
Terms for subject Business containing price | all forms | exact matches only
absolute price绝对价格指以货币完成交易的价格
absolute price competition单纯价格竞争
acceptance of an order at a price below the cost接受低于成本的订货
accounting for changing prices物价变动会计
accounting price计算价格
accurate price精确的价格
additional price加价
additional price补充价格
additional price for above-quota purchase超购加价
adjust payment in accordance with the price index of certain commodities折实
adjust price调价
adjusted exercise price已调整交割价
adjusted selling prices用降低经营费及利润调整销售价
adjustment for price fluctuations价格波动调整
administered price供方管理价格在卖方市场也可称为垄断价格
administered-price theory受控价格论
administrated price管制价格
administrated price垄断价格
administrated price操纵价格
administrated-price theory受控价格论
after hour price交易所关门后街头成交价
after hours price闭市后价格
aggregate demand price聚合总需求价格
aggregate price总价格
aggregate-price effect总价格作用
aggregate-price effect总价格效用作用
aggregate prices of commodities商品价格总额
aggregate supply price供应价格总额
aggregate supply price聚合总供应价格
agreement fixing price议定价格
agreement price议定价格
agricultural parity prices农产品比价
agricultural parity prices农产品平价
agricultural price support program农业价格支持计划
allowance for price increase涨价备抵
American purchase price美国购买价
American selling price美国销售价即美国对进口商品征收关税时采用的估价标准,指不论进口商品的成交价如何,均一律按美国国内批发价计征关税,以保护其国内产品竞争优势
amount of profit in the composition of price价格构成中的利润量
annual average price index年平均价格指数
annual price review年度价格审查
antedated price预期价格
anticipated prices预计价格即生产经营者预先估计的价格
arithmetic mean price算术平均价格
attractive price有吸引力的价格
attractive price很便宜的价格
automatic margin of price preference自动调整价格优惠幅度
available price ratio可用价比
average price中价
average price index平均价格指数
average price of labour劳动力平均价格
average price of product产品平均价格
average price weight平均价格权数
bargain price处理价
bargain price议价
barometric price晴雨表式价格
basic of price价格依据
basic price基础价格
basic price equation基本价格方程
bilateral price互惠价格
bilateral price双边价格
booming price暴涨的物价
breaking-up price废料价格
breaking-up price残余价格
breakup price拆售价格
breakup price清理价格
buy back price返销价
calculated effects brought about by price hikes测算提高价格的影响
calculated on the prices of the indicated years按当年价格计算
calculation of theoretical price理论价格测算
calculation price估算价格
calculation system by recording sales prices in retail shop零售商品售价金额核算制
calculation system of live-fresh commodity by recording purchasing price鲜活商品进价金额核算制
cavil at the price在价格上挑剔
ceiling composite price综合价格上限
ceiling composite price综合价上限
centred average prices中心平均价格
certain price一定价格
certain price确定价格
charm price有吸引力的价格如 1.98 元、0.99 元等定价法
checking the enterprise's impulse to boost prices抑制企业涨价冲动
clearing price结算清算价格
codeterminants of price价格决定的共同因素
Colombo price leadership串通价格领导
combination price合并发价
comparison of price比价
constant price不变价格统计所用基期价格
constant price estimate固定价格估计值
constant price method固定价格法
constant price system固定价格制
constant supply price固定供应价格
constructed price推定价格指为海关征税而推定的价格,非商品发票价格
contribute to depressing price促使价格下跌
conversion at market price按市价折算
conversion at the current price按现价兑换
conversion at the current price按时价兑换换算
conversion at the market price按市价换算
conversion at the market price按市价兑换换算
conversion price汇价
conversion price兑换价格
convoluted price扭曲价格
coordinating price协调价格
corrected price index修正价格指数
correspondence between price and value价格符合价值
costing inventory by latest purchase price最后进价成本计算法
course of prices物价动态
credit price赊账加格
crude oil price原油价格
current market price市价
current price on market市场现价
current price on market市价
current price table时价表
current ruling price现价
cut down price降低价格
cut down price减价
cut-price dealer削价出售的商人
cut-price merchandise价商品
cut-price shop廉价商店
cut the prices减价
cut the prices降低物价
cut-off price merchandise减价商品
cyclical price flexibility周期性物价伸缩性
cyclical price movement周期性物价变动
declared price申报价格
decline in price价格下跌
