
Terms for subject Project management containing price | all forms | exact matches only
A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源
actual price现货价
actual purchase order price实际购货订单价格
adjustable unit price可调单价
adjusted price调整后的价格
aggregate at constant price按固定价格计算的总体数字
aggregate exercise price总行使价格
All prices are deemed to be ex-works, excluding packaging and insurance, and excluding the applicable statutory turnover tax所有价格指出厂价、不包括包装和保险、同时也不包括法定营业税
all-in price总价格
allocate price调拨价格
announced bid price唱标价
annual review of consumer prices每年消费物价回顾
asked asking price要价
asked price喊价
asked asking price索价
asked price沽盘
asset price bubbles资产价格泡沫
assets price资产价格
at constant market price按固定市价计算
at constant price按固定价格计算
at current market price按现时市价计算
at current market price按当时市价计算
at current price按现时价格计算
attractive price具有吸引力的价格
average price call平均价格买人期权
average price put平均价格出售期权
awarded contract price中标合同价
base price index基本价格指数
base-year average price基年平均价格
bid price投标总报价
bid price收购价
bid schedule of prices投标价目表
bid unit price投标单价
bidding price投标报价
bottom price最底价
breakdown of lump sum bid price投标包干价格分解
breakdown of price单价分析
breakdown price分项价格
bring down prices降价
call price提前赎回价
cancellation price取消费
claim for adjustment of price要求调整合同价
clean price纯价格
collapse in prices价格下挫
collapse in prices价格暴跌
collapse in prices价格下泻
commodity price物价
Company only receives the medicine cost price for the supplying basic medical services公司提供基本医疗服务、 公司仅收取药品成本价
competitive price标价
components of price价格组成
components of price价格组成的各部分
consolidated price综合价格
constant market price固定市价
constant price series固定物价计算数列
consume price index消费品物价指数
consumer price消费物价
consumer price index消费品价格指数 (CPI)
consumer price inflation消费物价上涨
Consumer price inflation is also rising, thanks to higher food prices, and so a stronger currency of RMB might be a good way to stop overheating消费价格通胀也因食品价格高企而在加速、所以、让人民币升值可能是阻止过热的一个好方法
contract based on unit price单价合同
contract of readjustable price可调价合同
contract price receivable应收合同款
contract price received in advance预收合同款
contract stipulated price合同约定价格
conventional price协议价格
corrected bid price校正后的投标价
current market price当时市价
current price现时价格
current price index现行价格指数
current price series当时物价计算数列
customers' price sensitivity顾客的价格敏感度
definite price固定价格
delivered price交货价格指包括包装和运输费用在内的货价
delivered price交货价
discount for price价格贴现
discounted bid price打折后的投标价
disposal price出售价格
disposal price卖价
domestic property price index住宅物业价格指数
effective contract price有效合同价
elasticity of price物价弹性
entry price人账价格
escalating price上涨的价格
escalating prices上涨的价格
escalation price调价价格
everyday low-price天天低价
ex-factory price工厂交货价
export price出口价
external price competitiveness对外贸易价格竞争能力
factor price要素价格
favorable able price优惠价
favourable price优惠价
final settlement price最终结算价格
firm fixed price contract固定价格合同 (FFP)
fixed price basis of payment按固定价格付款
fixed price contract总价不变合同
fixed price contract固 定价合同
fixed price contract with adjustments可调价的固定价格合同
fixed price contract with incentives带奖励的固定价格合同
fixed-price lump-sum contract固定总价合约
fixed-price offer固定价格要约
fixed-price-plus-incentive-fee contract固定价格加激励酬金合同
fixed unit price contracts固定单价合同
fluctuating price contract浮动价格合同
fluctuation of price价格波动
force down prices压价
formula price adjustment公式调价法
forward price远期货价
free on board price离岸价格
full cost price十足成本价
full price十足价格
future price期货价
futures price期货价
Goodwill is the difference between the price paid for an asset and its fair market value商誉是所付资产价格和公平市值的差值
Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase必须给汽油价格增长分配以比汽车价格增长较大的权数
gross domestic price capital formation本地价格资本形成总额
gross domestic product at market price按市价计算的本地生产总值
growth at a reasonable price以合理价格增长GARP
guaranteed maximum price保证最大价格
handsome price好价
He still cannot afford the price of a computer or an Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start他还不能支付得起一台电脑和互联网连接的费用、但是他表示这至少也是一个开始
If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理
implicit price deflator内含平减物价指数
indices for contract price adjustment formula合同价格调整公式指数
