
Terms for subject Business containing posts | all forms | exact matches only
abolition of post撤职
absent from one's post without leave擅离职守
accounting based on person or post按个人或岗位核算
active post交易活跃专柜
active post活动站
air post航空邮件
air post parcel航空邮包
allowance for post-secondary education高等教育津贴
approved post-entry closed shop agreement准许只雇请工会会员的工厂协议
base air post depot基地航空邮件库
bench mark post基准职位
benchmark post基准职位
book post书籍邮件
border check post边卡
collection post代办收款邮局
communicating means of post and telecommunication邮电通信手段
continuing post连续任职
contract by post通讯订立合同
desert one's post擅离职守
desirable range of post合适的员额幅度
desirable range of posts适当职工员额幅度
established post定编
established post编制员额
established post requirement常设员额
establishment of post职位的设置
ex post根据过去经济发展分析
ex post analysis事后分析
ex post data事后数据
ex post demand事后需求
ex post demand根据过去分析的需求
ex post facto追认的
ex post facto追溯
ex post facto approval补批
ex post facto approval事后批准
ex post forecasting事后预测
ex post forecasting error事后预测误差
ex post identity事后鉴定
ex post investment分析过去经济发展后投资
ex post profit事后利润
ex post rate of returns事后报酬率
ex post saving事后储蓄
ex post saving分析过去情况后储蓄
ex post savings事后储蓄额
ex-ante and ex-post analysis事前和事后分析
express post快递
express post快邮
field post外地职务
free post免费邮寄
guiding post路标
harbour control post港口检查站
harbour entrance control post进港检查站
harbour entrance control post进港检査站
honorary post名誉职位
inactive post冷门股票交易台
insured post parcel保价邮包
international post国际邮政
key post主要职位
local level post当地雇员名额
long-distance forwarding by post长途邮运
lucrative post肥缺
management of post and telecommunication enterprises邮电通讯企业管理
management of posts邮政管理
Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communications邮电部
offer and acceptance by post通过邮政报盘及接受
offer and acceptance by post用函件报盘与接受
on-the-post training在岗训练
parcel post, insured保价邮包
per post parcel以小邮包
post a notice张贴布告
post a notice张贴通告
post accident effect故障原因与后果分析
post accomplishment each day每天登记〔公布〕完成进度
post accomplishment each day每天转账完成进度
post adjustment index服务地点差价调整指数
post adjustment ratio服务地点差价调整数比率
post balance sheet event资产负债表的后续事件
post checking deposits邮政支票账户储蓄
post-closing balance sheet结账后资产负债表平衡表
post-closing entry结账后分录
post-dated bill倒填日期汇票
post-dated cheque远期支票
post delivery邮递
post duty system岗位责任制
post employment questionnaire聘后调查表
post entry过账
post entry补办进口手续
post-entry closed shop进厂后闭锁工厂
post evaluation report评价后报告
post expiration effect满期后效果
post export saje将出口销售额入账
post free邮资免付
post-industrial society后工业社会
post-industrial state后工业发展阶段
post installation audit检验效果
post matter邮件
post meridiem下午
post no bills禁止张贴
post no bills不淮张贴
post obit bond死后有效的债券
post obit bond死亡兑付债券
post-office box邮箱
post office box邮政信筒
post office: cash on delivery通过邮局交货付款
post office: cash-on delivery通过邮局:交货付现
post office: collections通过邮局:托收
post office: compensation通过邮局补偿赔偿
post office: delivery通过邮局转递
post office: delivery通过邮局交货
post-office money order邮政汇票
post office preferred邮局优先邮件
post office saving邮政储蓄
post office savings邮政储蓄
post office savings deposit邮政储蓄存款
post office savings deposits邮政储蓄存款
post registered保价邮件
post regulations邮政条例
post review后评价
post-shipment financing装运后融资
post-statement event报表制后业务
post-statement events报表日后事项
post test后试验
post up过账
post up a ledger过入总账
post-war impact战后影响
registered air parcel post航空挂号邮运
registered post挂号邮件
registered post delivery保价邮递
salaried post有薪职位
sample post邮寄样品
small packets post小包邮件
staff in post在职职员
staff posts职员
stand to one's post坚守岗位
stick to a post坚守岗位
system of assigning responsibility by post岗位责任制
system of personal post responsibility个人岗位责任制
system of personal responsibility of post岗位责任制
take up a post就职
thick post重件邮递
track post铁路标志
trading post专柜
trading post商埠
trading post商栈
wage-price guide post工资价格控制指标