
Terms for subject Agriculture containing rates | all forms
aberration rate畸变速率
accurate mutation rate精确突变率
activity rate活度比
actual sowing rate实际播种量
aeration rate曝气率
ammonia loading rate氨填充量
angling rate钓获率
annual seasonable operation rate年适期作业[速]率
apparent assimilation rate外表同化率
apparent infection rate表现侵染率
apparent rate视速度
apparent rate表现量
application rate播种量
application rate施药量
application rate施肥量
application rate喷洒率
arrival rate输入流强度
assimilation rate同化率
assumed fishing rate假定渔获率
average annual growth rate平均年生长率
average growth rate平均生长率
average information rate平均信息率速度
average rate平均速度
back mutation rate回复突变率
basal heat producing rate基础产热率
basic failure rate基本失败率
basic rate基本速度
basic rate基本工资
bradytelic rate of evolution进化低速率
breathing rate呼吸速率
breeding rate繁殖率
calving rate母牛分娩率
case rate罹病率
chain-growth rate链增长率
character error rate字符出错率
compound rate复合率
constant failure rate常故障率
constant growth-rate phase常数增殖率期
constant-rate drying period等速干燥期
contract rate工资标准
contract rate税率
contracted rate收缩率
conversion rate of food食物转化率
counting rate计算速度
crop growth rate作物生长[速]率
crossing rate杂交率
crossing-over rate交换率
crude survival rate概略残存率
daily operation rate日操作速率
daily treatment rate每日处理量
damaged seedling rate伤秧率
decay rate of detritus碎屑腐解率
decline of birth-rate出生率下降
decreasing drying rate period干燥减速期
delivery rate播种量
delivery rate分娩率
delivery rate供应量
demand rate需水率
deposit rate附着量
desalinization rate脱盐率
developmental rate发育速率
discharge rate流量率
discharge rate放水率
discharge rate排出量
distribution rate施肥量
distribution rate播种量
DNA chain growth rateDNA 链增长率
dose rate dependency剂量率依存性
dose rate effects of X-irradiationX 射线照射的剂量率效应
drying airflow-rate干燥 [所需]空气流量
drying airflow-rate干燥[所需]风量
drying method under control of drying rate干燥速度控制[下]干燥法
drying method under control of recirculating rate循环量控制[下]干燥法
dust application rate施药量
dust application rate喷粉量
eclosion rate发蛾率{蚕}
effective subsidy rate有效补贴率
emergence rate出苗[速]率
entropy rate熵速率
estimate of rate of fishing渔获率估计
evapotranspiration rate蒸发蒸腾量
extraction rate干燥速度
extraction rate吮吸速度
falling birth-rate降低出生率
falling-rate drying period减速干燥期
falling rate of drying降低干燥速度
faster rate快速
fecundity rate繁殖性能
fecundity rate生产性能
fecundity rate繁殖率
feed rate喂人量
feed rate水稻拔秧机进距
feeding rate投饲率
fertilization rate施肥量
fertilizer application rate施肥量
fertilizer rate施肥量
fertilizer rate肥料表施量
fertilizer sowing rate施肥量
field intake rate田间吸收量
first rate最佳的
first rate comprehensive maintenance workshop第一流综合维修车间
flat rate charge按时计价付费
floating seedling rate漂秧率
flour extraction rate出粉率
flow rate流量计
folded seedling rate勾秧率
food conversion rate饲料转化率
forward mutation rate正向突变率
fruit growth rate果实生长率
gene mutation rate基因突变率
glycolytic rate糖酵解速度
grain-cleaning rate谷粒清洁率
grain-hulling rate脱壳率
grain-to-straw rate粒秆比率
grainto-straw rate粒秆比率
grazing rate摄食率
grinding rate磨粉率指谷物
grinding rate压榨率指甘蔗
group piecework rate集体计件工资
growth-rate curve生长速度曲线
high-rate compost高效堆肥
high-rate compost高速堆肥
high-rate composting高效堆肥制造
high-rate composting高速堆肥制造
high-rate digestion unit高负荷率消化设备
high-rate treatment高负荷率处理
horotelic rate常速
horotelic rate of evolution进化的常速
hulling rate脱壳率指谷物
hybrid vigor rate杂种优势率
IGP rate of synthesisIGP 合成速率
immigration rate移动率
incorporation rate掺人量
increment rate增长率
increment rate生长率
information rate信息[传输速]率
information throughput rate信息传送速度
initial settling rate起始沉降速度
initiation rate起始速度
injection rate注人量
instantaneous failure rate瞬时失败率
intake rate吸人速率
intake rate吸人率
intercellular-space rate细胞间隙率
intrinsic mutation rate内因性突变率
irrigation rate水费
laid seedling rate倒秧率
land reclamation rate土地垦殖率
larval death rate幼体死亡率
laser angular rate sensor激光角速传感器
light transmission rate透光率{生理}
low daily cutting rate每日砍蔗率低指甘蔗
low daily cutting rate每日割茬率低指谷类作物
low daily cutting rate低日割茬率
low daily cutting rate低日砍蔗率
low metabolic rate低新陈代谢率
low-rate filter低负荷率滤池
