol.EU Renewable Energy Targets欧洲可再生能源发展目标
UN, polit.Expert Meeting on Capacity-Building for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Small Island Developing States小岛屿发展中国家可再生能源和能效领域能力建设专家会议
water.res.exploitable: irregular renewable surface water非常规可再生地表水可开发量
water.res.exploitable: regular renewable groundwater常规可再生地下水可开发量
water.res.exploitable: regular renewable surface water常规可再生地表水可开发量
fin.five-year renewable term5年期可续保定期寿险
anim.husb.Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act森林和牧场可更新资源规划法案
water.res.freshwater withdrawal as % of internal renewable water resources淡水开采量占境内可再生水资源的百分比
ecol.function of extraction cost of a single kind of non-renewable resources单一种类不可再生资源开采成本函数
securit.guaranteed renewable保证续约的
UN, polit.High-Level Regional Consultative Meeting for Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy调动财务资源促进新能源和可再生能源高级别区域协商会议
ecol.indemnificatory of non-renewable natural resources不可再生自然资源保障度
earth.sc.Institute for the Development of Renewable Natural Resources可再生自然资源开发研究所哥伦比亚
gen.Institute for the Development of Renewable Natural Resources再生自然资源发展研究所
econ.Inter-Governmental Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy促进新能源和可再生能源的发展和利用政府间委员会
hydrol.internal natural renewable water resources定期自然再生水资源
UN, polit.Island Solar Summit - Renewable Energies for Islands岛屿太阳能首脑会议-岛屿可再生能源
UNJohannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition约翰内斯堡可再生能源联盟
UN, polit.Meeting of Focal Points on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源协调中心会议
earth.sc.Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources委内瑞拉环境和再生自然资源部 (Venezuela)
wind.National Renewable Energy Laboratory美国国家可再生能源实验室
el.National Renewable Energy Laboratory国家可更新能源实验室 (DOE)
oilNational Renewable Energy Laboratory国家再生能源实验室
sol.pow.National Renewable Energy Laboratory国家可再生能源实验室
el.national renewable security standard国家可更新安全标准
el.national renewable security system国家可更新安全系统
anim.husb.natural renewable resources可再生自然资源
hydrol.natural renewable water resources天然再生水资源
earth.sc.new and renewable sources of energy新的与可更新的能源
ecol.new and renewable sources of energy新能源和可再生能源
wind.non-renewable buffering不可再生缓冲
oilnon-renewable energy非再生能源
oilnon-renewable energy不可再生能源
ecol.non-renewable energy form非再生能源形态
UN, polit.non-renewable energy resource非再生能源
UN, polit.non-renewable energy resource不可再生能源
environ.non-renewable energy resource Non-renewable resources have been built up or evolved over a geological time-span and cannot be used without depleting the stock and raising questions of ultimate exhaustibility, since their rate of formation is so slow as to be meaningless in terms of the human life-span不可再生能源 (非再生能源是在地质时间跨度上已建成或进化而成的,如果没有消耗储备将不能使用,同时提出了最终耗竭问题,因为它们的形成速度如此缓慢以致于对于人类生活跨度而言毫无意义。)
tech.non-renewable energy resources不可更新能源资源
busin.non-renewable energy resources非再生能源
ecol.non-renewable energy resources不可再生能源
oilnon-renewable energy resources assessment非再生能源资源评价
wind.non-renewable energy source不可再生能源
econ.non-renewable energy sources不能更新的能源
oilnon-renewable energy technology evaluation非再生能源技术评价
wind.non-renewable fuels非再生能源
tech.non-renewable fuse不能更新的熔断器
tech.non-renewable fuse不能重复使用的保险丝
tech.non-renewable fuse unit不能更新熔断器
tech.non-renewable mineral不可再生矿物
econ.non-renewable natural resources不能再生的自然资源
busin.non-renewable natural resources非再生自然资源
tech.non-renewable natural resources不能更新的自然资源
genet.non-renewable resource非可更新资源