decline in prices跌价
decrease prices降低物价
determining ratio cost to selling price计算成本对售价的比率
determining ratio of cost to selling price确定成本对销售价的比率
deviation of price from the magnitude of value价格偏离价值量
difference in price差价
differential price差别物价
differential price system差别物价制度
direct material price variance直接材料价格差异
direct measure on price and income直接影响物价与收入的措施
direct price直接价格指一批货物按品质规格分别计价,而不采取平均计价
direct sale price直接销售价格
discriminative monopoly price差别垄断价格
discriminative price差别价格
discriminatory price差别价格
disparity in price价格失调
disparity of price价格失调
disposal of goods at reduced price降价处理
divergences of trend between the domestic and overseas prices国内物价与国外物价之间的背离趋势
divergencies of price from value价格与价值背离
drive up price哄抬物价
drop in price价格下跌
dual gold price两种金价
dual interdivisional transfer price双重内部转让价格
dual market price双重市场价格
dual price policy双重价格政策
dual price system双重价格制度
dutiable price应纳税价格
ease of price物价下跌
effect of factor price changes生产因素价格变化影响
effect of reduction of prices降低价格影响
effect on the price对物价的影响
efficiency price有效价格
elasticity in price discrimination价格差别化弹性
elasticity of price价格弹性
elements of the price价格构成要素
entry preventing price阻止入境价格
equilibrium consumption relative to a price system相对于一个价格体系的消费平衡
equilibrium market price平衡市价
equilibrium market price均衡市场价格
equilibrium price衡价格
equitable price公平价格
escalation price合同中载明的产品价格随物价逐步上升的价格
ex factory price出厂价格
ex factory price厂价
excess demand price超额需求价格
excess of par value over issuing price of stock股本价值超过发行价格股本折价
exhaust price押金不足时价格
exhaust price股票交易押金不足时股票下跌价格
exorbitant price漫天要价
export parity price出口平价
export price control出口价格控制
ex-rights price of stock除权后股票市价
factory gate price出厂价
factory set price厂定价格
fancy price昂贵价格
farm parity price ratio农产品交换比价指数
farm parity price ratio农产品平价比率
farm parity price ratio农产品比价率
farm price产地价格
farm price农产价格
farm price method农产品计价法
farm price support农产品价格支持
farm price supports美国农业部农产品收购价
field price产地价格
field price〈美〉油田原油价
field sales price现场销售价格
final consumer price最终消费价格
final consumer price用户消费的最终消费品价格
fixing prices according to the quality of products按质论价
flat price list统一价格表
flexibility of price价格弹性
flexibility of price价格浮动
flexibility price弹性价格
floor price最低价格
force down the price of...压低…的价格
force down the prices压低价格
force up commodity price抬高商品价格
force up prices抬高物价
forcing up price哄抬价格
forward price预约价
forward prices期货价格即期货成交价格
freezed price已冻结物价
functional approach to price indices物价指数函数研究法
future price未来价格
general average price平均价格
general average price总平均价格
general index of retail price一般零售物价指数
General Index of Retail Prices零售物价总指数
general level of price一般物价水平
general level of prices一般价格水平
general price index number总物价指数
general price level一般物价水平
general price level一般价格水平
general price level总物价水平
general price level change一般物价水平变动
general price level changes总物价水平变动
general wholesale price总批发价格
general wholesale price index总批发物价指数
genuine goods at a fair price货真价实
giveaway price大廉价
goods on special price特价商品
government price support政府价格支持
government-administered price政府管制价格
grade commodities and fix price accordingly按级论价
gross national product at constant price按固定价格计算的国民生产总值
gross national product at market price按市场价格计算的国民生产总值
gross national product implicit price deflator国民生产总值消除物价波动指数
gross price总价格
gross price method总价法购销记账法之一
ground floor price有利价格
ground floor price最低价格
ground price工厂原价
guideline price指导价格
highest possible price可能获得的最高价
highest possible price容许的最高价格
highest possible price最高可能价
hire-purchase price租购价格
hire-purchase price分期付款购货价格
hold price保持价格
hold price保持价格不变
horizontal price fixing横向定价
If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price如果您订购的数量很大,我们可以重新考虑给您的价格
illustrated price list有说明的价格单
IMF research department index of market prices国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数
