
Terms for subject Technology containing record | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance maturity record承兑票据到期记录
accounting record财务记录
accurate record精确记录
actual observation record实测记录
additional record附加记录
alternate index record辅助索引记录
alternate record key clause更替记录关键子句
analytic record分析记录
autographic record自记器记录
autographic record自记记录
autographical record自动记录
autographical record自记器记录
autographical record自记记录
automatic record stereo-coordinator自动记录立体坐标仪
base record基本记录
base record slot基本记录槽
batch record配料记录
biologic record center生物记录中
biological record center生物记录中
blocked record封锁的记录
blocked record块式记录
blocked record成组记录
book inventory record账面盘存记
book of record记录簿
book record记事簿
bookkeeping record簿记记录
bootstrap record引导指令记录
bore record钻孔记录
boring record钻孔记录
boring record sheet钻孔记录表
break the record打破记录
break the record打破先例
cable record电缆说明书
canned record盘声记录
capacity record容量记录
cargo record book货物记录簿
cargo ship safety equipment approval record货船设备安全认可记录
cargo ship safety radio approval record货船无线电安全认可记录
carve of logging record测井记录曲线
cash record现金记录
catalog record目录记录
catalog record编目记录
cathode-ray tube record阴极射线管记录
chained record链式记录
chained record链接记录
chained record连锁记录
chained record链式数据
chalk up a new record创纪录
check authorization record检验特许记录
check verification record检验核实记录
checkpoint record检验点记录
cinetheodolite record电影经纬仪胶卷记录
color record分色片
color record negative分色阴图片
colour record分色片
colour record negative分色阴图片
columnar record多栏式记录
combined record-playback head复合磁头
complex record section of wavefront前沿波带的复合记录剖面
constant length record固定长度记录
coordinate record坐标记录
core record岩芯记录
criterion of record evolution记录评价标准
data record数据自动记录
data record读数记录
data record size数据记录长度
defining record定义记录
delivery record book交货记录簿
derived record导出记录
detailed record详细记录
digital record数字记录
dimensional check record尺寸检验记录
directory record目录记录
disc record磁盘记录
discharge record流量记录
discharge record排放记录
discharge record流量资料
double record check双记录校验
drill hole geologic record钻孔地质编录
drill hole geological record钻孔地质编录
drill record钻孔记录
drill record钻孔剖面
drilling record钻探记录
drilling record钻探报表
driven record打桩记录
driving record掘进记录
drum with record sheet附记录纸的圆筒
dummy record假记录
duplicate record重复记录
duplicated record备用记录
dwelling inspection record住房检查记录
earthquake record震波图
effective record length有效记录长
electromagnetic record电磁记录
electromechanical record机电记录
electron record tube记录用阴极射线管
electronic record annotators电子记录注记器
engineering news record工程新闻记录
engineering record工程记录
equipment record card设备记录卡片
error record错误记录
extension of short-term record短系列记录展延
external reference record外部引用记录
eye-observation optic decrepitation record method目测光学爆裂记录法
eye-observation optical decrepitation record method目测光学爆裂记录法
factory record写实记录
fashion of data record数据记录方式
fashion of depth record深度记录方式
fathogram record测深记录
fathogram record测深记录簿
feature record要素记录
field geologic record野外地质记录
field geological record野外地质记录
field record野外记录
field record book外业记录手簿
film record缩微胶片记录
filter record position过滤记录台
fire record火灾记录
fixed-length file record定长文件记录
fixed-length file record固定长度文件记录
fixed-length record固定长度记录
fixed-length record等长记录
fixed-length record file固定度记录文卷
fixed-length record file固定记录文件
fixed-length record format固定长度记录格式
fixed-length record system固定长记录系统
fixed-mode record固定方式记录
flight record飞行记录
flow record流量记录
format record格式记录
formatted logic record格式逻辑记录
formatted record格式记录
front-waveband synthesized record前沿波带复合记录
galvanometer record电流记录
gap in record观测记录间断
gap of record electric pole记录电极间隙
general record普通记录
geologic record地质编录
geological record地质编录
glacial record冰川记录
goods transport record货运记录
grade record坡度记录
graphic record图示记录
graphical depth record图示深度记录
graphical record图示记录
group coded record成组编码记录
group record编组记录
group record组记录
header record标题记录
heading record标题记录
high priority record queue高优先级记录队列
highest high water level on record历史最高潮位
highest high water level on record历史最高水位
high-speed record高速记录
histogram record摄影记录
histogram record高速记录
home record内档
home record住所记录
hull classification and inspection record船体入级记录和检验报告
hydrographic record水文测量记录
hydrographical record水文测量记录
hydrologic record水文实测资料
hydrological record水文实测资料
hydrological record水文记录
identification record识别记录
image record图像录制
image record录像
image record影像录制
image record图像记录
immediate record立即记录
incident record伴随记录
incident record事件记录
index record变址记录
individual record个体记录
instrument record仪器记录
