
Terms for subject Economy containing quantity | all forms | exact matches only
a bill of lading quantity提单上的数量
a considerable quantity大数量
a considerable quantity相当大的数量
a great large quantity许多
a great quantity许多
a great quantity大量
a great large quantity大量
a large quantity大数量
a minus quantity负数
a minus quantity负量
a sizable quantity可观的数量
a substantial quantity大数量
a sufficient quantity足够的数量
abstract quantity不名量
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累积产量
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累计产量
additional quantity追加量
aggregative quantity index number综合量的指数
an additional quantity追加数量
an average quantity平均数量
any quantity任意量
approximate quantity概算数量
As you requested, we can offer our maximum quantity按你方要求,我方能报最大数量
auxiliary quantity补助量
available quantity现有量
average quantity平均数量
batch quantity一次的量
Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4
BL quantity提单上的数量
Both quality and quantity are important. Don't emphasize one and deemphasize the other质和量都重要,不要强调一方面而忽视另一方面
considerable quantity相当大的数量
controlled quantity可调节的数量
converted quantity交换量
corresponding quantity相应的数量
daily contract quantity日合同交货量
daily contract quantity日承包合同供气量
demand quantity需要量
difference between quantity ordered and quantity delivered进货差额
During an accident on the sea a large quantity of equipment was jettisoned在一次海上意外事件中,大批设备被抛入海
economic batch quantity经济批量
economic manufacturing quantity经济制造
economic order quantity经济批量
economic order quantity自发性经济批量
economic order quantity经济订购量
economic order quantity经济定货量
economic order quantity formula经济批量公式
economic order quantity formula经济定货量公式
economic order quantity method经济订货量决定法
economic ordering quantity经济订货批量
economic ordering quantity经济定货量
economic ordering quantity经济订货量
economic purchase quantity经济采购量
economic purchasing quantity经济购货量
economic quantity经济统计总数
economic quantity经济数量
enormous quantity巨大的数量
entire quantity整个数量
equal quantity同等数量
equal quantity monthly每月等量装运
estimated quantity估计数量
exact quantity准确数量
exact quantity确实数量
final quantity答数
final quantity最终量
fixed reorder quantity system固定再订购数量制度
further quantity更多的数量
further quantity后继的数量
generalized quantity总指量
generalized quantity概指数
huge quantity大量
huge quantity巨额
If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权
In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector为了在装运前给货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员
inconsequential quantity微不足道的数量
increase in the quantity demanded需求量增加
increase or decrease in quantity数量的增减
indefinite quantity contract不限数量合同
index of quantity物量指数
information quantity情报数量
initial quantity最初数量
initial quantity初次量
institution of quantity surveyors预算师学会
It is very difficult to grant this quantity这个数量难于照办
labour quantity standard人工数量标准
labour quantity variance人工工时差异
landed quantity到货数量
latitude in amount and quantity金额和数量伸缩幅度
leeway in quantity and amount数量和金额的伸缩余地
liberal quantity充足的数量
limited quantity有限数量
make quantity生产额 (量)
manage to offer a reasonable quantity设法给予适当的数量的报盘
market clearing quantity市场清算电量
material quantity usage variance原料用料差异
maximum quantity最高库存量
maximum quantity of stores存货最高量
meet the state plan's requirements on date, quantity and quality按期、按质、 按量完成国家计划
method of determining production order quantity生产量制订法
minimum manufacturing quantity最低制造量
minimum ordering quantity最低计货量
minimum quantity最小数量
minimum quantity acceptable可接受的最小数量
moderate quantity中等数量
negligible quantity可忽略的量
net quantity净数量
No provision in the agreement sets a limitation of the quantity of small articles协议里没有对小件物品的数量进行限制的条款
normal loss of quantity货物自然减量
distribution on number or quantity 数量 (分配)
opportunity for buying large quantity大量购买的机会
optimum order quantity经济订货批量
optimum order quantity最优订购量
Our company bought a large quantity of green tea in the spring我公司在春季收购了大量绿茶
pay each labourer on the basis of the quantity and quality of labour he performs按照劳动者提供的劳动数量和质量给予报酬
pay quantity付款工程量
pay quantity结帐工程量
periodic quantity周期值
physical-quantity method of weighting数量加权法