indication of price标明价格
indicative price arrangement指示性定价安排
indicator price指示价格
indicator price or prices一种或多种指示价格
individual price index个别价格指数
individual price of commodity单个商品价格
individual price of product单个产品价格
individual price of production个别生产价格
input price投入价格
input-output price index投入产出物价指数
input-output price index by manufacturing industry sector制造业部门投入产出价格指数
input-output price indexes of industrial sector产业部门投入产出物价指数
input-output price indexes of manufacturing industry by sector制造业分部门投入产岀物价指数
interesting price令人感兴趣的价格
intermediate price中等价
international negotiation of contract price国际合同价格谈判
intra-company transfer price公司内部转让价格
intra-company transfer price公司内部转账价格
intra-company transfer price公司内部调拨价格
intra-transfer price内部转让价格
inverse price ratio逆价格比率
investment trust price投资信托价格
issue price证券发行价格
issue price新股票发行价格
itemized price分项价格
itemized price详细价格
jack up price提高价格
job price作业价格
job price contract作业价格契约
junk price极便宜价格
justified selling price监定售价
lagged average price落后平均价格
land price抵岸价格
land price地价
land price tax地价税
land purchasing price土地购买价
landed price卸岸价格目的港码头交货价
leader price大户价
leader price领导价格
leader's price领导者价格
leading price大户价
leading price领导价格
let-down price降低价格
lift price抬高价格
lift price controls over放开价格
lifted price抬高价格
likelihood of the prices going up价格有上升可能
limit price限价
limit price order限价指令
list of price价目表
list of price价格表
list of prices牌价
list price价目表上所列价格
list price for exchanging gold兑换黄金收购牌价
listed retail price index零售牌价指数
local price地方价格
losing price亏损价格
lump-sum price一次付清价
make a good price卖得好价钱
make a good price卖好价钱
make a price作价
make up price补偿价格
management of prices of exports出口产品价格管理
manipulate share price操纵股票价格
manipulation of price价格控制
manipulation of prices操纵物价
manpower price劳动力价格
manufacturer's recommended price厂商推荐价格
mark up price成本加利价
marketing price市价
marketing price销价
maximum guarantee price最高保证价格
maximum guarantee price合同规定卖方最高保证价格
maximum material price最高材料价格
maximum retail price最高零售价格
maximum retail price最高零售价
measure on limiting the range of rise in prices限制物价上涨幅度措施
merchandise inventory kept in quantity and purchasing price数量进价金额核算
merchandise inventory kept in quantity and selling price数量售价金额核算
merchandise kept at purchasing price, and revenue checked by selling price进价核算、售价控制
metamorphosis of price价格转形
method of average price at the close of the preceding month按上月月末库存计算平均价格法
method of price of last purchase最近进价法
method of price of the last purchase最后购买价格法
model of endogenous price内生价格模式
model of price discrimination价格区别对待模式
monetary system with the price index as the standard物价指数本位币制
name a price定价
national income at factor prices用因素价格表示的国民收入
national income at market prices用市场价格表示的国民收入
negotiate price协商价格
negotiated price quota议价限额
net back price厂价
net back price倒求净价
net back price出厂净价
net cash price现金净价指付现不打折
net invoice price发票净价即已扣去折扣等的商品净价
net price实价无折和价格
net price method of discount recognition折扣净价确定法
net selling price method净销价
nominal contract price名义合同约定价格
nominal price有价无市
nominal price虚价指有行无市的价格
offer at a low price以低价销售
offer price开价
offer price发价
offer price报价
offered price出售价
offered price出价
offered price报盘
official listed price正式牌价
official price正式牌价
official selling price法定出售价格
official selling price法定销售价
oligopsony price买方垄断价格
oligopsony price买主寡头垄断价格
oligopsony price少数买主垄断购买价格
only one price定价划一
open price agreement公开价格协议
orientation price定向性价格
own-price elasticity自有价格弹性
package price组合价格指数种商品组合一起所定的价格
plunge of price价格跌落
popular price普及价格
popular price大众化价格
posted field price已公布现场价格
preembargo price禁运前价格
premium on the price交易所升水溢价
previous price前价
probable price大概估计价格
prohibitive price抑制性价格
prohibitive price过高价格价格高得无法购买
psychological expectations of rising prices对物价的看涨心理
public price官定价格
published price书报发行价
punitive price increase惩罚性加价
