
Terms for subject Librarianship containing record | all forms | exact matches only
access level record检索级记录
accession record人藏记录
authority record规范记录
authority record number规范记录号
bibliographic record文献目录记录
brief record简要书目记录
brief record简短记录
broad concept of record大文件观念
cataloging record编目记录
check-in record验收登记
check-in record验收记录
check-in record登到记录
circulation record图书借阅记录
circulation record借阅流通记录
confidentiality of circulation record图书借阅记录保密性
corporate record公司企业档案
date record was last updated记录最新更新日期
full record详细记录
holdings record单册记录
holdings record卷册记录
holdings record单件记录
holdings record馆藏记录
item record卷册记录
item record单册记录
item record单件记录
item record馆藏记录
mail exchange record邮件交换记录
MARC record机读格式书目记录
MARC record机读书目记录
name authority record名称规范记录
on-the-fly record临时书目流通记录
order record订单记录
origin of record记录来源
overlay record取代原记录
overlay record覆盖原记录
patron borrowing record读者记录
patron borrowing record读者借阅记录
patron record读者记录
patron record读者借阅记录
provisional record临时记录
reader record读者记录
reader record读者借阅记录
record and archival materials记录档案资料
record control number记录控制号
record duplication档案复制
record entry记录项
record exporting记录输出
record identifier控制号标识
record identifier记录标识号
record label记录头标
record label头标区
record label记录标识
record leader记录头标
record leader头标区
record leader记录标识
record life cycle档案的生命周期
record linking记录连接
record of current government affairs时政记
record of dubious dates of Buddhist monks疑年录
record of indexing results标引记录
record of local customs风俗传
record of popular customs风土记
record status记录状态
record terminator记录分隔符
record update记录更新
short record简要书目记录
short record简短记录
transaction record办理记录
type of record记录类型
user record读者记录
user record读者借阅记录