
Terms containing read- write | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
commun., railw.balise read and write tools应答器读写工具
el.bidirectional read/write shared sense amplifier双向读/写共享读出放大器
telecom.CD-write once read many一写多读光盘
telecom.CD-write once read many一次写多次读光盘
el.combined read-write head组合读写头
comp.combined read/write head组合读写[磁]头
el.compact disc write once read many times一次写人多次读出光盘
el.compact disc write once read memory一次写人只读存储光盘
el.concurrent read, concurrent write并行读并行写
el.concurrent read, exclusive write并行读互斥写
ITconcurrent-read-concurrent-write并发读写 PRAM
ITconcurrent-read-concurrent-write PRAM并发读写参数随机存取存储器 (CRCW PRAM)
el.direct read after write写后可读
ITdirect read after write写后直接读出
el.direct read after write写人后直接读出
mining.direct read after write写后直读
telecom.direct read after write写后直接读出光盘技术
multimed.direct read after write写后直接读
telecom.direct read during write写时直接读出
el.direct read during write写人期间直接读出
ITdirect read during write写时直接读
ITdirect read during write写入时直接读出
telecom.direct read during write边写边读光盘技术
el.direct read during write写时可读
multimed.direct read during write边写边读
ITdirect-read-after-write disc直接写后读磁盘
multimed.DVD-read write可读写
auto.dynamic read/write memory动态读写存储器
el.enable write/read status允许写人/读出状态
el.erasable direct read after write可擦除式写后直接读出
busin.erasable direct read after write可擦写后直接读出
el.exclusive read, concurrent write互斥读并行写
el.exclusive read, exclusive write互斥读互斥写
telecom.exclusive read, shared write专用读、共享写
telecom.exclusive read/write专用读 、写
telecom.loop write to read循环读写
ITmagnetic read / write compatible head读写兼用磁头
met.magnetic read/ write head读写磁头
spacemagnetic read/write head磁读写头
tech.magnetic read-write head磁读写头
spacemain storage read/write channel主存读写通道
tech.main storage read-write channel主存读写通道
el.multiple read-write computer多路读写计算机
el.multi-read, single write多读单写
spacenon-destructive read-write非破坏读写
geophys.non-destructive read-write无损读写
el.nondestructive read-write不破坏信息读写
el.nondestructive read-write非破坏性读写
avia.non-destructive read-write不破坏信息读写
comp.non-destructive read-write不破坏〔信息的〕读写
ITpass by read/write reference读写引用传递
ITpermanent read/write error永久性读/写错误
el.random access read-write memory随机存取读写存储器
telecom.read after write写后读
tech.read and write直读式记录
comp.read and write读〔和〕写
telecom.read and write读写
el.read and write读和写
comp.read and write读出和写入
comp.read and write读出与写入
spaceread and write statement读写语句
geophys.read, compute, write读出 、计算和写入
comp.read, compute, write读出、计算、写入
el.read or write a track and sector磁道与扇区的读或写
tech.read or write speed读写速度
ITread to write delay读到写时间
telecom.read while write边写边读
telecom.read, write and compute读出 、写入和计算
spaceread, write and compute读写和计算
comp.read, write and compute读出、写入和计算
el.read, write and erase读、写与抹去
spaceread write channel读写通道
el.read, write, extend and delete读、写、扩充与删除
spaceread write memory读写存储器
tech.read-after-write check写后读检查
el.read-after-write verification写后读验证
ITread-gather write-scatter集中读分散写
avia.read-write读/写 (read/write)
telecom.read/write读 /写
avia.read-write〔计〕读-写 (read/write)
ITread/write读写 (R/W, RW, read-write)
tech.read-write access mode读写存取方式
tech.read-write access mode读写访问方式
tech.read-write amplifier读出记录放大器
tech.read-write amplifier读写放大器
el.read-write bus adapter读写总线适配器
proj.manag.read/write channel读写通道 (input/output channel)
spaceread-write channel读写通道
met.read/write channel读写通道