quotation of price行情
quotation of price商品牌价
raise the current price提高现价
range of price change变价幅度
rate of consumer price inflation按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率
ready-money and one price付现不折价指交易须支付现金,价格不打折扣,即实价付现
reasonableness of price价格合理性
receding prices下降的物价
recommended retail price拟议零售价格
recovery in prices价格回升
redemption at market price市价偿还
redemption price赎回价格即债券等到期兑回的价格
regulation of stock prices股价调整
resale price转售价格指著名产品制造商对其产品制定批发及零售的转售价格
resale price maintenance转售价补助金
resale price maintenance转售价格控制指厂商,批发商与零售商共同签订约束性协议,以避免彼此间在价格上的无序竞争,以控制市场秩序
reservation price保留价格即卖方确定的最低限度价格
reserve for inventory price decline存货价格下降准备
resource price资源价格
revised price level修订后价格水平
revised price level订正后的价格水平
rigid price不随市场供求关系变动的硬性价格
rollback of prices物价回跌
rollback of prices物价压回原来水平
salable price易卖价格
salable price易销的价格
scale-down of prices按比例降价
screw-down the price杀价
screw-down the price压低价格
seasonal price differences季节差价
sectoral price部门价格
sectoral price level部门价格水平
securities prices证券价格
sell at marked price标价销售
sell at marked prices明码出售
sell old stock at reduced prices廉价处理积压商品
sensible reduction in price大幅减价
set a price定价格
set price固定预定价格
shipment price启运价格即按装运时行情定价
single floor and ceiling prices单一最低和最高价格
single price统一价格即石油输出国组织对同种原油制定的统一价格
site price现场价格
spillover effect onto prices of goods产品价格产生连锁提价的影响
spillover effect onto prices of goods产品价格产生连锁提价影响
split price非单一价格指交易所收盘时不是出现一个单一价格,而有两个或几个不同价格
split price不同市场差别价格
squeeze the price of commodity压低商品价格
squeeze the price of commodity降低物价
steady price物价稳定
steady price稳定的价格
steep price高昂的物价
subscription price认定价
subscription price预订价
subscription price认购价格指股票认购权指定购入价格
suggested price厂商建议价格
supply and demand price供求价格
supply honest goods at honest prices货真价实
supply price schedule供应价格表
syndicate price辛迪加价格
take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices利用当前市场情况以低价买进
take off the price减价
take off the price减…价格
target price指标价格即欧共体各国农产品的价格
target purchased price标定买进价
target purchased price目标购买价
tax price开价
tax reference price税收参考价格如原油牌价作为征税依据
technical analysis of stock price股价技术分析
technique of price-setting定价技术
temporary equilibrium price暂时平衡价格
temporary price pending adjustment待调整的临时价格
The price has been cut to the limit这已经是最低价格了
The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整
The price of the steel security door is 3,000 dollars per piece钢质防盗门每扇3 000美元
The size of our order depends greatly on the prices我方订单数量主要取决于你方所出价格
tour price旅游价格
tourist price旅游价格
tourist price index旅游价格指数
traders' price同业价
traditional price传统价格
transfer price内部调拨价格指企业各部门间,特别是跨国公司母公司与子公司之间调拨商品的价格
trigger off a sharp advance in price引起物价急剧上涨
trigger the price基准价格美国为监视钢铁进口防止他国倾销, 1977 年 12 月订立"基准价格",如钢铁进口价低于基准价,就要"拉闸",进行反倾销调查
trigger the price闸柄价格指西欧共同市场对进口钢价的控制价格,如进口钢价过低将拉动闸柄,予以限制
trigger the price起动价格
two-price base两种基价
two-price base两种价格基数
two-price basis双价制
two-price system两价法
two-price system双轨价格制
two-tier gold price双重金价指官价与自由市场价同时并存
unacceptable price无法接受价格
uncontrolled fluctuations in prices价格自由涨落
unlawful price非法价格非法定的价格
unlawful price discriminations非法差价
unreasonable in price价格不合理
up or down an iteration of price clause加价或减价条款
upward price tendency价格上涨趋势
value less than market price basis低于市场价格的基础价值
variable overhead price variance可变间接费用价格差异
volatile price动荡价格
warehouse price仓库价
warehouse price仓库价格指卖方出售库存货物的价格,常指批发商售价
We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price我们还有——款类似的产品,价格便宜很多
We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers我们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作
weighted average official selling price加权平均法定出售价格
weighted stock price average加权平均股价
wide price价格差幅过大
wide price交易所报价与还价间差距大的价格
yield on the current price周息率
zone price区域统一价格
zooming prices飞升的价格
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