
Terms for subject Environment containing recycling | all forms | exact matches only
recycling management and waste law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish and regulate provisions for the minimization of waste generation through recovery and reprocessing of re-usable products回收管理和废料法 (由政府制定和规范的联合规则或规则主体,通过回收和重新处理能重新使用的产品来最小化废料产量。)
recycling potential回收潜力
recycling ratio回收比率
residue recycling Recycling of material or energy which is left over or wasted in industrial processes and other human activities. Examples include waste heat and gaseous pollutants from electricity generation, slag from metal-ore refining, and garbage. A residual becomes an output or input when a technological advance creates economic opportunities for the waste残留物回收 (回收在工业过程和其它人类活动中废弃或浪费的物质或能量。例如发电产生的无用的热量和污染的气体,金属矿石提炼中产生的矿渣和垃圾。随着技术进步,废料作为输入和输出也有了经济价值。)
Used Oil Recycling Act废油回收再生法案
waste recycling A method of recovering wastes as resources which includes the collection, and often involving the treatment, of waste products for use as a replacement of all or part of the raw material in a manufacturing process废料再循环 (一种废料资源回收的方法,包括作为生产过程中原材料的全部或部分替代品的废品的收集、而且往往涉及到废品的处理。)