
Terms for subject Textile industry containing price | all forms | exact matches only
abate a price降价
acceptance of an order at belowcost price接受低于成本价格的订货
adjust prices upward上调价格水平
adjust prices upward调高物价水平
adjust the price ratio调整比价
adjusted price已调价格
adjusted price调后价
adjusted price调整价
adjustment for price fluctuations价格变动调整
adjustment of price价格调整
administered price操纵价格
administered price受控价格
agricultural price农产品价格
arm's length price正常价格
asking price卖方开价
asking price付价
attractive in quality and price物美价廉
average unit price平均单位价格
awareness of price价格意识
base price基准价格
base price基础价格
booming prices暴涨物价
bottom price底盘价
break-even price保本价格
break-even price不亏不盈价格
budgetary price预算价格
buyer's price买方价格
buyer's price买方出价
calculated on the basis of original price按原价计算
cash selling price现金销售价格
cash selling price现售价格
ceiling price顶盘
central price中心价格
certain price特定价格
CIF price到岸价格
class prices等级价目
class-of-line of price价格类别
clean price净毛价
closing price收盘价
COD price货到付款价
consumption price消费价格
covering price所涉价格
covering price全部价格
current price买盘
current price on market市场价
current price on market行市价
current price on market行市
current year’s price当年价格
current-period price本期价格
cut-down the price降价
cut-down the price减价
delivery price到货价格
delivery price交货价格
detailed price list明细价目表
disposal price处理价格
distressed price亏本急售价
drop in price物价下跌
drop in price跌价
dual price双重价格
economy price经济实惠的价格
efficient price有效价格
en-factory price出厂价格
enhancement of price抬高物价
equilibrium price平衡价格
ex factory price工厂交货价格
excess price增加价格
excess price涨价
excess price剩余货价
excess price过高价格
excess price超额货价
exorbitant price非法价格
exorbitant price价格过高
expected price期望价格
expected price预期价格
export price外销价
export price输出价
export price出口价格
export price control出口价格管制
extortionate price敲诈性的价格
extortionate price昂贵价格
factory price出厂价
farm products price农产品价格
favorable price优惠价格
favorable price有利价格
fixing selling price固定销售价格
fixing the price法定价格
fixing the price约定价格
flat price平价统售价格
floor price低价
fluctuation in prices价格变动
FOB price离岸价格
FOB price船上交货价
free on board price value船上交货价,离岸价格
frenzied price inflation价格暴涨
future goods price期货价格
general average price一般平均价
general price总物价
general price一般价格
general price综合价格
general price level物价总水平
general price level综合物价水平
general price level accounting按一般价格水平记账
general price level adjustments按综合物价水平调整
godown in price价格下跌
godown in price跌价
gold price黄金价格
goods attractive in price and quality价廉物美的商品
grease price原毛价格
greasy price含脂原毛价
guide price指导价格
haggle about the price还价
haggle over the price还价
high price高昂价格
hire-purchase price分期付款价
indicative price标明价格
indicative price象征性价格
indicative price预示性价格
indicative price指示性价格
inertia of price价格惰性
inflation of price物价上涨
inflation of price价格上升
inflationary high price膨胀性高价
inland delivery price内陆交货价格
international negotiation of contract price国际合同价格谈判,国际合约价格磋商
interregional price differential地区差价
issuing price发行价格
itemized price分类价
justified price公平价格
justified price合理价格
keen price减价
keen price低廉价格
keep down prices平抑价格
labeled price标价
last invoice price最后进货发票价格
last invoice price最近进价
lift price提高价格
limited price限制价格
limited price限价
limited price store限价商店
list of prices牌价单
list price批发价
list price牌价
list price目录价格定价
list price价目表价格
loan price贷款利息
loan price贷款价格
local price国内价格
loose up prices放开价格
losing price赔本价
lowest price limit最低售价
lowest price limit有限价
lump sum price混合价格
lump sum price一次付清价
lump sum price总付价格
maintain prices at a stable level稳定物价
make a price计价
make a price定价
make a price出价
management of prices价格管理
management of prices物价管理
margin price边际价格
marked price标价