environ.non-renewable resource A natural resource which, in terms of human time scales, is contained within the Earth in a fixed quantity and therefore can be used once only in the foreseeable future (although it may be recycled after its first use). This includes the fossil fuels and is extended to include mineral resources and sometimes ground water, although water and many minerals are renewed eventually不可再生资源 (就人类历史时间尺度而言,地球中含有固定数量的自然资源,因此在可以预见的将来仅能被使用一次(尽管它可能在第一次使用后被再利用)。这包括化石燃料和扩展到包括矿产资源、有时也包括地下水,虽然水和一些矿物质最后将被更新。)
busin.non-renewable resource非再生资源
ecol.non-renewable resource不可更新资源
interntl.trade.non-renewable resources不可更新资源
tech.non-renewable resources不可恢复的资源
tech.non-renewable resources不可复用资源
econ.non-renewable resources非再出资源
econ.non-renewable resources不可更新的资源
busin.non-renewable resources不能更新再生能源
spacenon-renewable resources不可再生资源
interntl.trade.non-renewable resources非再生资源
tech.non-renewable resources不能更新的资源
tech.non-renewable source不可再生能源
wind.non-renewable source of energy非再生能源
water.res.non-renewable water resources不可再生水资源
econ.one year renewable term一年一续的条件
econ.one year renewable term一年一续保险条件
econ.one year renewable term一年一度的条件
econ.one year renewable term一年一续保险
busin.one year renewable term—年一续的条件
insur.one-year renewable term一年一续的保险条件
busin.one-year renewable term保险一年一续的保险条件
ecol.optimal extraction of a non-single kind of non-renewable resources非单一种类不可再生资源最优开采
ecol.optimal extraction of a single kind of non-renewable resources单一种类不可再生资源最优开采
ecol.optimal utility theory of renewable resources可再生资源最优利用理论
tech.perpetually renewable lease永久可重新签订的租约
desert.potentially renewable resource潜在可更新资源
ecol.quasi-renewable energy form准可再生能源形态
UN, polit.Regional Consultative Meeting on the Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy为新能源和可再生能源调动资金区域协商会议
UN, polit.Regional Programme of Action on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源区域行动纲领
gen.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews再生能源及持续能源评论
auto.renewable bearing滑动轴瓦
bioenerg.renewable biomass可再生生物质
tech.renewable brake shoe可换闸瓦
tech.renewable bushing可换导套
textilerenewable contract可继续契约
textilerenewable contract可展期合同
tech.renewable contract可继续的契约
econ.renewable contracts可继续的契约
busin.renewable credit循环信用证
econ.renewable credit可展期的信用证
textilerenewable credit可展期信用证
busin.renewable credit回复信用证
genet.renewable division更新性分裂
el.renewable electrode可更换的电极
tech.renewable elements更新部件
el.mach.renewable energy可再生能
bioenerg.renewable energy可再生能源
wind.renewable energy再生能源
sol.pow.renewable energy再生性能源
tech.renewable energy可再生能源 (source)
nautic., tech.renewable energy act可再生能源法案
ecol.Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program可再生能源和能源效率合作项目
tech.renewable energy certificate可再生能源核准证
tech.renewable energy resource可再生能源
desert.renewable energy resource再生能源
wind.renewable energy source可再生能源
environ.renewable energy source Energy sources that do not rely on fuels of which there are only finite stocks. The most widely used renewable source is hydroelectric power; other renewable sources are biomass energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy, and wind energy; biomass energy does not avoid the danger of the greenhouse effect可再生能源 (不依赖于数量有限的矿石资源的能源。最广泛使用的可再生能源是氢能源;其它可再生能源包括生物能、太阳能、潮汐能、洋流能、风能;但生物能源不能避免温室效应。)
auto.renewable energy source可再生能源指风能、水能、地热能、太阳能等
China, polit.renewable energy sources可再生能源
UN, polit.renewable energy technology可再生能源技术
refrig.renewable filter可更换的过滤器
auto.renewable filter element可更换的滤芯
tech.renewable filter media再生式滤材
textilerenewable finish服装翻新整理
UN, biol., sec.sys.renewable fuel可再生燃料
tech.renewable fuse再用保险丝
tech.renewable fuse可再用的熔断丝