Please indicate the quantity required in your specific inquiry list请在具体询价单中说明所需数量
Please let us know your low quotation with the date of shipment and quantity available请报你方最低价并注明装船日期及可供数量
Please submit specifications of your computers together with quantity available请提供你公司各种计算机的详细规格,并告可供数量
produced quantity生产量
produced quantity采出量
product quantity产品数量
professional competence quantity surveyors预算师专业能力
quality-quantity production大量优质品生产
quantity adjustment调整产量
quantity allotted分配数量
quantity and description of the goods货物的数量和类别
quantity and value of principal export主要出口货物数量及价值
quantity contract未订价数量合同
quantity demanded需求量
quantity demanded and quantity supplied需要量和供给量
quantity determination数量确定
quantity difference数量差
quantity difference量差
quantity equation of exchange交换数量方程 (式)
quantity estimate sheet工作量估计
quantity furnished by shipper发货人提供的数量
quantity goods计量财物
quantity goods数量财
quantity not sufficient数量不足
quantity of bank deposit银行存款量
quantity of commercialization of agricultural products农产品商品量
quantity of social labour consumption社会劳动消耗量
quantity of consumption消耗量
quantity of currency货币发行量
quantity of estate不动产使用的时间
quantity of estate继承产业的时间
quantity of fixed assets固定资产数量
quantity of demand for粮、油需求 (rice, oil)
quantity of forecasted stock预测存储量
quantity of value in单价商品价值 (a unit of commodity)
quantity of labor劳工数量
quantity of labour劳动量
quantity of output出产【供给,流出】量
quantity of shipment运出数量
quantity of value价值量
quantity of world trade世界贸易总额
quantity on hand现在数量
quantity on hand现有数量
quantity per unit pack每包【件】数量
quantity produced and sold产销量
quantity production流水大量生产
quantity purchases主销量
quantity rebate批发折扣 (减价)
quantity requested需求数量
quantity required需求数量
quantity restriction数量限制
quantity sheet工程工作量
quantity survey数量估算 (surveyor, 师)
quantity survey数量估计
quantity surveyor工程材料员
quantity surveyors, chartered预算师
quantity surveyors divisional council预算师分会
quantity theory数量说
quantity theory of money货币数量说
quantity theory of money and price货币数量与价格学说
quantity theory of money and price货币与价格数量论
quantity theory of price价格数量说
quantity theory of the purchasing power of money货币购买力数量说
quantity variance量差
random quantity机遇数
reasonable quantity相当数量
reciprocal quantity例数
reciprocal quantity反数
relative quantity比量
reorder quantity再订购数量
residual quantity差量
run quantity一工作期所制造的产品数量
sanction quantity得重叠批准生产的产品 数量
shipment quantity够装运的数量
shipped quantity装船数量
sizable quantity可观的数量
standard batch quantity标准批量
standard economic ordering quantity标准经济订货量
Such adequate quantity is to meet the requirements of our company此数量足以满足我公司的需要
survey report on weight and quantity重量数量鉴定报告
test of professional competence quantity surveyors, notes for the guide of employers专业工作能力考试中对考生所在实习单位的要求
The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元
the chartered quantity surveyor注册预算师
the enormous quantity巨大的数量
the manufacturer's certificate of quantity制造商数量证明书
the minimization quantity stores最低库存量
The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用
The quantity of the orders received exceeds our hopes所收订单数量超过我们的希望
The quantity to be delivered next week will be 50 tons at least下周应交付的数量至少是50吨
The quantity works out to 3000 pieces数量共计为 3000件
the useful quantity实惠的数量
They can provide only a fraction of the quantity mentioned他们只能提供所提数量的一小部分
They cannot meet our demand to the full extent n., they can only supply half the quantity他们不能全部满足我们的需求,只能供应半数
They stored the goods in large quantity expecting a rush next season他们预料下一季度会出现热销,大量储存此货
They will make up the deficiency in quantity in their next shipment他们将在下批装运的货中补充短少的数量
total quantity总数量
transaction type of quantity theory现金交易税
transfer quantity交易量
transfer quantity商业业务量
unit of quantity数量单位
useful quantity实惠的量
variance in quantity量差
verify quantity of the goods查对货物数量
We hope that their quality and quantity should be in conformity with the contract stipulations我们希望其质量和数量都符合合同规定
write-off quantity得到补偿的最低生产量
You are expected to provide us with a large quantity of goods patterned on the enclosed sample cutting附寄剪样,希望你方大量提供我们按样仿制的货品