
Terms for subject Economy containing record | all forms | exact matches only
a parallel record method平行登记法
a record date登记日期
a record level最高水平
accounting record会计账册
address of record私人或公司的正式地址
agency of record出面代理处
an attendance record考勤记录
an auxiliary record辅助记录
assemble operations record组装作业记录
auxiliary record补助记录
be on record在案
be on record有案可査
certificate of record履历证明书
check authorization record检验核准记录
claim record索赔记录
daily product quality record产品质量日报
debt of record有契据的负债
debt service record债务偿还记录
detail record明细记录
dual currency record双重货币记录
exchange record汇兑记录
factory record工厂记录
failure of record无法提出记录
falsify a record篡改记录
first record原账
for the record备案
historical growth record历史增长率记录
holder of record记录保持者
holder of record注册股票持有人
holder-of-record date股东注册截止期
individual employee compensation record工作人员个人报劑记录
informal record非正式纪录
inspection acceptance record验收记录
inspection record card检查记录卡
keep in the record将…记录在案
make a record创造记录
make record创造记录
matter of record有案可査的事项
memorandum for the record备忘录
memorandum record备忘录
no record无案可査
off setting record抵销记录
off the record不得引用或发表 (地)
off the record非正式的 (地)
operation and inspection record操作和检査记录
Our agent has promised to keep a full record of his transactions我方代理人答应保存一份完整的交易记录
physical record实质纪录
price record价格登记 (记录)
put on record立案
put…on record备案
put…on record立案
quotation record行市记录
record account会计报表
record another year又一年创记录
record card统计卡
record card核算卡
record card记录卡
record check记录核对
record count记录计
record evidence书面证据
record of cash disbursement现金支出或收入记录
record of cash receipts现金支出或收入记录
record of investigation调査记录 (表)
record of requisition登记清购单
record of sale销售记录
record of sales销售记录
record of search检査记录
record of surveillance机场就地诊验记录簿
record of transactions销货记录
record of understanding谅解备忘录
record output破记录的产量
record year最高记录年
record year for sales销售量最高的一年
set new production record创造新的生产纪录
She has set a new record for sales in the first quarter this year她创造了今年第一季度一项销售的新记录
The ledger shows no record of the transaction分类账中没有那笔交易的记录
The manager should record all the comments on merchandise in his company经理应记录对公司内商品的一切评论
the voucher record凭单记录
unit record equipment单元记录设备
unit record equipment单位记录设备
unplanned event record意外事件记录图 (log)
variable record length变量记录长度
variable record length记录长度不定
work and inspection record工作和检査记录
You have to record notes payable in a register你必须把应付票据登记在登记簿上