tech.renewable fuse再用熔断丝
el.renewable fuse-link可更换熔断体
fin.renewable insurance更新保险
oilrenewable letter of credit可展期信用证
tech.renewable letter of credit可继续的信用证
met.renewable liner可更新衬板
met.renewable liner可更新炉衬
met.renewable liner可更换衬板
earth.sc.Renewable Natural Resource Division Guatemala可再生自然资源局危地马拉
agric.renewable natural resources可更新自然资源
spacerenewable natural resources可再生[更新]自然资源
tech.renewable natural resources可恢复的自然资源
interntl.trade.renewable natural resources再生自然资源
expl.renewable natural resources可再生自然能源
tech.renewable natural resources可更新资源
tech.renewable natural resources可再生的自然资源
el.renewable natural resources可恢复自然资源
ecol.renewable natural resources可再生自然资源
earth.sc.renewable natural resources foundation可再生自然资源基金会
tech.renewable obligation certificate可再生义务证书
tech.renewable of oil换油
oil.proc.renewable oxygen standard可再生氧标准
auto.renewable part可更新修复的零件
tech.renewable parts可更新部件
tech.renewable parts更新部件
agric.renewable point可换铧尖
tech.renewable point可换尖
environ.renewable raw material Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under consideration可再生材料 (能以一定速度再生的资源,当前只要不过度使用,就不会影响到未来对该材料的使用。)
agric.renewable raw materials可再生原料
econ.renewable resource可更生的资源
econ.renewable resource再生性资源
tech.renewable resource可恢复资源
hydroel.st.renewable resource再生资源
spacerenewable resource可更新资源
tech.renewable resource可恢复的资源
environ.renewable resource Resources capable of being continuously renewed or replaced through such processes as organic reproduction and cultivation such as those practiced in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries可再生资源 (可以持续更新(如在农业、畜牧业、林业和渔业经常使用的有性繁殖、培育)的资源。)
desert.renewable resource可再生资源
interntl.trade.renewable resources再生资源
water.res.renewable resources可再生资源
interntl.trade.renewable resources可更新的资源
earth.sc.renewable resources可更新资源
earth.sc.renewable resources inventory再生资源清单
desert.renewable resources of energy可更新能源
desert.renewable resources of energy再生能源
earth.sc.renewable resources technical information system更新资源技术信息系统
water.res.renewable sill可更换槛
tech.renewable sill可更新的门槛
tech.renewable skid可换滑板
econ.renewable re sources of energy可更新能源
econ.renewable re sources of energy再生能源
interntl.trade.renewable sources of energy再生能源
interntl.trade.renewable sources of energy可更新能源
tech.renewable sources of energy可再生能源
tech.renewable steel磨坏的钢板
fin.renewable term展期
tech.renewable wearing bushing可换耐磨导套
refrig.self-renewable air filter自动更换空气过滤器
water.res.surface water: total external renewable natural境外自然可再生地表水资源总量
econ.the automatically renewable credit可自动转期的信贷
ecol.the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century21世纪可再生能源政策网络 (REN21)
water.res.total freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual淡水资源开采总量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比
environ.United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源大会
org.name.United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源会议
tech.United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源及可再生能源会议
water.res.water resources: total external renewable actual境外实际可再生水资源总量
water.res.water resources: total internal renewable境内可再生水资源总量
water.res.water resources: total internal renewable per capita人均境内可再生水资源总量
water.res.water resources: total renewable per capita actual人均实际可再生水资源总量
interntl.trade.yearly renewable tenn每年续得制
oilyearly renewable term每年续约期
econ.yearly renewable term每年续约
interntl.trade.yearly renewable term每年续保制
interntl.trade.yearly renewable term每年更新期
busin.yearly renewable term每年续保条件
busin.yearly renewable terms每年续约期