low-rate filter低速滤池
low-rate trickling filter低负荷率生物滤池
low-rate trickling filter低负荷率洒滴滤池
low transformation rate低转化率
lowest planting rate最低播种量
mating rate交配率
mating rate配合率
maximal discovery rate最高发现率
maximum rate of flow最大榨乳速度
maximum specific growth rate最大比生长率
maximum transfer rate最大传输速度
maximum water rate最大需水量
mean operation rate of annual harvesting period年收获期的平均操作速度
measurement of gene mutation rate基因突变率测定
melting rate熔化速度
migration rate移动率
migration rate转移率
milk rate挤乳量
milk rate挤奶速度
milking rate挤乳量
milking rate挤乳速度
milking rate挤奶速度
milling rate出粉率
milling rate出米率
milling rate碾米率
mineralization rate矿化率{土壤}
mineralization rate of organic manure有机肥料的矿化率
minimum water rate最小需水量
miss planting rate水稻漏插率
moderate rate中等速度
modulation rate调制速度
modulation rate调制率
moist-adiabatic lapse-rate湿绝热直减率
multiplication rate增殖率
mutagen for increasing spontaneous mutation rate增加自然突变率用的诱发剂
natural growth rate自然生长速度
natural growth rate自然生长率
net rate of mieralization净矿化速率
net reproduction rate净再生产率
nitrification rate硝化速度
nonretting rate不再发情率
normal rate正常速度
nutrient rate of consumption养料消耗量
nutritive rate营养比率
observed failure rate实际失效率
observed mean repair rate实际平均修复率
operating rate运算速度
operation rate运行率
optimum fishing rate最适捕捞率
outcrossing rate外交率
outcrossing rate异型杂交率
output rate输出量
overall rate of consumption总消费率
oxygen transfer rate输氧率
peak flow rate高峰流量率
pebrine contamination rate微粒子病毒率
phosphate rate磷率
phosphate rate磷量
photosynthetic rate光合速率
picking rate采收速度
piece-work rates计件工资率
pixel rate像素率
planting rate播种量
planting rate栽植密度
playback print rate读出打印速度
polyploid mutation rate多倍突变率
potassium rate钾肥施用量
potassium rate施钾量
potato rate of development马铃薯发育速度
power rate功率比
precipitation rate降水密度
printout rate印出速度
proper rate of seeding适量播种
proportional mortality rate相应死亡率
pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate假绝热直减率
pulsation rate脉动频率
pupation rate化蛹率
quenching rate淬火率
radiolabelled counting rate放射性标记计算率
rate capacity额定率
rate capacity额定量指容量,产量或输出量
rate center速率中心
rate-controlling step控速步骤
rate determining factor速率决定因素
rate determining step定速步骤
rate diagram速率图
rate-doubling concentration加倍剂量浓度
rate earned收利率
rate equation速度方程
rate gene速率基因
rate indicator转速表
rate limiting限速
rate limiting速度限制
rate-limiting stage限速阶段
rate-limiting velocity限速速度
rate matrix速率矩阵
rate of abortion流产率
rate of amino acid substitution氨基酸替换率
rate of apparent photosynthesis表现光合速率强度
rate of bran糠麸率
rate of broken rice碎米率
rate of broken seedlings秧苗拔断率
rate of catching渔获率
rate of chickens育雏率
rate of climb升高速度
rate of concordance一致率
rate of death死亡速率
rate of decay衰弱程度
rate of decay腐解速率
rate of decay腐败速度
rate of decay衰败率
rate of drop下落速度如悬挂杆件等
rate of dry-matter干物质含量
rate of dry-weight干重率
rate of evaporation蒸发量
rate of evolution进化速度
rate of exchange外汇兑换率
rate of exchange互换量
rate of extraction榨汁率
rate of fall下降速度
rate of fertilization受精率
rate of fertilizer application施肥量
rate of body weight gain家畜增重率
rate of gene substitution基因替换率
rate of genetic death遗传死亡率
rate of genetic translation遗传转译速度
rate of germination发芽势
rate of grain filling子粒充实率
rate of growth生长速率
rate of growth生长率
rate of harvest收获量
rate of harvest收获速度
rate of hatchability孵化率
rate of increase增加速度
rate of increment增长速度
rate of increment增加量
rate of insect mortality昆虫死亡率
rate of insect mortality死虫率
rate of irrigation灌溉率
rate of lay产卵率
rate of light光速
rate of loading装载速率
rate of maturation成熟速度
rate of maturation成熟率
rate of metabolism代谢速率
rate of milk flow乳流速度
rate of milking挤乳量
rate of milking挤奶速度
rate of mineralization矿化率
rate of multiplication繁殖率
rate of natural mortality自然死亡率
rate of nitrification硝化速率
rate of nitrogen fertilization施氮肥量
rate of nitrogen turnover氮素周转速度
rate of percolation渗漏率
rate of photo synthesis per unit of leaf area每单位叶面积光合作用率
rate of photosynthesis光合速度强度
rate of planting播种量
rate of polished rice精米率
