
Terms for subject Business containing purchasing power | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
added purchasing power追加购买力
after-tax purchasing power税后购买力
aggregate purchasing power总购买力
anticipatory purchasing power预支购买力
artificial purchasing power虚假购买力
commodity purchasing power商品购买力
constant purchasing power bond购买力折实公债
consumer's purchasing power消费购买力
controlling social group purchasing power控制社会集团购买力
creation of purchasing power购买力创造
current purchasing power statement按现时购买力编制的财务报表
diminishing purchasing power购买力递减
diminishing purchasing power购买力萎缩
discretionary purchasing power自由支配的购买力
excess purchasing power剩余购买力
excessive purchasing power过剩购买力
external purchasing power of money货币对外购买力
floating purchasing power不固定购买力
General Purchasing Power综合购买力
general purchasing power总体购买力
increase of purchasing power购买力提高
index of purchasing power购买力指数
index of purchasing power of export出口购买力指数
indirect purchasing power间接购买力
indirect purchasing-power parity间接购买力平价
institutional purchasing power集团购买力
maintenance of purchasing power capital theory保持购买力资本学说
mass purchasing power大众购买力
mass purchasing power群众购买
matrix of purchasing power parity购买力平价矩阵
meet the purchasing power适应购买力
monetary purchasing power货币购买力
monetary purchasing power index货币购买力指数
purchasing power accounting购买力会计
purchasing power guarantees购买力保证
purchasing power of US dollar美元购买力
purchasing power parity加塞尔学说的购买力平价
purchasing power parity theory购买力平价理论
purchasing-power parities购买力平价
quantity theory of the purchasing power of money货币购买力数量学说
society's purchasing power社会购买力
stimulation of purchasing power购买力刺激
stockholder's purchasing power standard股东购买力标准