
Terms for subject Economy containing posts | all forms | exact matches only
a post boat邮船
a salaried post有薪金的职位
abolition of post裁职论者
accessible by post communication通邮
advertisement post广告邮件
away-from-post education外派人员子女的异地教育
bank post bill银行汇票
bank post remittance银行邮款
compete for the post竞聘上岗
corner post集装箱角柱
desirable range of post适当员额幅度
directorate general of post邮政总局
ex post事后
ex post analysis过去经济动态分析
ex-post analysis事后分析
ex post assessment回溯估算
ex post data事后资料
ex post evaluation事后评价
ex post evaluation现场外评价
ex-post evaluation事后评价
ex post factor有追溯效力的
ex post factor事后的
ex post factor approval事后批准
ex post identity事后计算的投资与储蓄恒等关系
ex post profit事后的利润
ex-post realized profit实得利润
ex post savings实际储蓄
ex-ante and ex-post analysis事先和事后分析
ex-ante vs ex-post saving事前储蓄对事后储蓄
express post快递邮件
freezing of posts编制冻结
general post office邮政总局
guide posts指标
He was deposed from the post of sales manager他被免除了销售经理的职务
He was not permitted to resign from his post as finance director before the termination of investigation在调查终止之前,他不得辞去财务主任的职务
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications邮电部长
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications日本邮电省、邮电部
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications邮电部
Mrs. Mary Henry was nominated to the post of sales manager玛丽・亨利女士被任命为销售经理
No representative provided for in this article will be dismissed from his post unless cogent reasons are stated除非陈述了令人信服的理由,不得随意撤销本条例规定的代表的职务
offer by post以投寄方式报盘
parcel post包裹邮务
pay according to one's post职务工资
post adjustment价调整数
post adjustment服务地点差
post-capitalistic system后期资本主义制度
post- closing entries结账后记录
post dated bill迟填日期票据
post decision决策后的
post employment activities聘后作业
post exchange美国陆军消费合作社
post-expiration effect期满后效果
post export sale把出口销售金额过人总账
post free准免邮资
post hac fallacy由此谬论
post hac fallacy后此谬误
post hoc因此
post hoc由此
post-industrial society工业化以后的社会
post-industrial society economics后工业社会经济学
post-Keynes mainstream economics后凯恩斯主流经济学
post-Keynesian economics后凯恩斯派经济学
post-Keynesian economics后凯恩斯主义经济学
post-Keynesian mainstream economics积极经济学
post-Keynesian mainstream economics后凯恩斯主流经济学
post-Keynesian theory后凯恩斯理论
post meridiem下午 (afternoon)
post office cash-on delivery通过邮局交付现货
post-office order政汇
post office savings邮局储蓄
post operational assistance投产后的援助
post parcel邮政包裹
post parcel receipt邮政收据
post payment付款后
post project evaluation and follow-up项目后评价和后续行动
post-qualification of bidder对投标者资格的事后审查
post- taxation profit税后利润
post-war adjustment战后使经济走上和平轨道
post- war credits战后抵免
post- war credits战后信贷
posts and telecommunications enterprise邮电企业
report by post邮递报表
sample post无价的样品
She is the only woman candidate for the post of sales manager她是唯一的谋求销售部经理职务的女性候选人
She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职
the desirable range of post适当员额幅度
the encumbrance of post by staff at lower level职位由级别较低的工作人员充任
the ex post savings事后储蓄
the post date邮寄日
the purchase of goods by post邮购货物
the reclassification of post重新定职定级
To get to the shop, you turn right and cross the street at the post office你向右拐再走过邮局那条街,就到了这家店
trading post购销交易站
trading post商站
wage-price guide-post工资价格控制指标
WAPA system weighted average of post adjustment system加权平均数制
WAPA system weighted average of post adjustment system服务地点差价调整数
We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点