
Terms for subject China containing prosecution | all forms | exact matches only
apply for withdrawal of the prosecution申请撤诉
be subjected to investigation, prosecution and trial受侦查、起诉、审判
case initiation of a public prosecution提起公诉的案件
case of private prosecution自诉案件
case of public prosecution公诉案件
case transferred for examination before prosecution移送审查起诉的案件
case transferred for prosecution移送起诉的案件
condition for initiation of a prosecution起诉条件
copy of the statement of prosecution起诉状副本
crime accused in the bill of prosecution起诉书指控的犯罪
criminal prosecution刑事检察
decision to initiate a prosecution起诉决定
initiate public prosecution提起公诉
legal non-prosecution法定不起诉
limitation period for criminal prosecution追诉时效期限
make a decision not to initiate a prosecution作岀不起诉决定
period for prosecution追诉期限内
prosecution of the case案件的起诉
public prosecution case公诉案件
read out the bill of prosecution宣读起诉书
recommendation for exemption from prosecution免予起诉意见书
statement of prosecution起诉状
support the public prosecution支持公诉
the case of public prosecution公诉案件
time limit for examination and prosecution审查起诉期限
time limit for prosecution起诉期限
transferred with a recommendation to initiate a prosecution移送起诉
withdraw one's prosecution撤回自诉
withdrawal of prosecution撤诉
written recommendation for prosecution起诉意见书