tech.read-write check读写检査
tech.read-write check读写检验
met.read/write check读写校验
tech.read-write check读写校验
tech.read-write check indicator读写检验位
tech.read-write check indicator读写校验指示器
tech.read-write command读写指令
tech.read-write compatible head读写兼用头
el.read-write controller读写控制
tech.read-write control读写控制
met.read/write counter读写记数器
ITread/write counter读/写计数器
tech.read-write counter读写计数器
ITread/write cycle读/写周期
telecom.read-write cycle读写周期
auto.read/write cycle time读写周期
tech.read-write deck读写卡片组
tech.read-write drive读写驱动器
el.read/write expandable memory读/写可扩充存储器
el.read/write file读/写文件
ITread-write head读写
tech.read-write head读写头
el.read/write head读/写磁头
math.read/write head读写磁头
met.read/write head读写头
tech.read-write head读写磁头
avia.read/write interface〔计〕读/写接口
telecom.read/write key读写密钥
auto.read/write memory电子学读/写存储器
dat.proc.read-write memory读写存储器简写为RWM
semicond.read/write memory读写存储器
telecom.read/write memory读、写存储器
spaceread-write memory读写存储器
el.read/write memory读/写存储器
comp.read-write memory读〔出-〕写〔入〕存储器
tech.read-write memory module读写存储器插板
tech.read-write operation读写操作
tech.read-write process读写处理
tech.read-write protection读写保护
telecom.read/write protector读/写保护
el.read/write register读/写寄存器
multimed.read/write slot读写槽
tech.read-write speed读写速度
tech.read-write station读写站
el.read/write storage读/写存储器
busin.read-write storage读写存储器
tech.read-write storage tape读写存储带
agric.read/write subpool读写子池 (RW subpool)
agric.read/write subpool读写子库 (RW subpool)
tech.read-write subpool读写子池
el.read-write tape读写磁带
ITread/write volatility读/写的依电性[易失性]
math.read/write waiting time读写等待时间
tech.read-write waiting time读写等待时间
libr.Read-Write Web可读写网页
tech.scatter read and write分散读写
telecom.shared read exclusive write专用写
telecom.shared read exclusive write共享读
geophys.shared read-write access共享读写存取
el.simultaneous tape read and write磁带同时读写
el.slow write fast read慢写快读
spaceslow write,fast read快读
spaceslow write,fast read慢写
spacestandard read/write memory标准读写存储器
spacestatic read/write memory静态读写存储器
el.system read/write系统读/写
el.tape read and write library磁带读-写程序库
comp.tape read and write library读出与写入磁带库
ITtemporary read/write error暂时读/写错误
ITwrite after read读后写
el.write after read先读后写
telecom.write any read many多写多读光盘
telecom.write any read many optical disc多次性数据存储光盘
telecom.write once, read many一写多读光盘
ITwrite once read many写多
proj.manag.write once, read many写一次
proj.manag.write once, read many读多次
telecom.write once read many一写多读光盘
telecom.write once, read many一次写、多次可读光盘
ITwrite once read many driver一写多读驱动器
ITwrite once read many driverWORM 驱动器
telecom.write once read many optical disc一写多读光盘 (WORM optical disc)
chem.write once read many optical media一次写人型光盘
el.write once, read many times disc单写多读光盘
dat.proc.write once read many times写一次可读多次光盘简写为WORM
el.write once, read many times disc一次写人多次读出光盘
telecom.write once read many times optical disc一写多读光盘
el.write once, read multiple disc单写多读光盘
el.write once, read multiple disc一次写人多次读出光盘
avia.write once, read multiple一写多读光盘
auto.write only read only memory只写只读存储器
met.write read head读写头
ITwrite to read delay写到读时间
telecom.write while read边写边读 (read while write)
agric.write-once read many optical disk单写多读光盘 (WORM optical disk)
el.write-only, read-only memory只写、只读存储器
auto.write/read cycle time写读周期时间
el.write/read enable允许读/写
el.write/read enable写/读启动
ITwrite-read head读写头
telecom.write-to-read crossfeed写读串扰