instrumental record用仪器记录
interim record临时记录
inventory record盘存记录
investigation record of spring泉水调查记录
item master record库存档案记录
job cost record工程成本账
job cost record工程成本记录
job record工地记录
job record工作记录
judgement record判决记录
Kuder preference record库德优先选择记录
laboratory data record实验数据记录
last record of a set集的最末记录
leader record标题记录
length of record记录长度
length of record记录期限
lifting appliances test record船舶起重和起货设备试验证书
line record线路记录
list record content记录内容列表
list record headers记录标头列表
load record负荷记录
locked record被封闭的记录
locked record被封锁的记录
locked record被锁记录
logic data base record逻辑数据基记录
logic data base record逻辑数据库记录
logic record interface逻辑记录接口
log's error record book计程仪误差记录簿
long-term observation record长系列观测资料
long-term observation record长期观测记录
long-term record长期观测记录
lots of record在册土地
magnetic record file磁记录文件
magnetic record head记录磁头
make a new record创纪录
man record chart人工记录表
management record管理记录
man-hour record工时记录
manual record人工记录
map configuration record地图图形记录
map image record地图图形记录
map pattern record地图图形记录
map record地图资料
mapping by survey and record method测记法成图
master record基本记录
master record主数据
medical record library room病历保管
medical record room病历室
member record成员记录
member record从记录
meteorologic record气象记录
meteorological record气象记录
modes of record in geologic observation point地质点记录方式
modes of record in geological observation point地质点记录方式
monitor record监测记录
multichannel digital record system多通道数字记录系统
multicomponent seismic record多分量地震记录
multiple card record多重卡片记录
multiple record card多重记录卡片
multipoint strip chart temperature record多点条幅式温度记录仪
new record新记录
next record下一记录
no-home record无原位记录
noise record噪声记录
non-essential record非必要案卷
number record printer数字记录打印机
office record内业记录
oil record book油类记录簿
on record留有记录的
on record记录在案的
on record公开发表的
on record有史以来的
operation record加工记录
operation record工作程序表
operation record工作记录
operational record运行记录
operations record工序卡
operator authorization record操作员确认记录
operator authorization record操作员特殊记录
ordinary record普通记录
oscillograph record reader device示波记录读码器
overflow of record记录溢出
overlapping hologram record重叠全息图记录
owner of record注册业主
owner record文件编写人记录
partial record station观测项目不全测站
partial record station记录不完整测站
passenger casualty accident record旅客伤亡事故记录
pen record oscillograph笔录示波器
penetrated record贯入记录
penetration record贯入记录
performance record运行图
period of record记录年限
period of record观测时期
period of record记录时期
period of record记录周期
permanent map record地图图形记录
photoelectric record光电记录
photographic record system摄影记录系统
photographical record照片记录法
photographical record system摄影记录系统
precipitation record雨量记录
precipitation record降雨记录
preformatted record预定格式记录
price description record价格描述记录
price description record价格说明记录
production record标准产乳记录
progress record进度记录
progress record工程进度记录
pulsation chamber vacuum record curve脉动室真空记录曲线
railway passenger traffic record客运记录
rainfall record降雨记录
record-based system以记录为基础的系统
record block实际记录
record button录像按钮
record-card number of geologic observation point地质点记录卡片号
record-card number of geological observation point地质点记录卡片号
record cast记存模型
record changer自动换盘放送器
record chart自动记录仪表用的记录带
record chart自动记录带
record chart记录线路图
record chart自记图
record copy存档底图
record drawings施工记录图
record drawings修改记录图
record drawings竣工图
record flood实测洪水
record flood创记录的洪水
record flood记录洪水
record flood特大洪水
record for surveying in parts碎部测量记录
record head检频头
record holdings文献馆藏
record hole构造孔
record keeping system档案系统
record key录像按键
record least depth历史最小水深
record library唱片图书馆
record magnetism flaw detector录磁探伤仪
record of acceptance验收记录
record of acceptance of concealed works隐蔽工程验收记录
record of analog transform模拟变换式记录
record of analogue transform模拟变换式记录
record of concealed works隐蔽工程记录
record of decision决策报告
record of differential spectrum微分谱记录
record of discharge排放记录
record of earnings收入记录
record of geologic observation point地质点记录
record of geological observation point地质点记录
record of inspection检査记录
record of integral spectrum积分谱记录
record of measurement测量记录
record of non-destructive detection无损探伤记录
record of number of passengers on train by districts列车旅客密度表
record of pen笔式记录
record of penalty charges罚款记录
record of performance生产性能测定
record of performance性能记载
record of product test产品检验记录
record of production生产记录
record of radiographic examination射线照相检验记录
record of radiographical examination射线照相检验记录
record of route survey路线记录
record of test试验记录
record on spot现场记录
record-oriented data面向记录的数据