marked price标明价格
market penetration price促销价
market penetration price创始价格
market price时价
market price of goods商品市场价格
market price of goods商品市价
market price of service劳务市场价格
market price of service劳务市价
Market Prices and Incomes Policy物价和收入政策,市场与收入政策
marketable price适销价格
marketing price行销价格
marketing price市场销价
marketing price营销价格
marketing price policy营销价格政策
marketing price policy销售价格政策
market-set prices市场定价
maximum average price最大平均价格
maximum market price最高市价
maximum price最高限价
maximum price fluctuation最大价格波动
measure price标准价格
merchandise price物价
merchandise price商品价格
middle price中等价格
minimum associated price最低联合价格
minimum price底价
minimum safeguard price最低保护价格
modify prices调整价格
monopoly price专卖价
movement in price价格变动
movement of price价格动向
multiple price多重价格
multiple price复式价格
multiple price多种价格
negotiate price议价
negotiated price quota谈判价格限额
negotiated price quota议价配额
negotiation of price议价
negotiation of price价格谈判
negotiation price谈判价格
negotiation price磋商价格
net back price出厂价
net back price净价
net price procedure净价法
net selling price净售价格
net selling price净销价
norm price额定价格
norm price标准价格
norm price指标价格
offer a price卖方发盘
offer a price发价
offer a price报价
offer a price报盘
offer a price出价
offer price出售价
offer price售价
offer price发盘价
official parity price官方平价
official parity price法定平价
official selling price官方售价
open price明码实价
open price公开价格
optimum price最佳价格
optimum price最适度的价格
optimum price理想价格
orientation price方向性价格
orientation price定向价格
original price起点价格
original price初始价格
outside price场外价格
over price定价过高
parity price平价
piecework price计件价格
piecework price单价
planned unit price计划单价
posted price股票的牌价
premium on price交易所升水
premium on price溢价
premium price涨价
prescribed price定价
prescribed price规定价
prevailing market price时价
prevailing market price现行价格
prevailing price牌价
prevailing price时价
price adjustment调价
price adjustment价格调整
price after tax税后价格
price aggregate价格总数
price aggregate价格基数
price appeal索价
price appeal要价
price bargain议价
price before tax税前价格
price break突然跌价
price break减价
price break价格间断
price bulletin商品价目表
price bulletin价格公报
price by quality按质论价
price calculation计价
price card价格卡
price card价目表
price card标价卡
price clause价格条款
price competitiveness价格竞争性
price concession特许价格
price concession减价
price convention价格协定
price coordination价格协调
price current时价
price cutting competition削价竞争
price density profile适用性密度分布
price density profile产品价值密度分布
price determination价格决定
price difference价格不同
price differential of commodities商品价差
price differential tax差价税
price dispersion价格离散现象
price dumping价格倾销
price-earning ratio价格利润比率
price-earning ratio股价利润率
price-earning ratio价格一利润比
price earnings价格收益
price earnings股价利润
price effect价格作用
price effect价格效应
price effect价格影响
price equilibrium价格均衡
price ex-factory工厂交货价
price ex-farm农场交货价
price ex-mine矿山交货价
price ex-warehouse仓库交货价
price fixing价格垄断
price fixing价格确定
price fixing价格管制
price free alongside ship船边交货价
price guideline价格指标
price guideline价格限度
price hike价格上涨
price hike抬高价格
price hike价格增加
price information物价信息
price information价格行情
price leader领头定价者
price leader领头定价
price leader先导价格
price leading定价领先
price limit价格限幅
price limit限价
price line价格表
price line价格线
price line同价货物
price line同价
price list价格单
price mark价目记号
price markdown价格折扣
price markdown削价
price model物价模型
price movement价格趋势
price movement价格变动
price movement trend价格动向
price negotiable可协商价格
price negotiable议价
price on a uniform basis统一定价
price on quality按质论价
price ordinance价格法令
price-output policy最宜价格产量政策
price performance性能价格比
price premium溢价
price quotations报盘
price quotations报价
price rates system价格比率制
price relation比价
price relations价格关系