rate of polished rice白米率
rate of pregnancy怀孕率
rate of production生产量
rate of production产额
rate of rainfall降雨量
rate of raising育成率
rate of recapture垂捕率标志放流
rate of repairing cost修理费率
rate of replacement淘汰率
rate of replacement取代率
rate of replacement置换速度
rate of respiration呼吸速率
rate of run-off径流系数
rate of seed impurity种子混杂度
rate of spontaneous mutation自发突变率
rate of spread扩散速度
rate of stocking单位牧场面积的牲畜头数
rate of stressing应力速率
rate of sunshine日照率
rate of tag shedding标志脱落率
rate of total cover总覆盖度
rate of transform变换率
rate of transpiration蒸腾速率
rate of unhulled rice含[稻]谷率
rate of viability成活率
rate of warming加温速度
rate of wind风速
rate of working作业定额
rate test速率检验
rate-zonal centrifugation差速区带离心
reaeration rate再曝[气]速率
reasonable rate适量
recirculating rate循环量
recirculating rate循环速率
recirculation rate再循环率
recommended rate of fertilizer application推荐施肥量
recommended rate of fertilizer application推荐施肥标准量
recovery rate回收率
recruitment rate补充率
recycling rate再循环速率
reduced rate还原速率
reduced rate还原率
reduction rate缩微率
refresh rate刷新[速]率
refresh rate刷新速度
regrowth rate再生长速度
relative growth rate相对生长量
relative growth rate相对生长速度
relative infiltration rate相对渗透率
reliability rate可靠度
reliable growth rate可靠生长率
repeat frequency rate重复频率
replacement rate淘汰率
replacement rate取代率
replacement rate置换率
replacement rate置换速度
replication rate复制速度
reproduction rate繁殖率 (reproductivitas)
reproductive rate生殖率
respiration rate呼吸量速率
respiration rate per plant单株呼吸量强度
respiration rate per unit root weight单位根重呼吸量强度
rice rate of development稻发育速度
rice rate of growth稻生长速度
rice water rate稻需水量
RNA chain growth rateRNA 链成长率
rotation rate转速
rotation rate旋转速度
sale at fixed rates定价销售
sampling rate抽样速度
sedimentation rate沉降[速]率
sedimentation rate沉积[速]率
seed germination rate种子发芽率
seed rate排种量
seed rate播种量
seed rate control播种量调节器
seed-rate control播种量调节
seed-rate control播种量调节器
seed rate control播种量调节
seed rate regulation lever播种量调节杆
seed-rate regulation lever播种量调杆
seeding rate排种量
seeding rate播种量
seeding-rate indicator播量指示器
seedling emergence rate出苗率
seedling floating rate浮秧率
seedling folding rate勾秧率
seedling-breaking rate断秧率
seedling-hurting rate伤秧率
seedling-laying rate倒秧率
seed-setting rate结子率
seed-setting rate结实率
selection rate选种率
selection rate选择率
sesame seedling emergence rate芝麻出苗率
shattering rate落粒率
shattering rate脱落率
shedding rate脱落率
shoot growth rate枝条生长速度
sick rate罹病率
sickness rate发病率
signaling rate信号[发送]速度
slower rate缓速
software failure rate软件故障率
soil drying rate土壤干燥速度
sowing rate播种量
sowing rate adjuster播种量调节器
specific production rate比生产率
specific rate constant比速常数
spinning rate吐丝速度
spontaneous mutation rate自发突变率
spreading rate撒肥量
spreading rate撒播量
starch yield rate出淀粉率
stuffing rate速度匹配速率
summed dominance rate积加显性率
sunflower seeding emergence rate向日葵出苗率
superadiabatic lapse rate超绝热直减率
survival rate of pupae健蛹率{蚕}
switching-out rate转出率指电话接通转出的
tachytelic rate of evolution进化快速率
taper rate尖削率
thermal death rate热死率
thermal death rate热致死率
threshing rate脱粒率
tillering rate分蘖率
tissue dose rate组织剂量率
transcription rate转录速率
transinformation rate传输信息速率
transitional tariff-rate quota system过渡性关税配额体制
transmission rate[蓄水库]输水能力 (transmissibilitas)
transmission rate可传递率
transpiration rate蒸腾量
tuberculosis rate结核病发病率
turning point of leaf emergence rate出叶率转折点
type-I error rate第一型误差率
uniform rate of exchange统一兑换率
uniform rate of exchange等量互换
union rate接合率
union rate商定的 工资
union rate接合量
unit leaf rate of the individual plant单株 [的]单位叶速率
unrecoverable error rate不可恢复错误率
uptake rate吸收率
utilization rate of arable land耕地利用率
variable rate application变量施肥
variable rate fertilizer application变量施肥
variable rate technology变量施肥技术
volumetric rate of reaction容量反应速度
water rate需水量
water rates水价
water rates水费率
water uptake rate水分吸收量
water uptake rate吸水速率
watering rate洒水率
wet-adiabatic lapse rate湿绝热直减率
wheat seedling emergence rate小麦出苗率
working rate生产率
yield rate榨汁率