
Terms for subject Finances containing push | all forms | exact matches only
cost push生产成本提高
import-push inflation进口推动通货膨胀
inflation of cost push成本推动型通货膨胀
push ahead the process of modernization推进现代化进程
push down long-term interest rates压低长期利率
push for greater international use of renminbi推动人民币进一步国际化
push forward the Doha Round negotiations推动多哈回合谈判
push forward the market-based reform of interest rates推进利率市场化改革
push forward with selective capital account reforms有选择地推动资本项目改革
push market reform推进市场改革
push strategic objectives推进战略目标
push the economy into a recession将经济推人衰退
push the world back into recession将世界推回衰退
push through financial sector reforms推动金融行业改革
push up commodity prices推高大宗商品价格
push up inflation expectations推高通胀预期
push up prices推高价格
push up the debt burden加剧债务负担
steadily push forward market-oriented reform稳步推进市场为导向的改革
theory of big push大推进理论
wage-push theory of inflation工资推动型通货膨胀理论