initial price初期价格
initial subscription price初步认购价格
international price国际市场价格
issue price招股价
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us如能惠寄样本和价格表、 亦必感激不尽
keen price有竞争力的价格
labeled price标明的价格
landed price卸货价格
landed price抵岸价
last invoice price method最后进价法
last trading price最后成交价
leveled price拉平的价格
list of price牌价
list of price价目表价格
list price订价
listing price牌价
loco price产地交货价格
lump sum price一次总价
lump sum price统包价格
lump sum price总包价格
lump-sum price with bill of quantities附工程量表的总价
lump-sum price with schedule of rates附费率表的总价
market price市场工资
market price development市场价格变动
market-determined price由市场决定的价格
mark-up price产品/溢价价格
maximum guaranteed price最高保证价格
net bid price净投标价
net price净价格
no price fluctuation provisions无调价规定
nominal price按盘价
non-price criteria非价格准则
notional price理论价格
notional price假设价格
offered price出售价格
open price开仓价格
option purchase price期权购买价
original issue price原本发行价
overall Consumer Price Index总体消费物价指数
pre -determined price事先厘定的价格
predatory price cutting竞争性销价
previous closing price先前收市价
price adjustment contract价格调整合同
price adjustment factor价格调整系数
price bargaining讨价还价
price bargaining价格谈判
price category价格分类
price cheating食价
price deflator平减物价指数
price delivered alongside船边交货价
price delivered term价格交货条件
price dissemination价格发布
price dissemination报价
price-earnings ratio市价盈利率
price earnings ratio价格收益比
price escalation价格上涨
price estimated估计价格
price fixing价格设定
price fluctuation factor物价变化系数
price fluctuation factor价格波动因子
price inelasticity价格缺乏弹性
price inflation物价上涨
price inflation价格上涨
price information价格资料
price leaders价格领导者
price-level-adjusted statement按物价水平调整的报表
price lining价格排列定价法
price loco当地价
price maker价格的决定者
price manipulation造价
price mark down降价
price mark up提价
price mark up加价
price of delivery to destination目的地交货价
price of ex factory工厂交货价
price of transacting交易价格
price-off promotion降价促销
price promotion价格促销
price quotation报价
price reduction价格下降
price relative相对价格
price-sensitive information影响股价的资料
price-sensitive information股价敏感资料
price sensitivity价格敏感度
price-setting process定价过程
price survey价格统计调查
price taker价格的接受者
price tendered报价
price tendered投标价
price-to-book ratio股价与账面价值比率
price variance价格偏差
price variation价格变动
price-weighted index物价加权指数
Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor—1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar以英特尔处理器的性能为例、看一下晶体管的平均价格---- 1968 年、一美元可以买一个晶体管
producer price index生产价格指数
public offering price公开发行价
read-out bid price唱标价
ready market price现有市场价格
rebound in prices价格回升
reduced price降低的价格
reference price参考价
revision of price调价
rising price价格上涨
sales price index销售价格指数
scale down prices降价
send down prices压价
settlement price平仓价格
share the price differences分担差价
sharp price increase明显涨价
sharp price reduction明显降价
sliding price浮动价格
sliding price contract滑动价合同
soaring prices飞涨的物价
Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off很抱歉、这是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹
spot price现货即期价格
stipulated price contract约定价格合同
street price街头价格
strike price敲价
strike price行使价
substantial appreciation of prices价格飙升
substantial appreciation of prices价格大幅上扬
Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符
supporting price平价
target return price目标回报价格
That performance is not just the result of excess-capacity industries, such as steel, dumping output abroad at cutthroat prices这种表现不只是因为钢铁等行业产能过剩、以极低的价格将产品倾销到国外
The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer投标价格是指应按一定比例以不同货币向投标者支付的款额
the total and adjustable price contract调值总价合同
total price of the package成套设备总价
tourist price index游客价格指数
transaction price成交价
undue movement in share prices股价不正常的波动
unit price EXW出厂单价
unitary price elasticity单位需求价格弹性
Unless you have set a reserve price, the starting price is the lowest acceptable selling price for your item如果你没有设保留价格、起价有可能就是该项拍卖的成交价格
weighted price加权报价
With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的支付手法和一流的服务、我们期待着美好的未来
You do not need to set a limit price and your order will be executed at prevailing market price at time of execution您不需要指定限价、 您的指令会以处理指示时的市场现价执行