price revision clause价格修正条款
price ring操纵价格集团
price ring价格联盟
price rise物价上升
price signal价格信号
price spread厂价与零售价之间的价差
price spread价差
price stabilization稳定物价
price standard价格标准
price sticker价格贴纸
price swing物价波动
price system价格体制
price tag价格吊牌
price tag标价条
price tend价格趋势
price tend downward物价趋跌
price tendency价格趋势
price terms价格条款
price terms价格条件
price trend upward价格趋涨
price upswing物价上升
prices current价格表
prices current行情表
probable price估计价格
probable price大概价格
project price工程价款
prorate price比例价格
psychological price心理价格
public price官价
public price公价
quotation of price报价单
quotation of price牌价
quotation of price报价
raise a price提价
raise a price加价
raise current price提高现价
raise price抬高价格
raise price提价
raise the current prices提高现行价格
rally in price行市回升
rally in price物价回升
range of price change调价幅度
range of price change价格变动幅度
range of prices价格变动
range of prices价格范围
rationing price限价
rationing price限额价格
reasonable in price价格公道
reasonable in price价格合理
rebate of price价格回扣
receding price逐渐下跌的价格
referential price参照价格
refund the price退还价款
regular price固定价格
rental market price租金市场
rental market price租赁市场价格
repurchase price回购价格
repurchase price重购买价格
request for price quotation请求报价
resale price转售价格
resale price method转售价格法
reserve against decline in price跌价准备金
reserve price system羊毛保留价格制度
retail price零售价《销售》
reversed price scissors反剪刀差
revised price修订后价格
right price适当价格
rise in price价格上涨
salable price易卖的价格
scale down price按比例降价
scarcity price缺货市价
schedule of prices价目表
schedule of prices价格表
scheduled prices预定价格
seasonal price difference季节差价
securities price证券价格
sell at a low price廉价岀售
sell under price降价卖出
sell under price低价出售
seller's price卖方价格
selling price时价
selling price equal to book value售价等于账面价值
selling price less than book value售价低于账面价值
selling price more than book value售价高于账面价值
selling price per unit单位售价
selling price sliding scale售价梯级变动
selling price sliding scale售价滑动等级
semi-better price较好价格《销售》
series of prices价格系列
set price固有价格
sink in price价格下降
sky rocketing price飞涨价格
slide price弹性价格
slump in price价格暴跌
social price社会价格
specified price约定价格
specified price固定价
specified price制定价格
spilling of price价格暴跌
squeeze down price降价
stabilization of price稳定物价
standard legal price标准法定价格
standard price method标准价格法
stated price固定价格
stated price规定价格
stated price标明定价
steady price稳定价格
subscription price认购定价
subscription price订购价
supplier's price供应价格
supply price list供应价格表
supply-demand price供求价格
system of guideline prices指导价格系统
target year prices目标年价格
tariff price完税价格
tax included in the calculated price价内税
technique of price setting定价技术
temporary price临时价格
trade price同行价
trade price批发价《销售》
trade price同行批发价
trader's price同行价
trading price成交价格
trading price交易价格
transfer price转让价
transitional parity price转换对等价格
travel price旅游价格
travel price旅行价格
travel price index旅游价格指数
trigger price mechanism启动价格
true price实价
two-price basis两种基价
two-price house二价店
two-price house两价商店
two-price system二价法
two-price system两价制
two-tier price system双重价格制
two-tier price system两价制
two-way price quotation包括买价和卖价的双向报价单
unacceptable price无法接受的价格
uncertain price不确定价格
uncertain price未确定价格
uncontrolled prices非控制价格
unit price单价销售
unlawful price discrimination非法价格歧视
unlawful price discrimination非法差价
unlimited price不限价
unreasonable price不合理价格
upset price储存价格
upset price拍卖底价
upset price开拍卖价
upward price trend价格趋涨
variable price policy可变价格政策
variance of price价差
volatile price变动剧烈价格
volatile price动荡物价
volume or constant-price series量或不变价格的数字系列
wide price价格浮动过大
worth the price货真价实
yield on the current price通货价格收益
zone price地区价格
zooming price猛涨的价格
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