
Terms for subject Business containing red | all forms | exact matches only
be in the red亏空
be in the red负债
come out of the red扭亏为盈
correction by using red ink红字更正
dark red深红色
dark red赭色
get out of red不再亏空
hard red spring硬质红色春小麦 (wheat)
in the red赤字
interest in red红利
interest in the red应付利息
letter of credit with red clause附红色条款信用证指附预支条款
make a red entry以红字记账
make a red entry用红字记账冲减
red balance赤字金额
red bill of lading红字提单此种提单兼具保单作用,因其中保险字句印成红字
red cap车站搬运工红帽子
red cent一便士
red cent一分钱
red clause红条款
red clause信用证上的红字条款即预支货款条款
red ensign英国商船悬挂的红旗
red herring issues非正式上市股票即尚未办好注册手续的股票
red herring prospectus未表明普通股的计算书
red hot最近的
red hot最新的
red-hot tips on the stock market股票市场最新情况
red-ink entry赤字红笔分录
red label〈美〉危险易燃品红标签
red-letter day庆典日
red-letter day节日
red signal light红色信号灯
red tapism繁琐手续
red tapism官僚作风
soft red wheat软质红小麦
soft red winter wheat软质赤色冬小麦