record-oriented data transmission记录数据传输
record-oriented device面向记录的设备
record-oriented input, output记录式输入输出
record-oriented transmission面向记录的传输
record-oriented transmission记录式传输
record owner登记注册的业主
record peak flood历史最大洪峰
record player电唱机
record player声盘放送器
record preparation录像准备
record receiver自记接受器
record storage数据存储 (器)
record storage system数据存储系统
record table重型粗砂摇床
record table of drilling hole钻孔编录表
record table of exploring坑探编录表
record table of exposure露头记录卡片
record table of geophysics地球物理记录表
record table of hydrogeologic observation point水文观测点记录表
record table of hydrogeological observation point水文观测点记录表
record table of morphologic observation point地貌观测点记录表
record table of morphological observation point地貌观测点记录表
record table of photograph照相记录表
record table of profile剖面记录表
record table of samples标本编录表
record table of structural observation point构造观测点记录表
record time创记录时间
record title注册产权
recovery of interfered record tape记录带干扰恢复
recovery record恢复记录
reference record参考记录编辑记录
reference record参数记录
reference record引用记录
release of record销账 (解除抵押品的留置权)
report writer logical record报表编制逻辑记录
resulting record of reserve ratification储量审批结果
river record水情记录
river record河情记录
river-discharge record河道流量记录
runoff suspended-sediment record径流悬移质记录
saturation diving record饱和潜水记录
scanning record扫描记录
search record咨询记录
seismic record地震波记录
seismic record viewer地震记录观测仪
seismographic record地震波记录
seismographical record地震波记录
seismologic record地震记录
seismological record地震记录
seismoscope record地震计记录
seismoscope record验震器记录
self-record ing pyrometer自记高温计
semi-fixed length record半定长记录
semi-fixed length record半固定长度记录
sequential record顺序记录
service behavior record工作状况记录
service behaviour record工作状况记录
service record运行记录
service record运转记录
set a new record创纪录
short-term record短期观测记录
signal record book通信日记簿
signal-to-noise ratio for record-playback录放声信噪比
signal-to-noise ratio for record-playback channel录还信噪比
single-channel record单道记录
situation record战况图
source record源记录
spanned record跨区记录
spanned record跨越记录
special logic record专用逻辑记录
spread card record展开卡记录
stage-discharge record水位一流量记录
standard fixed length record标准定长记录
standard inspection record标准检验记录
start of record mark记标开始
start of record mark记录标起始
statistic record统计记录
statistic record统计台账
statistical record统计台账
statoscope record高差仪记录
store controller definition record存储控制器定义记录
store record card仓库记录卡
store record card库存记录卡
stream discharge record河道流量记录
stream-flow record测流记录
stream-flow record水文测量记录
stream-flow record河道流量记录
stream-flow record extension河川径流资料延长
stream-flow record extension河道流量记录延长
strong earthquake record强震记录
subsequent record序列记录
sunshine record日照记录
superimposed record重合记录法
supermarket subsystem definition record超级市场子系统定义记录
supervisory record监视记录
supporting record辅助记录
sweep record扫描记录
synthesized seismic record合成地震记录
synthesized VSP record合成 VSP 记录
teleseismic record远震记录
temperature record温度记录
temperature record and control温度记录和控制
terminator record终结符记录
test boring record试井记录
test data record试验数据记录
test record试验声盘
test speed record试验速度的记录
testing record sheet试验记录表
testing record sheet试验记录卡
three-dimensional bin record三维面元记录
three-level record三级记录
to break the world record打破世界记录
trace record记录道
train number record列车号记录
trend record趋势记录
trouble record故障记录
trunk-record circuit长途记录电路
trunk-record position长途记录台
tubing record下油管记录
tunneling record隧道掘进记录
tunnelling record隧道掘进记录
type record记录类型
U-mode record不定长方式记录
undefined-length record不定长记录
uphole record井口记录
uphole synthesized seismic record井口合成地震记录
values of waveform of theoretic record理论记录波形值
values of waveform of theoretical record理论记录波形值
variable record length可变记录长度
variable-density record变密度记录
variable-density record film变密度记录胶卷
variable-density record section变密度记录剖面
variable-length record可变长记录
variable-length record file变长记录文卷
variable-length record file可变长记录文件
variable-length record sorting可变长记录分类
vegetation sampling record植物采样记录
vertical seismic profile record垂直地震剖面记录
virtual record虚记录
visual record直观记录
voucher record凭单记录
water-level record水位记录
wave height record波高记录
wave record波浪记录
waveform record distribution波形记录分布
wavefront reconstructing record波阵面再现记录
welding procedure qualification test record焊接工艺鉴定试验记录
well record记录
well shooting record地震测井记录
whole record spectra全记录频谱
work record工程成绩
world rainfall record世界降雨记录
world speed record世界车速记录
world's record世界记录
written record书写记录
zero-to-peak record motion零峰记录运动
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